Big Brother 9 that dingo's
I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better    

March 24 & 25, 2008 - Days 46 & 47 (or 47 & 48)

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>> Adam is Head of Household - Chelsia & Sharon are nominated <<

Tuesday 3/25: Diversion tactics

Today's Superpass homepage asks "Can James convince the house to not evict Chelsia?" Excuse me, but James has been going out of his way to convince them to do the opposite

You expect this stuff from CBS, but this line's on a page that's trying to sell the feeds - aka the true story.. oh well, again I defer to those who get paid to watch and interpret such things

I haven't heard much voting talk but it's time for 11th hour waffling to start.. it would be very surprising if we don't get at least a minute or two of chatter to evict Sharon: after all, it's BB tradition for volunteer pawns to walk the plank

Meanwhile, James continues to distract Chelsia with his sizable asset and raunchy attention.. remember back when he was pursuing her and she wasn't too interested? Appearances suggest she followed the stereotype script and fell for him once they did the deed.. lately he has to get up at 4am to have some time alone

Chelsia earned a rare afternoon Line of the Day award for telling Natalie she wouldn't put her up if she stays and wins HOH

The camera came out for silly poses, and their favorite part of every week: looking at themselves

Sheila set off the day-before waffling festivities by jumping on a misquoted compliment between Natalie & Chelsia, and getting all riled about liars and traitors.. so it goes

It's ok for some

Chelsia thought it was real funny when Matt cried about being sent packing, but she's not laughing now

The late waffling will probably come to nothing and Sharon will somehow get away with being an actual pawn (I know! Alert the media).. Chelsia knew it too, and cried a few tears late tonight

James' comforting skills are coming along a bit, although he did shout at her to cry some more.. he said it's a relief to actually walk out the door, and told her the money she won't get (that he's hoping to) isn't good for anything anyway.. she came around a bit when he turned things back to himself, saying they're all out to get him "for no reason" and she put her own troubles aside to comfort him, like she does

Joshuah joined the Gruesome Twosome for awhile, like he does, and the two guys encouraged Chelsia to destroy the cake pics in the freezer.. luckily she didn't, but she did squash Natalie's nose.. she also said people would probably throw eggs at her now (remember, I am not advocating this).. James said that would blow over soon as she'll probably only be famous for a couple weeks.. they laughed about the others for awhile before going to bed off-cam.. maniacal laughter from Chelsia echoed through the greenlight feeds that were visible for us
If all goes per plan, feedsters won't be watching Chelsia get nekkid two or three times a day anymore which will be a relief for some, and sadness for others.. Adam's week at the top is about to come to a screeching halt, and Ryan's supplemental snack supplies with it

Snippets: Adam's down to 10 packs of cigs (and he's got to supply Ryan & James out of those).. apparently a Showtime crawl said something about Sharon having had a breakdown or something - not sure what that's about, but I guess I must defer once again to those being paid to pay attention

Natalie earned a Runner-up Line of the Day award for "All I have to do is get the next 5 weeks POV and I win the whole thing" - technically I guess it's true

Monday 3/24: Still afloat

These guys just keep going, no matter what shenanigans occur.. I guess that's an admirable trait - personally, I usually like a little downtime to regroup after such high drama, and after 48 days of it (or 47), I'm ready for a break.. hopefully I can get away with Hamsterwatch Lite or even a two-fer episode about now: they shouldn't get up to much today or tomorrow.. then again, they usually become most active when I'm least expecting it

With the flurry of stuff last night, I forgot to mention that Joshuah more or less came to the faulty conclusion that Matt is Sheila's son.. that's not surprising really, as Joshuah's dancing the fastest and trying to cover the most bases in there, so it's natural he'd be leading the way as far as paranoia goes

I can't believe it after last night, but they gave them booze again! It looks like somebody in the control room had some too, as they flashed us a flames-y desktop being moused around on for a minute - the monitor in the house got it too, followed by their NOMINATIONS message - oops
I don't like to use pics from the wrong day but yesterday's episode was so packed I didn't get a chance to use this one: James is in one of the most extreme hamster cocoons™ I've ever seen - the upside-down point of view from this camera adds a nice extra touch too

Insert Jaws theme here

It was looking like another busy night for Chelsia.. <dunh-dunh>

First James threw soap at her and hit her in the head.. I'm not saying this was his reaction to that, but it was about the same time.. then all the guys gathered round Chelsia and her ice cream to trash Natalie in what was obviously a group wind-up effort.. <dunh-dunh>


Then all of them gathered at the hot tub, drinks in hand, and it was looking like we were going to get another installment of whatever it is Chelsia keeps doing as she glared while Natalie and the others chattered.. then most of them dispersed, leaving just Chelsia & Natalie out there, with a Sheila buffer between them.. it was very tense for a minute, especially when Chelsia stood up and walked over and stood by Natalie.. <dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh-dunh>
But then she walked past and into the house, and that was that.. so bloodshed was averted this time - unless you count the thousands of ears still hemorrhaging from a couple hours of Sharon telling REALLY REALLY REALLY LOUD Jacob stories that followed

That's it for today.. but you know how Jaws comes back when you're least expecting her

Daily videos

Tuesday's Waffling begins? Sheila winds up; and Chelsia cries; plus Monday's The guys wind up Chelsia by trashing Natalie are posted in the forum, linked top & bottom of every page

Daily ratings - Things they must put an end to edition

Ratings are merely advisory notices - this time only

Tuesday's show was pretty much an infomercial for 21, Planet Hollywood, Gibson Guitars, and Dick Donato - it was good to see him waking up eejits with pots & pans again though. I really should just stop watching the Sunday, Tuesday, and first half of Wednesday shows since they make me try to follow a whole different set of storylines than the ones on the feeds which are already doing my head in. Could they have added some more cutesy dancing around by James & Chelsia? Where's all the footage of them sucking face and each other's crotches, not to mention their convo about 'throwing the veto for a blowjob' and other sexcapades? It's not like BB has anything against that stuff: Julie herself appears on one of those reality clipdown shows to talk about BB4 Amanda & David going at it. For that matter, Chelsia's coming across as a slightly sympathetic character, if a bit whiny.. where are her ugly tantrums, graphic sex stories and her potty mouth? Sheila's positive edits continued too, changing her 'scenarial' to 'scenario', and they made Natalie the brains of the operation again. Dual Did They Really Say That? awards go out to Sharon for 'We started this game together' about Joshuah (well, I guess Jacob & Neil are well past their respective 15 minutes of fame now), and to James for 'Vengeance is best served on a silver platter'. Sorry kid, you're thinking of filet mignon. I believe he meant to say something about revenge being best served cold - perhaps his will be.

Won: Motorcycle
Paired with Sheila

Any story that includes 'geeshes', snot rockets, and either hand down his pants or up his nose - particularly when followed by a forage in the fridge.

Won: $21,000 Vegas trip
Paired with James

Any story that includes the phrase 'I was so drunk' (even though that would leave her with no stories), continually running back to James after he treats her like poop, 'once is a mistake, twice is birth control', lectures about what being 'a real Christian' means and resulting use of the c-word.

Paired with Chelsia

His bare ass, his floppy undies, Brawny and the silly bow tie, chewing his toenails, and eating the stuff he picks off them.

Paired with Neil  Sharon

Spontaneous disco dancing, 'This is my house', obsessing on the girls' genitalia and resulting use of the c-word, and any attempts at further tanning: he's done.

Paired with Matt

Bible quoting, praying to win HOH, 'we must avenge Matty' and 'we are the good people'.

Won: $10,000
Jen's boyfriend Paired with Allison

It's time to step away from the pizza.

Paired with Jacob (her ex)  Joshuah

Talking about Jacob, laughing, pretending she's a Marine, wearing the blue thing over her shoulders or slip-sliding it through her fingers, gnawing on her mouth, rolling her eyes, and 'BEEBIES!'

Paired with Adam

'I'm a single mom', 'I hope my son doesn't see this', 'I'm writing a book', 'You know what??' and 'I grew up in poverty'.

Paired with Natalie

America's Playa came on strong, prepared to showmance his way through all the girls and into the money. That didn't work out but he was fun to have around and he usually kept things light amid the chaos. He brought BJs to the feeds and made Bibles fun in there. Despite the fact that he's a pig, he has some good qualities too and he kinda grows on you.

Paired with Ryan

She called it manipulation - I call it emotional blackmail with a lot of 'poor me' thrown in. One of the most delusional hamsters ever (and that's saying something), she's the poster girl for Can Dish It Out But Can't Take It. She did give us some confrontation doozies and fireworks deluxe but trust her, like one million percent, she does not care.

Revive-a-Hamster winner & loser
Paired with Amanda

He started out looking like he was on board with Matt's showmance plan and CBS picked up that angle, but then we got to know a bright, charismatic, and goofy guy who had everything going for him in there except his partner. His diplomacy was remarkable and he might have gone the distance, but he went out as another casualty of 'Til Death Do You Part'.

Paired with Alex

She began with hysterics & drama and was at the center of the biggest BB fight ever, but she went out with more of a whimper than a bang. Her moods dropped as fast as her blood sugar but to her credit, she rebounded just as fast. She & Allison had dual 911 events, but Amanda's collapse brought unexpected (and uniformed) guests into the habitat and onto the air.

Won: $5,000
Ryan's girlfriend/Paired with Parker

She & Ryan could have gone far if she hadn't opened her mouth in the first days. She made loads of enemies in a short time and took Parker down with her. She'll be remembered for super-quickie sex in the bathroom and a rash on her backside.. hmm, coincidence?

Won: $5,000
Paired with Jen

He was good watching at first til he gave up and went on strike. He bounced back a bit at the end but his doom came early when partner Jen couldn't keep her trap shut about her & Ryan. She had to go, and he was just the innocent bystander casualty. 'I'm sick of people's dumbass assinine ass comments' might be Line of the Season.

Paired with Joshuah

He left suddenly and mysteriously but wrote on his MySpace that he didn't leave for health reasons and that he won't be back. He seems like a good guy and I wish him well.. he's probably lucky he got out when he did, unscathed.

Paired with Sharon (his ex)

Gone before the feeds kicked in: he didn't even make an appearance. All that potential for rehashing their breakup and/or a jealous rage up in smoke. To make it worse, he & Sharon didn't even get an exit interview in Julie's boudoir - how rude!

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Get free Hamsterwatch updates to your cell phone! Text 'follow hamsterwatch' to 40404 to sign up (or 21212 in Canada). see recent/all - more info

The 'Big Brother' episode of 'Yes Dear' will be on TBS Wednesday, March 26. If you've never seen it, it's pretty cute with lots of familiar faces and inside jokes for BB fans. Airs at 3pm in most areas - check your local listings. Trivia: the habitat scenes in this episode were shot in the old house that was used for BB2 thru BB5. The new/current house is inside the soundstage where 'Yes Dear' was filmed.

Polls are closed for the presidential-type questions about them for the next HOH comp.

Not much is scheduled til Wednesday but there's always a chance of fights. Thanks to Chelsia, don't count on anymore booze deliveries til she's gone.

Wednesday, March 26 at 8pm: Chelsia's Easter Parade (if we're lucky), live eviction, live HOH comp, assorted dramas

Tuesday's show was back to fourth place with a 3.8 rating and 6 share, behind 'Dancing with the Stars' on ABC with 10.8/16, 'American Idol' at 14.6/22 and 'Til Death' at 6.5/10 on Fox, and 'The Biggest Loser' with 5.5/8 on NBC.
Rating = % of all TV households
Share = % of households watching TV

Sex: 7x (3 Jen/Ryan; 4 James/Chelsia)
Oral: 4x (all Natalie/Matt)
Sex tallies are minumums, based on overwhelming circumstantial evidence

Chelsia abortion/baby mentions after Diary said one more and she's out: 2

Self-service: 3 (James, Adam, Matt)
Makeout session pairings: 4
  (Jen/Ryan, James/Chelsia,
  Alex/Sharon, Matt/Sharon)
Nekkid makeout pool orgy: 1
Nekkid party favor: 3
 (Natalie, James, Chelsia)
Nekkid party trick: 2 (James, Natalie)
Ambulance rides: 2 (Amanda, Allison)
Rodent bites: 1 (Ryan)
Returned evictees: 3
 (Sharon, Ryan, James)
Revive-a-Hamster vote hoaxes: 1
Major fights: too many to count

See it all with a monthly or quarterly feeds subscription. Both include a two week free trial with no obligation to buy.

If so, apply to be on Big Brother 10 this summer. Read the eligibility requirements, particularly #9 about excellent mental health, apply before April 4, and/or attend a casting call. For better chances, get signed by one of the actormodel agencies they use (try this one - she cast Jen) and/or check Craigslist in late May/early June. In any case, do not tell them you're a feedster, avid fan, or anything more than a casual viewer of BB on CBS.

If you'd like to see REAL Big Brother this summer like all other countries do it, where we decide evictions and select a winner from a diverse cast, write to your local CBS station and demand it! They'll get the word to those that need to hear it.

Twists that work #8: many countries have a second habitat for evicted hamsters to move into for later rotation back into the main house, for stand-by hamsters to play their own game by alternate rules, or to wait to be sprung on the main house as surprise new arrivals.

Westies can watch the air show live when it's on in the East at or

Adam is Head of Household
Chelsia & Sharon are nominated

Finale is April 29 but 'subject to change'

First place earns $500k, second gets $50k. The others earn $750 a week, including jury sequester weeks for those that go there

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Click to see my full list of BB9 links. These are some of my favorites.

24/7 feeds - 14 day free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv

No time-out feed links including set-up how-to, plus Real contact info

Hamsterwatch Chatroom

Hamsterwatch Forum

BB9 adult/explicit links

CBS Big Brother 9 the official site

DogDave BB9 by any name, still the first to find big news, all the edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town

Attw x's houseguest tributes all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan

BuddyTV - Big Brother 9 TV supersite with news, articles, discussions

Sir LinksALot Big Brother 9 all the links
Sir LinksALot Big Brother 10 all the links, once again

Reality TV Links - Big Brother 9 emphasis on individual hamsters' sites

Donations are gratefully accepted through Paypal using the button below or direct by email. Please support other BB9 sites that you like, too. Many thanks!

This site isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why, which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.

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"Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight
and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."

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