July 12, 2007 - Day 13
>> Carol evicted 10-1 - Jen is Head of Household <<
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Fun with Dick & Jen

"I will do everything I can to make you the most miserable bitch in the house" - so says Dick to Jen in a sudden outburst today
It seems some folks misunderstood me and/or I wasn't clear: I didn't compare Jen to Janelle the other day - I compared their "roles" in the show, and will expand that a bit to point out that Will didn't like Janelle much at all this time last year
He wasn't as volatile about it as Dick (though Boogie was, if you recall), but Will was wondering why everyone had told him Janelle was so great, and such a great BB player.. all he'd seen of her in the house at this point was her buxoming up a storm for him, talking about "sponsors" flying her to Dubai, etc.. he was unimpressed - remember?
We'll see what unfolds here, but so far the storyline of Dick & Jen seems to be following that of Will & Janelle, in a few ways anyway
Otherwise, their first live show Thursday begins pretty much the same as other days: with body counts.. Dick & Jameka do a quick dance twirl over lunch prep.. then the blues take them away for rehearsal and we come back to Zach preparing a shout-out for his dad
Pretty soon nervous energy takes over as they all primp to prettiness and await their greetings from Julie
Back to Kansas

The senator's daughter is the first to walk the plank to Julie's boudoir.. someone has to be and she's as good a choice as many
She holds up well, getting more airtime in a few minutes than she has since the start
It's the most crowded they'll be on the sofas - it won't be long til we have more sofa than hamster on Thursdays, and we'll all say "Remember how many there used to be?".. it's also a night of unfortunate expressions
Carol almost gets out clean but nobody ever really does.. they have to keep hyping their "twist" after all
Then it's out to the phone booths, the trick question guaranteed to brew controversy, and on to a new regime and a new week - finally
Room debuts start up again

Waiting on the HOH room debut, they sit around and talk about Carol, and the comp, and the gallons in the teacup
Jen's happy about her win, naturally.. the other girls talk like they're happy for her - even Amber - but not for long
Another family dinner complete with a cheesy toast by Zach, potatoes cut into fries with the plastic knife, and Eric becomes the new star eater to watch
Then the room's open and they gather round the pics & goodies (they aren't getting all new furnishings this year).. they ooh & aah but again, not for long
We see the photo that later brings out the dotted line between Jen & Zach - they gloss over it as a non-item, which maybe it is.. Dick stays downstairs through all this, smoking & smiling.. Dustin & Kail settle in on the bed, with Jameka on the edge
I reported here pre-feeds that Zach's clothing line model Whitney (from small town Minnesota like Nick & Dustin) was in Hawaiian Tropic bikini finals with Jen
Kail's back as a citizen now, even laughing out loud with Dick of all people, but moments later she has a Carrie-at-the-prom look on.. line of the day goes to Daniele
Daniele [about somebody, with contempt]: All they do is lay around, sleep and eat here
The fringe players gather round Jen at the hot tub, while the true players congregate elsewhere in 2s and 3s, scared and trashing.. Dick's already spread the word that there may have been two teacup answers, depending on who answered closest (without going over).. Jameka's getting around a lot from group to group, and often breaks things up with laughter as she goes
Big Brother: Jameka, please do not obstruct your microphone Jameka: I forget, the night-time crew does care about me!
Odds & ends

Nick gets up to some of his usual ambiguous behavior by straddling Joe, grabbing on for a bobsled ride, and accepting a cuddle of thanks, or something
I don't think CBS knows what to do with Nick.. he's supposed to be their beefcake romance role and this stuff just doesn't fit the mold they seem to have planned for him.. and he keeps doing it
Later he humps Jameka over toothbrushing (it seems like a RealPlayer accident at first, but it isn't).. what can you say about Eric? He sits in doorways and demonstrates foreshortening
I don't know what this is about, but it seems to be a theme for the day
The dreaded Big Brother mandana has returned
Jessica comes out

She's turning out to be the early breakout star of this mess
She's bubbly and ditzy yes, with a voice like Lisa Simpson, but she's real entertaining and surprisingly fresh
The Jessica & Daniele Show has some of the best moments of otherwise tedious days - these two could really have their own show.. at first they seem like an SNL skit but they're better than that and I think their act can only improve with time
Jessica: What time is it? 8.40? Alcohol time! .... Dustin: You girls are so funny.. you're just two crooked blonde ponytails sitting here drinking nothing Jessica: Water's too fattening.. we drink air
These guys were around today too, kinda
This may look like a full-blown episode but you'll note I've left out the HOH meetings with Kail & Nick, all the potential nominees' whisperings, and all of Eric's stupid $2,000 speech trying to persuade Jen to nominate Jessica on behalf of America, apparently
Nominations and food comp are both on Friday so plan your day accordingly - they show the food comps sometimes.. Jen wants Dick to stick around and she'd like to see Daniele gone.. she may nominate both or she may take partner Eric's rambling advice and pawn Jessica, at least until veto
Daily videos

Dick yelling at Jen, Jen's HOH room debut in two parts, Zach has built "a structure"; and The Jessica & Daniele Show are in the forum

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Today's must-click special: Jen HOH BB8 Park by TD
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Jen is Head of Household Nobody is nominated

Who should Eric try to get nominated?
Polls closed at midnight: Jessica

Sunday, July 15 at 8pm - Westies can watch live thanks to Jen & Sean

Thursday's show was #2 for its timeslot with a 4.2 rating and 8 share, behind 'Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?' (4.3/8) and 'Don't Forget the Lyrics' (5.0/9) on Fox.

  Groceries delivered to your door!

VTE = Voted to evict. Daily ratings to follow, based on entertainment value. Editors are based on most recent air show.

Julie really worked the 'twist' on Thursday's show, probably because it's about done for. Dick & Daniele's backstory came out (coincidentally also over money? hmmm), as did Eric's. Kail's bobbing & weaving during her HOH interview was peculiar, but so was Julie's big hair. Ms. Chen didn't flub many lines tonight which was good - hey, the audio not being on for her first 'Hello houseguests' probably wasn't her fault. Although I'm always happy to hear her say 'without going over' some people are up in arms about the HOH comp (even though I gave fair warning to expect a Jen win) but look at it this way: it's a tv show. Sit back and be entertained and stop hoping for reality or a fair game.. it ain't gonna happen.

She's not as good at sucking up as I'd like: she smiled around Jen for awhile but kept falling into frowns. She didn't even go for a meeting to act BFF and plead her case but I think she's following Dick's lead there, and didn't realize he had mini-meets when she wasn't looking. She's safe - Jen doesn't want all the girls to go - but Amber doesn't know that and she should be sweating.

VTE Carol Grudging ups for her 'they just lay around, sleep and eat here' line, which describes herself perfectly, and also for being a pretty good Kelly Lee to Jessica's Regis: these two could take their show on the road. She probably doesn't know she's #1 on Jen's hit list.. yet.

VTE Carol Ups simply for being as ballsy as he is and continuing to get away with it, along with residual cheers for his plant, glove & food art last night followed by his heart-to-heart chat with us feedsters (though maybe it wasn't quite as spontaneous as it seemed). He's got legions of female fans which is unheard of for someone who drops c-bombs as freely as he does, and he belches & farts & scratches all the time (and with less charm than Howie). But he's a fun guy and a smart one, yelling at Jen shortly before her win and adding a p.s. afterwards knowing it wouldn't hurt him. He's done his homework though: he asked her to nominate him, just like Will asked Kaysar last year at this time.. and we know how that turned out.

VTE Carol No reason for downgrade other than he was just absent most of the day from my feeds.

AMERICA'S PLAYER VTE Carol We saw where they got this guy tonight but it still doesn't add up why. He went in to deliver his AC speech to try to persuade Jen to nominate Jessica - apparently - he rambles so much and says so little that it's hard to tell what he's trying to spit out. Jen even asked midway 'Who do you want me to put up? Cuz I'm going to bed at 4.' I'd like to know why he wasn't a choice in this particular poll.

VTE Carol She's getting around everywhere and seems to know a lot about everyone, and she doesn't sit there mute while floating like most floaters have in the past: she participates. She's cozy with Jessica & Daniele, but Jessica's on Eric's hit list by proxy and Daniele's on Jen's so she may need those extra spots she's carving out for herself. She stops to have a laugh as she goes, and she doesn't seem to be taking all this too seriously - kudos for that above all.

VTE Amber HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD I won't say I told you so cuz I didn't, but I have to say I was pleased with her win simply because it's the best thing that could have happened to stir up that dull & gloomy habitat of theirs. In her talks with Kail and Eric and Dick she showed that she's smarter than supposed, she's been paying attention, and she knows what's been going on even when she wasn't around. She's far from a favorite and her win irritated many, but she wants to keep Dick around even though she knows how much he's been dicking her around, so there you are: it's a tv show. Perhaps there's even a flirt-fest down the road.

VTE Carol Solid ups for being the most entertaining of the group today, by far. She shared 'the whole story' about Carol after her exit, and it turned out to be a $5 teen dance camp debt, just as advertised, so her light attitude tonight probably wasn't the result of having her 'worst enemy' walk out the door but more that she's simply getting more comfortable in there and letting loose. Too bad the AC vote picked her to be nom-nudged, but I don't think it'll have a drastic effect.. at least I hope not.

VTE Carol Downgrade for the same reason as his gonorrhea partner with the nice personality: I just didn't see much of him today.

VTE Carol She's really close to earning ups for her Carrie glare as well as for pointing out the obvious, that Jen needs three potential victims thanks to veto possibilities (something James overlooked last year, even at Danielle's urging, as many HOHs have). I'll see what she's like as a citizen now that she is one but I'm just not warming to her yet. She seems to have her boys in line but nobody else notices they're there.

VTE Carol Feedsters are starting to report Mike sightings as news since he shows up so rarely. This is yesterday's sidebar pic as I only got one cap of him today, and I bet nobody would have noticed the rerun if I didn't point it out.

VTE Carol I just don't know what's going on here. He showed some transparency (and fear) when he went to talk to Jen about the whole kiss 'n run episode and Joe's part to wind it up, but how obvious was that? He had all week to clear the air over that if he wanted to and he didn't until he was in a potentially vulnerable spot. And he probably wouldn't have if anyone else had won HOH. Bobsled anyone?

VTE Carol CBS is still pushing him as a major player here but all he did today was stand to give a sappy toast over dinner, and earlier proclaim he 'has built a structure' which seems to have been inspired by 'Monty Python's Holy Grail' and a knight hopping on one foot.. and he's supposed to be The Smart One.

  She & Jessica didn't fulfill the 'twist' as advertised so off she goes. She wasn't prepared for this, she moped a lot and was barely around, but she gave a good show when she had it out with all the cameras watching her.

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