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This site is about the Big Brother feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior. DOGGIE-STYLE IN HOH April & Ollie have a spanking good time SIGN UP NOW for a two week free trial BB10 DRINKING GAME Take a swig every time Jessie mentions his body Kiss your liver good-bye NEXT SHOW Thursday, August 7 at 8pm: Live eviction, HOH comp, assorted out-of-sequence dramas INTERNET STREAM Westies can watch the air show live when it's on in the East at www.watch.videobrother.com RATINGS WATCH Tuesday's show remained in second place with a 4.2 rating and 7 share, well behind 'America's Got Talent' on NBC with 7.4/12. AMERICA'S PLAYER
Task 1: Who should Dan get nominated? Jessie/successful Task 2: Who should Dan hug for 10 seconds? Jessie/successful Task 3: Who should Dan vote to evict? Dan gets $20k if successful and not discovered: whether it's a $20k package deal or $5k per task isn't clear. It's also not clear whether all the 'Dan is America's Player' suspicions will invalidate him. Libra's birthday is Wednesday A very good chance of fights and sex, otherwise mostly downtime til Thursday Dan will have four AP tasks: who to get nominated, who to get evicted, plus two 'fun tasks' Apparently they'll be on Craig Ferguson every Wednesday night now FAQ Jerry's on slop for 1 week (but he ate birthday cake on Sunday) Michelle's in the red catsuit for 1 week Memphis Bob has a 1 week slop pass (so do Janelle and Sharon) BB announcements - clues? ·121 marble slots in a Chinese checkerboard ·Sweden is slightly larger than California ·The tallest building west of the Mississippi is 73 stories ·Wurlitzer 1015 Bubbler arguably the most popular jukebox of all time 'Switzerland' or 'The Psychologist' refers to Diary Room; 'Vacation' refers to pre-show hotel sequester Jerry is being called 'The Colonel' The winner will once again receive $500k, and second place gets $50k. The weekly stipend for the others remains $750, including sequester weeks. The habitat has 52 cameras and 95 mics this season The recorded Big Brother announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman Finale is scheduled for September 17. It's a slightly shorter season than usual, by about 10 days |
August 5, 2008 - Day 29 >> past >> present >> future >> all >> April is Head of Household - Jessie & Memphis Bob are nominated << Catsuit check-in I don't know if Diary showed her some pics or maybe gave her a diagram, but Michelle finally styled herself a Jenuine strappy catsuit arrangement - she wears her bikini under it though There's only one hoochie girl in there this season, and her name starts with A.. after last night's doggie show in HOH, Ollie told her that the way she talks in there would probably make guys think she's easy (himself excepted, of course).. she replied that she didn't think so, and anyway she's only putting that stuff on for TV.. I wonder if she thinks their nightly porn show is giving the impression that she's a hard-to-get kind of girl I've been busy earning a living today so I have missed much, but I don't think there's been much to miss.. Dan's Swim Club is progressing nicely, with Ollie & Renny ready to learn how to breathe while stroking Teacher Dan spends as much time going over the rules of Swim Club ("Do not talk about Swim Club") as he does on swimming techniques, but it's a cute interlude most days and is giving both of his students something real to take away from all this Look Bullwinkle, it's a secret message! 2.0 Feedmasters fed us a treat by slowly panning across the EVICTION = DOOM sign on the wall of the punk room, but rather than going across the full thing, they panned directly from the equal sign to Jessie, who was comatose below I'm not getting my hopes up for a fourth week in a row just to be bashed to bits on Thursday, but they've fed us clues like this before that turned out to be accurate, most notably when they told us Eric/Cappy wouldn't be revived for BB6, when it seemed scarily inevitable that he would April's summit April called a meeting of The Seven that had some fun moments.. she was professional about it from her perch atop her bed of doggie love, as she asked for confirmation that nothing had changed in their plans to boot Memphis Bob Libra, Keesha & Renny all claimed to still be aboard Plan Seven.. so did Dan, who's promised both sides but only Bible-swore to one.. he also admittedly played devil's advocate and talked about the merits of keeping either nominee.. I believe he was the first to mention the obvious fact that losing Jessie would cripple Michelle A highlight was Jerry snapping at Libra at one point when she tried to cut him off, saying "Just a minute, goddamn - Libra, can I talk please?!" but then he turned the floor over to her anyway.. the meeting broke up when Memphis Bob mugged in the spyscreen cam, showing them booze had arrived Here they go again Replaying it later, April & Ollie agreed that everyone was too quiet, too complacent to be believed, except Libra, who April said is a "fucking manipulating bitch".. Ollie said maybe he should put out some feelers by letting a few think he's thinking about voting out Jessie.. April's still stuck on her wishes, her betrayals, and on her having won a comp that was harder than anyone else's wins They took longer than usual getting around to sex tonight, but when they did it was BJ followed by April on top, followed by shorter than usual about-April chatter before separating to far sides of the bed Find more screencaps (including the possible message from the feedmasters) in the forum, thanks to chewy9028, Gwynndal, and Alwaysroomforcake.. more to follow Daily ratings - Is it Thursday yet? edition Ratings are based on entertainment value
!! THIS MEANS YOU !! 14 day free trial Monthly or quarterly billing Your subscription will include BB8 Evel Dick Donato's live show on eviction days Get free Hamsterwatch updates to your cell phone! Text 'follow hamsterwatch' to 40404 to sign up (21212 in Canada; 5566511 in India; +44 7624 801423 anywhere else). my tweets - more info LINKS OF THE DAY
B-Side Blog with Sunday's show America's Player question is who should Dan vote to evict? Vote for Jessie at CBS.com - polls are closed Another recycled gimmick: Send in your wake-up calls before Wednesday, 6pm PDT and please make them good Click to see my full list of BB10 links. These are some of my favorites: 24/7 feeds - 14 day free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv No time-out feed links including set-up how-to, plus Real contact info Hamsterwatch Chatroom Hamsterwatch Forum BB9 adult/explicit links - might get updated for BB10 if we have hamsters with naughty pasts CBS Big Brother 10 the official site DogDave BB10 aka Aldav scouts all the BB sites so you don't have to: all the news, edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town Attw x's houseguest tributes all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan BuddyTV - Big Brother 10 TV supersite with news, articles, discussions Sir LinksALot Big Brother 10 all the links, once again LINES OF THE DAY
Ollie: What if I was to just run full speed into a wall - would it hurt? April: I have a KRZR (phone).. mine has a mirror on it, that's why I got it Dan: Memphis, when you get out of here the AARP is gonna want to kill you Libra: Are you getting a haircut, Dan? Dan: I don't need a haircut Libra: It's one of his tasks that he can't get a haircut Michelle: It's not in his contract, people April: It's in the power room Ollie: The what? April: The power of love room.. I call it the doom room Ollie: I just wear the apron 'cause I like it April: Jerry's the POV winner and I'm the head of household, but that doesn't mean shit.. they just care about themselves April: Memphis has a $60,000 car! April: Next week we have 6 against 2 Renny: They don't put crap like this on tv, do they? April (to Ollie, after sex): We'll forever be on E! Reality TV Hookups! DAILY JERRYISMS (about his slop concoction): It's like a honey candy bar (Dan & Ollie debate whether to keep tossing a ball): You gotta save something for tomorrow Just a minute, goddamn - Libra, can I talk please?! I think we (The Seven) are the strongest alliance ever existed in Big Brother (to Jessie): Believe me, I have saved you EXTRACURRICULAR TALLY Sex: April/Ollie (9x) Makeout pairings: April/Ollie, Angie/Steven Major fights: 7 Jessie vs Renny (pre-feeds) April vs Keesha Jerry vs Libra, plus Renny Jerry vs Michelle Jerry vs Memphis Bob (not on feeds) April, Keesha, Libra, Jessie free-for-all April vs Ollie Impressive party tricks: Renny 'The Soup' mentions: 2 (meet April's boobies plus Jerry's affirmation, and Jessie's HOH pics of himself) 'Best Week Ever' mentions: 1 (Ollie/April sex with the lights on) Use coupon code AFFDA for 10% off anything at the CBS Store |
Webcast images & official photos Copyright © CBS.com and RealNetworks Everything else Copyright © 2004-10 HamsterWatch.com - don't be taking stuff that isn't yours - Concept & broadcasts owned by CBS - Our House Productions - Endemol this is definitely not an official site |