Big Brother 11that dingo'sHamster Watch

I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better

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This site is about the Big Brother 11 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.

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to see it all - it's already a wild season!

Big Brother Season 11

Westies can watch the show when it airs in the East at
Video Brother

Take a swig whenever Jordan gives up too much info about something/anything

Ronnie is Head of Household
Laura & Jordan are nominated
Team Popular are Have-nots

Which additional food item should the Have-nots get with slop?
A) Sauerkraut & seaweed
B) Cabbage & cocktail weenies
C) Pickled eggs & pickled herring
Voting has ended

Tuesday's show dropped to third place with a 2.0 rating and 6 share, behind 'America's Got Talent' on NBC with 3.4/10 and the 'Hell's Kitchen' premiere's 2nd hour on FOX with 3.3/9.
Numbers are for adults 18-49
Rating = % of all TV households
Share = % of households watching TV

Donations are gratefully accepted through Paypal using the button above or direct by email. Please support other Big Brother sites that you like, too. Many thanks!

Continued fallout from the Ronnie mutiny and gradual un-mutiny

All 12 in HOH lockdown is usually quiet & sleepy but Thursday's could be interesting

CBS shows are Sundays at 8, Tuesdays at 9, and live evictions Thursdays at 8

Ross (The Intern) Mathews does post-eviction shows every Friday

Express Lunch with MissyZ and BB8 Chelsia Hart is on SuperPass Thursdays & Fridays at noon Pacific/3pm Eastern. Call-in number is 1-877-576-3348.

Where are the weekly visits from Craig Ferguson? I've already sent in my question

From the FlashBack page, enter the date, time and feed - you need SuperPass to view these clips

BB11 daily index - BB10 daily index

There are four teams: Populars, Jocks, Brainiacs, and Offbeats.

Teamies of the HOH cannot be nominated, but they can compete in the next week's HOH comp.

Comps determine living conditions for the teams. The losers live in the Jail room with lights always on, cold water showers, and slop.

Viewer votes will determine one additional food item the sloppers can have.

The habitat has 52 cameras and 80 mics.

The recorded Big Brother in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman


Click for Studio City, California Forecast

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  Day 18 - July 22, 2009       Bookmark and Share

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>> Ronnie is Head of Household - Laura & Jordan are nominated <<

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    "Deal with the devil"

    So said Ronnie after a rush visit from Russell to his isolation chamber

    Russell said he'll keep dogging Ronnie for show since they're ALL after him, and he gave his word that he'll try to win HOH.. Ronnie tried to get him to commit to putting up Casey & Michele but Russell only acknowledged he'd nominate Casey: "Fuck it, I want Casey out, I'll say that much," and "The only person I made a deal with is you & Jessie.. Casey I made a deal with but he screwed me"

    Later Russell paid another visit but there was too much kitchen activity for him to get out safely, so Ronnie walked out while Russell crawled out on the floor, and slithered to the chess sofa to feign a nap.. it was reminiscent of BB6 Ivette's balcony crawl except that Big Brother didn't call him to Diary

    They got a teeter-totter skeeball arrangement, presumably to practice for tomorrow's HOH comp (so much for their planned-for Majority Rules), and it made for a few minutes of sporadic activity.. Team Offbeat seemed to have the most talent for what's inevitably called the crapshoot comp every season (by the losers, anyway)

    Feeds highlights

    If you have SuperPass you can watch anything you missed, or see it again.. just enter the date, time and feed on the FlashBack page

    7/22 - 12.45pm - F3/4 - Russell visits Ronnie
    7/22 - 4.30pm - All - Jeff Jordan flirty chat, with some game chat
    7/22 - 6pm - All - Skeeball practice (starts end of 5pm block)
    7/22 - 7.45pm - F1/2 - Russell visits Ronnie again, and crawls out
    7/22 - 10pm - F1/2, then All - Everyone stinks about who can & can't compete for HOH
    7/23 - 2.50am - F3/4 - Lydia & Natalie visit Ronnie, and Jessie joins

    Random caps of the day

    These are my most recent screencaps - click thumbnails to enlarge or click here to see more.. you can log in using your Twitter nick and password to leave comments on any cap, and your comment will also be automatically posted to your Twitter.. use #BB11 in all tweets and comments for a clickable link to tweet with other feedsters
    Daily Ratings - Hot Mess edition

    Ratings are based on entertainment value

    I'm surprised they brought out the skeeball practice apparatus so late and/or didn't lock them down to build the real one. I was thinking they wouldn't put a plywood teeter-totter and a bunch of taped together paint buckets on primetime tv, but as of 4am that's all they still have - and the buckets broke. The CBS site pics won't be cheesy poses this week: if they post any at all, they'll be of Ronnie's HOH candy & cereal collection and mini fridge contents.

    Team Offbeat

    He's really getting mouthy, particularly about who can and can't compete in the HOH comp tomorrow. That's good for fireworks, and I guess he's okay as hamsters go, but I can't get past the previous relationship with Jessie - whether tight or casual is irrelevant since the advantage they have in covertly running the house together can only be described as fraudulent.

    Team Brain

    She dropped the n-word tonight but I'm sure not going to get into the politics of that - I'll leave that to the boards that equate global social issues with our little hamster habitat. Otherwise she's full of short fireworks bursts and that should be good tv, but in her case it isn't.

    Team Jock

    He's fast getting a reputation of being DREAMY and he & Jordan are the cutest showmance we've ever had (which isn't saying much, but still). However, I'm not looking forward to the sappy tribute videos about them. All that's whatever it is, but Jeff also holds his own when it comes to entertaining us. With our luck he'll win HOH tomorrow, and he won't be able to nominate Jessie.

    Team Jock

    Still on ignore and there he'll stay.

    Team Popular

    She actually seems worried that she may go tomorrow - she didn't practice the skeeball and she wasn't her usual perky self (although she did do her usual nightly self exam on schedule). She better still be here tomorrow night, or a whole lot of feedsters and viewers will bail. By the way, how will she go up against teams of 3, 3 and 4 for the food comp? They better let Jeff officially move over to Team Popular.. she needs booze! Take note of the new drinking game - anyone playing tonight landed under the table with her poopy ocean stories.

    Team Offbeat

    I'm pretty sure he's still in there.

    Team Popular

    I can hear it now: 'Stop looking at my boobs, Julie. I am more than my boobs.'

    Team Offbeat

    She stayed up all night alternately plotting her next move and stroking Jessie, laid around on Russell some, and laid low during the 'who can compete' discussion, like she does. She also spent a good long time giving Natalie her life story, so that showmangle might not happen (dammit). Casey underestimates her - he said she only 'loves the gossip' of the habitat - and that may be his undoing. The buzz is that she nannied for Paul & Heather McCartney but that rumor seems to have sprouted from an unnamed email on a celeb gossip site. I may be underestimating her here too, but I'd think those two would hire a nanny with professional training and a much lower profile appearance, but what do I know? We'll find out for sure sooner or later - we always do.

    Team Brain

    I'm sure she's still in there - I saw her a few times. She was even one of the side subjects of a group argument, and sort of stuck up for herself.

    Team Jock

    I know she's still in there too: she's as hard to escape on the feeds as Jessie is.

    Team Brain

    'I vant to be alone.' But seriously, he should get some credit for decimating Team Popular - that's the ultimate high school fantasy for anyone even remotely brainy or offbeat. Oh wait, that means CBS will play up that angle to add credibility to the stupid theme/twist/casting that ruined the season. Sidenote to those bashing the lovely Michelle: please leave the innocent bystanders out of it. Unlike the hamsters who signed their lives away for our amusement, their family & friends did not.

    Team Jock

    Anytime someone slithers across the floor of the balcony outside the HOH room, it's automatic ups.

    Team Popular
    His nekkid pics got out before the premiere, he said Julie's a ho, and he started a race riot in there - but his target Kevin wasn't offended by the words as much as that they hadn't been buddies. The habitat went nuts waffling about his eviction vote (vs Chima) but he was barely involved, although he did provide the fodder for her most shocking nominee speech ever. Despite all that, Braden turned out to be a funny hamster and a great third to the Jeff & Jordan comedy team.

    BB10 Brian Hart
    Team Brain
    BB8 Jessica Hughbanks
    Team Popular
    BB5/7 Michael Cowboy Ellis
    Team Offbeat

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    Jordan: One time when I was little I had to pee real bad..
    Jeff: I don't think I want to hear this story

    Jordan about Mardi Gras: When they're throwing beads at girls showing their boobs, when you get hit by it? It HURTS bad.. I mean when you're drunk, it's just kind of yeah yeah

    Jordan about Mardi Gras: I didn't show mine - I had ugly boobs then

    Natalie about skeeball: Looks like this is an Offbeat challenge

    Jessie: What are you doing?
    Lydia: Thinking about knocking your boots

    Natalie about noise complaints: Did they come knock on the door?


    My Twitpics
    My daily feeds recaps in pics, in bite-size pieces throughout the day & night

    Big Brother Reloader
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    BB7 All-Stars autographed photo
    eBay auction - not mine - seller is a Hamsterwatcher
    Proceeds will go to charity/MS

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    24/7 feeds - free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv

    No time-out feed links including set-up how-to, plus Real contact info

    SuperPass FlashBack instant replay by time/date/feed (requires SuperPass)

    Hamsterwatch Twitter - Twitpic

    Hamsterwatch Chatroom

    Hamsterwatch Forum

    BB adult/explicit links - already updated for BB11!

    CBS Big Brother 11 the official site

    DogDave BB11 aka Aldav scouts all the BB sites so you don't have to: all the news, edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town

    Attw x's houseguest tributes all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan

    Sir LinksALot Big Brother 11 all the links, once again

    BuddyTV - Big Brother 11 TV supersite with news, articles, discussions


    Hamsters who met before BB11: 2
    -Jessie & Casey

    Sex acts: 1 Lydia/Jessie

    Major fights: 5
    -Natalie vs. Jeff
    -'Beaner' race wars starring
    -Laura vs. Jessie plus Natalie
    -Post-Braden eviction blowout
    -Everyone vs. Ronnie

    Naughty past that may have surprised the producers: 1 - Braden

    Shocking true stories: 1 - Chima

    'The Soup' mentions: 2
    -Wedgie comp + Jessie
    -Technotronics (Clip of the Week)

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    "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight
    and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."