Big Brother 11that dingo'sHamster Watch

I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better

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This site is about the Big Brother 11 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.

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to see it all - it's already a wild season!

Big Brother Season 11

One for the bingers: Take a swig whenever Russell badgers Ronnie

Ronnie is Head of Household
Laura & Jordan are nominated
Team Popular are Have-nots

Which additional food item should the Have-nots get with slop?
A) Sauerkraut & seaweed
B) Cabbage & cocktail weenies
C) Pickled eggs & pickled herring
Vote free at CBS Big Brother

Tuesday's show dropped to third place with a 2.0 rating and 6 share, behind 'America's Got Talent' on NBC with 3.4/10 and the 'Hell's Kitchen' premiere's 2nd hour on FOX with 3.3/9.
Numbers are for adults 18-49
Rating = % of all TV households
Share = % of households watching TV

Donations are gratefully accepted through Paypal using the button above or direct by email. Please support other Big Brother sites that you like, too. Many thanks!

Continued fallout from the Ronnie mutiny

They'll record farewells and take pics Wednesday

CBS shows are Sundays at 8, Tuesdays at 9, and live evictions Thursdays at 8

Ross (The Intern) Mathews does post-eviction shows every Friday

Express Lunch with MissyZ and BB8 Chelsia Hart is on SuperPass Thursdays & Fridays at noon Pacific/3pm Eastern. Call-in number is 1-877-576-3348.

Where are the weekly visits from Craig Ferguson? I've already sent in my question

From the FlashBack page, enter the date, time and feed - you need SuperPass to view these clips

BB11 daily index - BB10 daily index

There are four teams: Populars, Jocks, Brainiacs, and Offbeats.

Teamies of the HOH cannot be nominated, but they can compete in the next week's HOH comp.

Comps determine living conditions for the teams. The losers live in the Jail room with lights always on, cold water showers, and slop.

Viewer votes will determine one additional food item the sloppers can have.

The habitat has 52 cameras and 80 mics.

The recorded Big Brother in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman


Click for Studio City, California Forecast

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  Day 17 - July 21, 2009       Bookmark and Share

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>> Ronnie is Head of Household - Laura & Jordan are nominated <<

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    Good morning, Ronnie

    After last night's mutiny, Ronnie finally lived up to his promises of the last few days to stay in his HOH room.. Jessie paid a quick secret visit to tell him it's not over yet, and that they don't all hate him, adding something to the effect of "if they aren't yelling at you, they're on your side"

    Ronnie finally made a trip to Diary, with Russell badgering him as he passed by.. when Ronnie finally came out, Russell stayed hot on his heels all the way to the HOH door, badgering the whole way.. Ronnie didn't say a word

    Things got fun for a minute when Lydia made a trash bag slip 'n slide.. she & Russell went down a few times, Lydia scraped her foot, and that was the end of that

    Ronnie stayed in his room almost all day, sleeping and eating candy, cereal & fruit roll-ups, with just a couple quick trips out to the balcony, and another run to Diary with Russell on his tail.. it was an overall nice day though with lots of chit chat, getting along, and very little game chat until it got late - and even then, it wasn't the frenzied, intense, hateful game chat we got before

    Feeds highlights

    If you have SuperPass you can watch anything you missed, or see it again.. just enter the date, time and feed on the FlashBack page

    7/21 - 1pm - F3/4 - Slip 'n slide
    7/22 - 3.30am - F1/2 - Casey & Jessie finally compare notes post-Ronnie

    Random caps of the day

    These are my most recent screencaps - click thumbnails to enlarge or click here to see more.. you can log in using your Twitter nick and password to leave comments on any cap, and your comment will also be automatically posted to your Twitter.. use #BB11 in all tweets and comments for a clickable link to tweet with other feedsters
    Daily Ratings - Seclusion special edition

    Ratings are based on entertainment value

    Tuesday's show was all Cocky Ronnie which was good, since we'd already forgotten that version of him. Russell's blowup at Lydia was the first event they didn't edit the hell out of, since it only lasted those few seconds - although as Lydia was crying crocodile tears about her fear of Lovemuscle in Diary tape, she was wrapped around him on the feeds. The best moment of the editing period was Jordan standing up to Ronnie and they omitted that, leaving her nomination more of a mystery than it already was. All in all, we got another corporate-sponsored comp, another B-movie commercial embedded in our regularly scheduled program, and another $1.25 down the pants.

    Team Offbeat

    When they held the rerun of their backyard What To Do Next convention tonight, I wondered for a second who'd died and left Casey in charge? Then I remembered Ronnie had. Casey seems like he's all on board with Jeff & Jordan to dump Jessie, but let's not ever forget that Casey is partners with Jessie.

    Team Brain

    Another hamster in a long line to bash us feedsters about "having no lives". Maybe it's true (and most of us will freely admit it), but without us and 'reality' viewers in general, she wouldn't have this kooshy summer job.

    Team Jock

    'Whose fkn cat is that?' is still one of the best lines ever, and he's gaining legions of new fans every day. He's great fun but he's not perfect by any means: he had a rant today about reports that Ronnie said he'd called him 'faggot' - which he vehemently denied doing - and then he went on to use the word conversationally. I don't think he realizes he uses that language as often as he does, but I also don't think he uses it maliciously.

    Team Jock

    Yep, still on ignore. Except when he's adding to the myth about getting questions via Twitter - he definitely did not get any, but now he's talking like he did.. and then they cut to fishies.

    Team Popular

    She had another backyard leg shaving event, she let Jeff play with her hair while laying on him, and of course she entertained bikini fans. But let's face it, the girl needs booze to really come alive and she can't have any. They really need to change that rule.

    Team Offbeat

    Let the record show at 9.48pm today, Kevin made a joke. And then another. They weren't big jokes or particularly funny jokes, but he finally made an effort and that deserves ups.

    Team Popular

    Blah blah blah she knows everything blah blah blah. She complained that she & Jordan should have gone ahead and had some pizza yesterday since they're both nominated anyway, but she didn't follow through and eat something besides slop today. She's all talk - make her walk.

    Team Offbeat

    She may be starting to turn on Jessie a bit, since she began the day by calling him a 'bed nazi' and then repeating that around, and then she ended up wrapped on or around Russell a few times. Others in there (and out here) are waiting for the Lydia/Jessie/Natalie showmangle to heat up and give us some fireworks, but it's possible Lydia's already moving on to her next victim. Ups for going down the slip 'n slide even though she scraped her foot and wussed out after a couple passes.

    Team Brain

    She & teamie Chima are in a tight spot now, being virtually ordered by everyone to throw this week's HOH comp to ensure Ronnie goes up and out, and that leaves both of them vulnerable when the waffles come out like they always do. Michele's started to do some game chat but unfortunately, she's a silent whisperer, and very hard to follow even with headphones. On the bright side, she made an elaborate dinner for some of them, and wore a nice dress that suited her rather than a gaudy evening gown that didn't.

    Team Jock

    Her tattling is what set off last night's feeding frenzy and she's already buzzing around again with anti-Russell rants, since she supposedly feels so bad that Ronnie's 'trapped' in his room. If she feels so bad about it, why doesn't she tell Russell to back off? Or escort Ronnie to get some food? Or go visit him?? She's one of several who only seem to be there to fulfill the stupid twist, and her 15 minutes are over.

    Team Brain

    I don't like to poke someone when they're down but really, he could have salvaged this mess by sucking it up today and making a public apology, perhaps a sniffle or two, and blending back in (quietly) but no, he stayed in total seclusion all day, making him look like a pouting coward. I might start to feel bad if they (Russell) continue harassing him and/or he continues to mope, but for now it's no more than Ronnie bought and brought on himself. Compare the same situation last year: after Brian was busted for the same kind of shady dealings (before the premiere even aired), he was the life of the feeds until his eviction.

    Team Jock

    Yep he's being overly mean by lying in wait to dog Ronnie every time he tries to slip out of his room, and I might start to get uncomfortable about it if he keeps it up for long, but for now it's all good and no more than Ronnie bought. Even without that, he gets solids ups for all-out slip 'n sliding.

    Team Popular
    His nekkid pics got out before the premiere, he said Julie's a ho, and he started a race riot in there - but his target Kevin wasn't offended by the words as much as that they hadn't been buddies. The habitat went nuts waffling about his eviction vote (vs Chima) but he was barely involved, although he did provide the fodder for her most shocking nominee speech ever. Despite all that, Braden turned out to be a funny hamster and a great third to the Jeff & Jordan comedy team.

    BB10 Brian Hart
    Team Brain
    BB8 Jessica Hughbanks
    Team Popular
    BB5/7 Michael Cowboy Ellis
    Team Offbeat

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    Jordan: I don't want anyone to see my Diary sessions the first two weeks, cuz now I regret what I said

    Jeff about nominee speeches: You have to read the script - you have to memorize the script [cut to fishies]

    Jessie: This is a family show

    Jeff: I don't get it, Jessie sleeps with Lydia at night and Natalie sleeps on the floor

    Jeff: Jessie loves himself more than anyone

    Jessie: Squashbucket?
    Casey: Swashbuckler
    Jessie: What's that?


    BB7 All-Stars autographed photo
    eBay auction - not mine - seller is a Hamsterwatcher
    Proceeds will go to charity/MS

    Laura's banana
    Chop by ArtMaggot

    Attwx's BB11 page is well underway
    Part of the best reference (and fun) BB site for all seasons

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    24/7 feeds - free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv

    No time-out feed links including set-up how-to, plus Real contact info

    SuperPass FlashBack instant replay by time/date/feed (requires SuperPass)

    Hamsterwatch Twitter - Twitpic

    Hamsterwatch Chatroom

    Hamsterwatch Forum

    BB adult/explicit links - already updated for BB11!

    CBS Big Brother 11 the official site

    DogDave BB11 aka Aldav scouts all the BB sites so you don't have to: all the news, edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town

    Attw x's houseguest tributes all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan

    Sir LinksALot Big Brother 11 all the links, once again

    BuddyTV - Big Brother 11 TV supersite with news, articles, discussions


    Hamsters who met before BB11: 2
    -Jessie & Casey

    Sex acts: 1 Lydia/Jessie

    Major fights: 5
    -Natalie vs. Jeff
    -'Beaner' race wars starring
    -Laura vs. Jessie plus Natalie
    -Post-Braden eviction blowout
    -Everyone vs. Ronnie

    Naughty past that may have surprised the producers: 1 - Braden

    Shocking true stories: 1 - Chima

    'The Soup' mentions: 2
    -Wedgie comp + Jessie
    -Technotronics (Clip of the Week)

    Shop Coca-Cola Collectibles for the enthusiast!

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    "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight
    and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."