Big Brother 11that dingo'sHamster Watch

I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better

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This site is about the Big Brother 11 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.

to see it all - it's a different show than CBS puts on!

Big Brother Season 11


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Westies can watch the show when it airs in the East at
Video Brother

Take a swig whenever feeds go to fishies, control room or trivia, and kiss your liver good-bye

Natalie is Head of Household
Kevin & Michele are nominated
Kevin holds veto

Which of the 12* hamsters should receive $25k popularity prize at finale?
Vote free at CBS Big Brother thru midnight Wednesday
*Chima is not a choice

Sunday's show was first for the hour with a (low) 1.8 rating and 7 share, ahead of 'Dateline' on NBC with 1.0/4, 'Spider-Man' movie on FOX with 0.9/3, and 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition' on ABC with 0.8/3.
Numbers are for adults 18-49
Rating = % of all TV households
Share = % of households watching TV

Donations are gratefully accepted through Paypal using the button above or direct by email. Please support other Big Brother sites that you like, too. Many thanks!

Lots of napping cocoons

Live veto meeting and eviction Tuesday, and final HOH endurance begins

HOH comp part 2 Wednesday (part 1 winner sits out)

HOH comp part 3 (with winners of parts 1 & 2) and final eviction live Thursday

Two hour finale is September 15 at 9pm

CBS shows are Sundays at 8, Tuesdays at 9, and live evictions Thursdays at 8

Ross (The Intern) Mathews does post-eviction shows every Friday

Express Lunch with MissyZ and BB9 Chelsia Hart is on SuperPass Thursdays & Fridays at noon Pacific/3pm Eastern. Call-in number is 1-877-576-3348.

From the FlashBack page, enter the date, time and feed - you need SuperPass to view these clips

BB11 daily index - BB10 daily index

Julie's words: 'Pandora's box offers another temptation to the new HOH and this time it's bound to affect the game'

The official story is Chima was booted. We will never know the complete true story: it was all behind fishies

Jeff won the Coup d'Etat in a public vote and used it to replace Chima's noms (Lydia & Russell) with Jessie & Natalie

Food comps determined living conditions: the losers lived in the Jail room with lights always on, cold water showers, and slop.

Viewer votes determined an additional food item the sloppers could have.

Teams are over. There were four teams: Populars, Jocks, Brainiacs, and Offbeats.

Teamies of the HOH could not be nominated, but they could compete in the next week's HOH comp.

Hamsters earn $750 a week including pre-show hotel and jury sequester. It's possible Jessie gets more (BB7 All-Stars did).

The habitat has 52 cameras and 80 mics.

The recorded Big Brother in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman.

Sadly, Craig Ferguson was not recycled back in this year.


Click for Studio City, California Forecast

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  Days 64 & 65 - September 6 & 7, 2009       Bookmark and Share

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>> Natalie is Head of Household - Kevin & Michele are nominated - Kevin holds veto <<

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    All signups help support this site, and me - I've been watching this mess for you nonstop since July 9

    Foot scrapers (Monday/Labor Day)

    The camera came out for the last time, and you'd think they were the four best friends of all time - for a minute, anyway

    To their credit, these four don't spew as much hate at each other behind their backs as some endgamers have done in the past, but they plot, scheme and whisper like others do in first weeks - we've rarely had this much conniving chat this late in the game.. alternately, hours went by today without a peep from anyone

    An 11th hour flurry of activity was probably more pointless waffling like we've had every week this season, with Kevin making Final 3 & Final 2 plans with both Jordan and Michele.. his convo with Jordan was at Natalie's urging & coaching, but Michele approached him immediately after that, while Natalie was in Diary.. as a result, he more or less screwed himself with whichever one he cuts tomorrow

    When he finally reported back to Natalie, he had the same stuttery tone he did when he delivered the LML/Last Minute Lie to Jeff, and he didn't tell her everything.. she sensed something was up and got threatening.. Kevin made it clear Diary has been messing with him, but Natalie made it clear she wasn't listening to them try - maybe that's the secret of her success

    Foot scrapings (Sunday)

    We've seen hamsters scrape their feet before, and sometimes scrape other's feet, but our remainders took disgusting to a new level tonight when they took turns scraping their feet over the hot tub.. Michele slept through it, though she may have joined in if she was there, since she didn't seem to have a problem with leg shaving in a communal bath some weeks ago

    Otherwise it was a dull dull dull day, with Jordan giving away a bunch of her clothes to Michele, and Kevin & Natalie rehashing the past nine weeks and rehearsing the next one, like they do

    There was a collective THUD around the BB interwebs when we found out that Natalie is indeed engaged now, albeit without much excitement, but I still feel cheated over not being able to watch the big stinky baby, the copycat, and the cockroach

    They've put me into another coma, so I'll pick up this episode again Monday, along with ratings.. but I have posted caps on Twitpic throughout the day

    Feeds highlights

    If you have SuperPass you can watch anything you missed, or see it again.. just enter the date, time and feed on the FlashBack page

    9/5 - 2:35pm - F1 - Veto "technical errors" convo:
    Kevin: And it helped that they had technical errors cuz I was like oh, these are the type of questions, so this is what I need to think about
    Natalie: what do you mean, technical errors?
    Kevin: Like, we had to stand next to the door and face the wall [cut to fishies]

    9/7 - 11.05pm - F1/2 - Kevin delivers his (Natalie's) pitch to Jordan
    9/8 - 12.00am - F1/2 - Michele delivers her anti-Natalie pitch to Kevin
    9/8 - 1.30am - F3/4 - Kevin reports back to Natalie

    Random caps of the day

    These are my most recent screencaps - click thumbnails to enlarge or click here to see more.. you can log in using your Twitter nick and password to leave comments on any cap, and your comment will also be automatically posted to your Twitter.. use #BB11 in all tweets and comments for a clickable link to tweet with other feedsters

    Daily Ratings - Hot Tub, Anyone? edition

    Two day combo ratings are based on entertainment value, and there is next to none

    MIA from Sunday's show: 'The jury house packs a punch' - huh? What happened to that stuff?

    On a separate topic, LET THE RECORD SHOW that I defended them today when the rumors ran rampant that Kevin somehow knew the veto comp questions ahead of time. First I deleted Allison Grodner's phone number when it was posted on my forum, so Ms. Grodner, please know that I'm not responsible directly or indirectly for filling your voicemail box. Since nobody was providing Flashback details for the supposed transgression, I finally hunted it down and it turned out to be complete and utter bullshit. Kevin merely took the delay as an opportunity to review the information he knew based on the type of questions that had already been asked - like anyone with half a brain would do. Yes, it pains me to have to defend these bums, but there's plenty of stuff they get away with that they shouldn't - let's pick on that, instead of connecting dots that have nothing to do with each other.

    Team Popular
    Won: $1,726

    She's still somewhat upbeat most of the time, but she doesn't go out of her way to do anything interesting other than trying on clothes and eating. She enjoyed a nice ice cream float tonight.

    Team Offbeat
    Won: $10,626

    Big Brother feeds used to be fun when we knew what was really going on, but nobody really knows what's going on in his head. We've got Diary Kevin who's lively, animated & suspicious of Natalie, and then we've got Feeds Kevin who's dull, monotone & in Natalie's pocket. He cozied up to both Jordan & Michele within ten minutes of each other, and then he sounded like he was lying when he reported to Natalie. I think he was relatively honest reporting about Jordan, but he left out a lot when he told about Michele.

    Team Brain
    Won: $2,563, Plasma TV

    She's rarely been the star of the feeds and now that there's usually a camera on her, her lack of charisma is even more apparent. I have to admit I'm kind of rooting for her at this point, but mostly because she still looks best on paper and it would be nice to see a brainy kinkster who was hated by most of them most of the time come out ahead. Her pitch to Kevin made a lot of sense, but there's no telling if it got through the spell Natalie's cast on him or not.

    Team Jock
    Won: $1,904, Phone call

    Of these four left, she's played the game of Big Brother best by far in my opinion. I've kept an eye on her ever since she cast that hinky vote way back at the 2nd eviction and I'm pretty sure she's been behind every eviction since except Jessie's. To her credit, I think she's done as much or more driving than BB6 Maggie got credit for doing (which I never thought she actually did). That's not to say we have to like it, but fair's fair and I try to at least give credit where due, personal feelings aside.

    Team Jock Won: $3,181, Hawaii trip
    His quick wit & funny banter were a surprise, and he was a heartthrob for many. His showmance with Jordan was cute without being sappy, and his culinary skills kept them well fed and scored a BBQ Smackdown ½ point against the grill. Viewers gave him Cabat Cadoo to get Jessie gone, but he refused to count jury votes and fell for a NataLIE. He was funniest early when he couldn't win, and joked about living 'in the projects'. He didn't have much game, but is easily Hamsterwatch Co-Star of the Season.

    Team Jock Won: $10,000, Massage
    He had a surprising number of fights although some were fake and we saw him plan the biggest one with Chima, and he had a surprising number of looks considering he had no hair. He played an unusual game that often defied all logic but he was often funny and one of the few to talk to us. He's also one of few to bond with others by actually listening and not turning the topic back to himself. The night he literally rolled on the floor laughing over a fart was one of the funniest of the season.

    Team Offbeat Won: Plasma TV, Captain Unitard
    She gave HJs & a condom event for safety, then seemed to really be crushing on Jessie - against all odds. She whined, fake-cried & babytalked too much, was volatile, and the only creative one, making an amazing trashbag suit and Play-doh creations. She shlurred her screams about her catsuit costume but later wore it without complaint, and well. She may have been a damage control exit due to Mills-McCartney Nannygate but we'll never know for sure.

    Team Brain Won: Nothing
    She began as a sympathetic character with her horrific story and positive outlook about it, and then things got weird. She flirted with Russell, planned a fake fight with him that happened exactly as scripted, and then they appeared to be mortal enemies. She had a raging and ultimately fatal case of HOH-itis and her hard fall from that was on live TV. With her subsequent nom she got petty, bitter & rebellious, and then she vanished. But she's a strong, smart woman and she'll survive this too.

    Team Jock Won: $2,500
    He showed up again uninvited and pretty much killed the feeds for those who were glad to see him leave last year. This time he had a new chin, only talked about himself again, got pink toenails, lost weight, mangled more words, got (at least) four HJs and one condom event with Lydia, all while playing he was Natalie's BFF. He went on Hamsterwatch ignore early during this second stint, and once again got his empty wheel before his time, so I don't have much more to say except hallelujah, he's gone!

    Team Brain Won: Nothing
    He looked great on paper but his BB expertise was more stats & CBS versions than anything practical - he obviously missed the start of BB10 or he wouldn't have duplicated Brian's suicidal game. He played a dirty game that included a Michele smear campaign, but Natalie did most of the dirty work he took credit for. He exiled himself a couple times, didn't share his HOH camera, talked non-stop (usually about himself), and generated more hate around the BB interwebs than most.

    Team Offbeat - Won: 1 week banana gig
    Videos of him & Jessie together surfaced early and their covert partnership ran the house for two weeks, but that deal expired after the Ronnie Mutiny was forgotten and Casey was blamed for Natalie's hinky vote. His quick wit provided memorable one-liners on a daily basis, and they only got better from both Angry Banana and Sad Banana. He came in like an aging Mike Boogie but he got past that, earning lots of fans thanks to his humor, his laid back style, and his ability to not take it all so seriously.

    Team Popular - Won: Nothing
    She was the star of the first CBS eps although she was barely in there. Her boobies were a show in themselves, and she protested way too much about the attention they got (usually while thrusting them at anyone handy). Mostly she was a miseryguts, glaring & pouting, and claiming to have everything figured out like BB9 Allison but with Shelley Duvall's voice. Her face-off with Jessie was memorable thanks to 'let me get down to your level', 'you're not the boss of me' and 'thrown under the river'.

    Team Popular - Won: Nothing
    His nekkid pics got out before the premiere, he said Julie's a ho, and he started a race riot in there - but his target Kevin wasn't offended by the words as much as that they hadn't been buddies. The habitat went nuts waffling about his eviction vote (vs Chima) but he was barely involved, although he did provide the fodder for her most shocking nominee speech ever. Despite all that, Braden turned out to be a funny hamster and a great third to the Jeff & Jordan comedy team.

    BB10 Brian Hart
    Team Brain
    BB8 Jessica Hughbanks
    Team Popular
    BB5/7 Michael Cowboy Ellis
    Team Offbeat

    Linking to any page here is fine but please do not repost any content from this site (or any other) without permission, and do not repost or hotlink to any images
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    Kevin to Natalie: I just got raped in the DR session, I need some support! [cut to fishies]

    Kevin: Are you entertaining thoughts that they throw at you?
    Natalie: No! I shut 'em down, immediately [cut to fishies]

    Kevin: Those thoughts have been inserted in my mind [cut to fishies]

    Kevin: I'm already thinking of how I can get away with shitting in my pants


    BB1 Trinitron dance
    back in the days when hamsters moved, and had fun
    from Attw x's BB1 page

    DogDave goes insane
    save Michele campaign

    Click to see my full list of BB11 links
    These are some of my favorites:

    24/7 feeds - free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv

    No time-out feed links including set-up how-to, plus Real contact info

    SuperPass FlashBack instant replay by time/date/feed (requires SuperPass)

    Hamsterwatch Twitter - Twitpic

    Hamsterwatch Chatroom

    Hamsterwatch Forum

    BB adult/explicit links - already updated for BB11!

    CBS Big Brother 11 the official site

    DogDave BB11 aka Aldav scouts all the BB sites so you don't have to: all the news, edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town

    Attw x's houseguest tributes all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan

    Sir LinksALot Big Brother 11 all the links, once again

    BuddyTV - Big Brother 11 TV supersite with news, articles, discussions


    Hamsters who met before BB11: 2
    -Jessie & Casey

    Sex events: 5 - Lydia/Jessie

    Makeout pairings: 1 - Jeff/Jordan

    Nominee speech scorchers: 3
    -Chima, Casey, Ronnie

    Premature exits: 1 - Chima

    Major fights: 12
    -Natalie vs. Jeff
    -'Beaner' race wars starring
    -Laura vs. Jessie plus Natalie
    -Post-Braden eviction blowout
    -Everyone vs. Ronnie
    -Russell vs. Chima (3 fake rounds)
    -Kevin vs. Ronnie (2 rounds)
    -Russell, Natalie, Chima vs. Michele
    -Russell vs. Jessie (kooky ending)
    -Lydia vs. Michele plus Natalie & Jeff
    -Russell vs. Jeff plus Jordan
    -Russell vs. Jeff plus Jordan again

    Naughty past that may have surprised the producers: 1 - Braden

    Shocking true stories: 1 - Chima

    'The Soup' mentions: 7 of 9 Fridays
    -Wedgie comp + Jessie
    -Technotronics (Clip of the Week)
    -Jordan's time-telling
    -Lydia stalks Jessie (Clip of the Week)
    -Lydia's raccoon & Ronnie's speech
    -Creepy eulogy & Chima's drowned mic
    -Jessie's pink pants & Natalie's bug


    Big Brother 11
    Round 1: BBQ 0, Jeff 0
    Round 2: BBQ 0, Jeff ½
    Round 3: BBQ ½, Kevin 0, Michele 0

    Big Brother 10
    No title events
    Big Brother 9 Winter Edition
    Round 1: BBQ ½, Ryan 0
    Round 2, BBQ ½, Adam 0
    Round 3, BBQ ½, Ryan 0
    Big Brother 8
    Round 1: BBQ 1, Dick 0
    Round 2: BBQ ½, Zach 0
    Round 3: BBQ 0, Dick 1
    Big Brother 7 All-Stars
    BBQ training sabbatical
    Big Brother 6
    Round 1: BBQ 1, Ivette 0
    Round 2: BBQ 0, Howie 0
    Big Brother 5
    Round 1: BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Drew 0
    Round 2: BBQ 1, Drew 0, Diane ½
    Round 3: BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Nakomis 0, CBS 0

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    "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight
    and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."