Big Brother 15
I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better
This site is about the Big Brother 15 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me, and it isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior. Your pal, dingo


Many thanks for your generous support for both Britney Haynes' little girl Tilly and for DogDave. Both have long roads ahead of them but both are doing well.


Heather evicted 1-0

Jon won Part 1
Neda won Part 2
Jon won Part 3 & Final HOH, and evicted Neda

Jon won 4-1 (two votes are missing)



More links and methods might be posted here as we go
-Get VPN to watch feeds
-How to set up VPN (easy!)

-Watch feeds on Slice site

Hola extension works for some to override geoblock. Some of the air show links below may stream feeds at various times.

Check back at showtime - these links are constantly changing:
-Air shows live no downloads required!
-Air shows live another, no downloads!

Archived air shows are on Slice's site, viewable with VPN - uploads by anyone else are removed quickly


Air shows are on Slice Sundays, Wednesdays, and eviction Thursdays at 9pm. Talk show on Thursdays 10pm with Arisa Cox, Gary Levy, and Peter Brown. After Dark airs every night on Slice 2am-5am ET (11pm-2am PT).

June 25: Big Brother 16 premieres - CBS shows will be Sundays 8pm, Wednesdays 9pm, eviction Thursdays 9pm


Take a swig whenever feeds go to Hush Hush


Apple iTunes



Amazon DVDs BB4 - BB3

Amazon Instant Video BB15 - BB14 - BB13 - BB12 - BB11 - BB10 - BB9 - BB8

iTunes BB15 - icon BB14icon - BB13icon - BB12icon - BB11icon - BB10icon - BB9icon - BB7 All-Starsicon

Feeds were streamed by CBS.

Call 877-211-4367 for account help including password reset or to cancel subscription.

CBS shows were Sundays 8pm, Wednesdays 8pm, eviction Thursdays 9pm (changed from Tuesdays, live Wednesdays, Sundays).

Big Brother After Dark was on TVGN for two hours every night starting at midnight/9pm BB time (1 hour later Thursdays), and is censored. Beginning July 19, BBAD runs three hours on Fridays.

Canada ran the TV episodes on Global, and After Dark on Slice, uncensored.

Jury will be nine members, with two finalists.

Weeks 1, 2, 3: The MVP (Elissa) selected the third nominee, privately, and she didn't have to tell anyone she was MVP. If the MVP's nominee won veto, MVP selected the replacement.

Weeks 4, 5, 6: The MVP vote was to name the third nominee directly. If the viewer pick was HOH or and HOH nominee, the third nominee spot went to next highest vote getter.

BB15 prizes are the same: $500k for the winner and $50k for 2nd place. Stipend for the others is $1,000 per week (up from $750), including pre-show hotel and jury sequester. Elissa gets more.

The habitat has 65 cameras (up 12) and 98 microphones (same).

The recorded in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman.

Recap of the Daily Recaps

Big Brother Canada 2
BB Canada 2 stats; Big Brother Canada 2

Clean Your Own Mirror; Amazon Prime; 20 questions for McCrae

September 18, 2013 - Day 90 - Andy wins 7-2
Now it's a wrap; Euthanasia; Co-Stars of the Season; It's a wrap, almost; Daily Ratings: It's Over edition

September 13-17, 2013 - Days 85-89 - Andy Part 2
Pray for Tilly; How to pick a winner; On it goes; Still exterminating; Champagne wishes; Daily Ratings: They Shoot Hamsters, Don't They? edition

September 11-12, 2013 - Days 83-84 - McCrae evicted - GinaMarie Part 1
Exterminators come clean; So long, Chumlord; Twiddling thumbs; Final four; Daily Ratings: Final Four to Three edition

September 6-7-8-9-10, 2013 - Days 78-79-80-81-82 - McCrae veto - Judd evicted - Andy HOH - Andy veto
Feeds go down; Exterminators go down; Tick tock; Bloody superheroes; Sits and squats; Daily rabies report; Daily Ratings: Rabies Gone Wild edition

September 5, 2013 - Day 77 - Amanda evicted - McCrae HOH - Judd veto - Elissa evicted - Spencer HOH
And on it goes; Daily Ratings: Up for Most edition

September 1-2-3-4, 2013 - Days 73-74-75-76
Rinse cycle; Labor Day; Cocoons; Daily Ratings: Ruffled Feathers edition

August 29-30-31, 2013 - Days 70-71-72 - Aaryn evicted - GinaMarie HOH - McCrae veto
Fraught with danger; Funfetti; Blame Amanda; Flustercluck; Daily Ratings: Farewell to Poopy edition

August 26-27-28, 2013 - Days 67-68-69
Dead weight; Calm between the storms; Bully for you; Awkward Andy; Daily Ratings: Los Hámsters Hermanos special edition

August 22-25, 2013 - Days 63-66 - Helen evicted - Judd revived - Elissa HOH - Amanda veto
Granny New Year; Choose your own adventure; BBQ Smackdown Round 4: Revelation; A new game; Old time revival hour; ZOMG; Daily Ratings: Revive-a-Hamster edition

August 15-21, 2013 - Days 56-62 - Jessie evicted - Aaryn HOH - Elissa veto
DogDave has been found; Koo-koo pop day; And the minutes drag; Bash 'n trash; BBQ Smackdown: Round 3 Flabbergassed; Clownie's bad day; Parts is parts; Hints and changes; Daily Ratings: Begging for Ups edition

August 12-13-14, 2013 - Days 53-54-55
Calm after the storm; Tropical Storm Jessie; Yet another wedding; No veto for you; Daily Ratings: Go Jessie edition

August 9-10-11, 2013 - Days 50-51-52 - Andy veto
Dingo's day off; Don't do it, Jessie; Andy holds his veto; Holy mackerel; Daily rabies report, a novel; Daily Ratings: Duck at Night special edition

August 8, 2013 - Day 49 - Candice evicted - Aaryn HOH - Aaryn veto - Judd evicted - Andy HOH
A hamster scorned; Poor Judd is dead; Daily rabies report; Daily Ratings: Bear Shirt Disaster edition

August 6-7, 2013 - Days 47-48
Prepare for RESET; Halfway plus three days; Daily rabies report; Cone couture; Bachelorette party; Daily rabies report; Daily Ratings: Quickies edition plus bonus African Safari Spirit Animals very special guest edition

August 4-5, 2013 - Days 45-46
Shenanigans; Plot twist; Daily rabies report; BBQ Smackdown Round 2: Ignition; Back to our story; Adventures with Judd; Daily Ratings: Bitch Stole My Look special edition

August 3, 2013 - Day 44 - Viewers MVP - Jessie veto
Resistance is useless; Crimes and punishments; Daily Ratings: Cone, Clown, Spray edition

August 1-2, 2013 - Days 42-43 - Howard evicted - GinaMarie HOH
Fight night hangover; Roll another one; Fight night galore; BBQ Smackdown Round 1: Victory Without Even Trying; Daily Ratings: Ultimate Grand Supreme edition

July 29-30-31, 2013 - Days 39-40-41
Jessie takes a dive; The great Sprite scandal; Still more scandals; Switcheroos; Daily Ratings: Misfit Hamsters special edition

July 27-28, 2013 - Days 37-38 - Viewers MVP - Spencer veto
Snapshots and swimmies; #Cops Amanda gets a shock; Daily Ratings: Social Media special edition

July 25-26, 2013 - Days 35-36 - Kaitlin evicted - Aaryn HOH
Ramen, raisins, and rabies; Rabies; WHO WANTS TO SEE MY...?; Daily Ratings: No edition

July 22-23-24, 2013 - Days 32-33-34
Waffles; Jihad; Onward and upward; Pink sneakers; Daily Ratings: Holy Wacky Wars edition

July 20-21, 2013 - Days 30-31 - Viewers MVP - Elissa veto
24 hours later; Mass Projectile Vomit; McCrae's birthday surprise; Daily Ratings: Hanging Chad edition

July 18-19, 2013 - Days 28-29 - Jeremy evicted - Judd HOH
LOTD extravaganza; Hard out here for a primp; Daily Ratings: TBA edition

July 15-16-17, 2013 - Days 25-26-27
Helen's talk show; Duckface time; The backdoor is open; Helen's nail party; Daily Ratings: Game of Keys special edition

July 13-14, 2013 - Days 23-24 - Kaitlin veto
Gingercize; Trampolines!; Daily Ratings: Flaming Flotilla edition

July 11-12, 2013 - Days 21-22 - Nick evicted - Helen HOH - Elissa MVP
Another fine mess; Another sticky situation; Countdown to fireworks; Fireworks bonanza; Daily Ratings: WTFery edition

July 9-10, 2013 - Days 19-20
Oh Canada!; Blindside #2 coming up; Strike a pose; Daily Ratings: How Did This Happen? edition, still

July 7-8, 2013 - Days 17-18
A Class Divided; On we go; Daily Ratings: How Did This Happen? edition

July 5-6, 2013 - Days 15-16 - Elissa MVP - Jeremy veto
Assume the position; Going banomza; Tangled weaves; Daily Ratings: Rachel Ratings special edition

July 3-4, 2013 - Days 13-14 - David evicted - Aaryn HOH
Deathrace 2013; Shit, meet fan; Another sticky mess; Daily Ratings: Random ostrich edition

July 1-2, 2013 - Days 11-12
Brunch; Asshat; Smile pretty!; Heartbreak Hotel; Daily Ratings: Asshat edition

June 29-30, 2013 - Days 9-10
Hair of the rabid dog; Jeremy spoke in class today; MVP what?; Scandalous; Daily Ratings: Aaryn Nation edition

June 27-28, 2013 - Days 7-8 - Elissa MVP - McCrae veto
4, 3, 2, 1; Who's on first?; Chumlord's on a roll; Daily Ratings: Sorry Daddy edition

June 26, 2013 - Day 6 - Feeds begin - McCrae HOH
Lick it; Leap it; Daily Ratings: Here We Go Again edition

June 2013 - Pre-season
We're off! Almost; Meet 'n greet

May-June 2013 - Pre-season
Here come the twists; One habitat, one hamster?; Tick tock; Early bird discount; Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes


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Wednesday's finale placed second for the hour with 2.4 rating, 7 share and 6.73 million viewers, behind America's Got Talent on NBC with 2.5/7/11.34, and ahead of The X Factor on FOX with 2.2/7/6.56, and Modern Family and Nashville reruns on ABC with 1.5/4/4.10 and 0.7/2/2.56 respectively.

Rating = % of all TV households
Share = % of households watching TV


There should be lots of Canada votes - I may or may not keep up with them all



I can't recommend this show highly enough

Click for exclusive interview with executive producer
J Holland Moore


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"Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight
and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."