I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better | ||||||||||||||||||
This site is about the Big Brother feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior. DOGGIE-STYLE IN HOH April & Ollie have a spanking good time SIGN UP NOW for a two week free trial Save $2 with coupon code BB10E0805 BB10 DRINKING GAME Take a swig every time Jessie mentions his body Start shopping rehabs NEXT SHOW Tuesday, August 5 at 9pm: Veto comp, veto meeting, Dan hugs somebody, assorted out-of-sequence dramas RATINGS WATCH Sunday's show placed second for the hour with a 4.4 rating and 8 share, behind NFL Hall of Fame football on NBC with 4.8/9. AMERICA'S PLAYER
Task 1: Who should Dan get nominated? Jessie/successful Task 2: Who should Dan hug for 10 seconds? Jessie/successful Dan gets $20k if successful and not discovered: whether it's a $20k package deal or $5k per task isn't clear. It's also not clear whether all the 'Dan is America's Player' suspicions will invalidate him. A very good chance of fights Veto meeting on Monday Libra's birthday is Wednesday Dan will have four AP tasks: who to get nominated, who to get evicted, plus two 'fun tasks' Apparently they'll be on Craig Ferguson every Wednesday night now FAQ Jerry's on slop (but he ate cake Sunday night) Michelle's in the red catsuit Memphis Bob has a slop pass BB announcements - clues? ·121 marble slots in a Chinese checkerboard ·Sweden is slightly larger than California ·The tallest building west of the Mississippi is 73 stories ·Wurlitzer 1015 Bubbler arguably the most popular jukebox of all time 'Switzerland' or 'The Psychologist' refers to Diary Room Jerry is being called 'The Colonel' The winner will once again receive $500k, and second place gets $50k. The weekly stipend for the others remains $750, including sequester weeks. The habitat has 52 cameras and 95 mics this season The recorded Big Brother announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman Finale is scheduled for September 17. It's a slightly shorter season than usual, by about 10 days |
August 3, 2008 - Day 27 >> past >> present >> future >> all >> April is Head of Household - Jessie & Memphis Bob are nominated - Jerry holds veto << Scraping by Today's grooming took the form of Libra scraping Dan's feet, grossing out April among others, including many feedsters Keesha's busy working today, as is Memphis Bob, and both Michelle & Jessie as usual.. Ollie's been putting in overtime though, trying to get April to agree to team up with Michelle & Jessie in a foursome bloc to back up and/or replace their mob ties - and all this while following up last night's doggie show with an afternoon quickie in the HOH Thursday is way too far off for me to follow much of the vote chat, but it continues nonstop Michelle has styled her catsuit into something her own, rather than copy-catting something that's already been done.. it has a double bonus of not only working for her, but also thwarting Diary's ridiculous instructions.. also, she was given a spare for laundry day Quit hurting them, Dan In a surprising turn of events, the nice church boy attacked the elderly gentleman's personal junk, with a ball Jerry was really hurting - he doubled up, tears and all.. Dan bustled around apologizing, but the damage had been done The assembled company laughed like home videos shows have taught them to do, but Ollie went into hysterics, since Dan had done the same thing to him an hour earlier.. the AP "hug" task is a dopey one, but it's starting to look like they asked for a vote on "Which houseguest should Dan hit in the nuts?" The mob cracks wide open Apparently Dan really doesn't understand his new job and/or he's pretty confident about how Tuesday night's instructions will play out, as he shook hands and gave his word that he'll vote out Jessie He was brought in at the end of a very busy waffling day to promise Keesha, Libra & Memphis Bob that he'll go with them and Renny (who was conveniently absent for the promising part) and against April.. he didn't hesitate, so maybe he doesn't know his vote will be assigned, but either way, he won't have to work very hard at convincing them to boot Jessie now Coincidental timing that this was all finalized the same day April & Ollie were also making alternate plans, but no matter: we're guaranteed more fireworks now, sooner or later Dan strikes again He got his call to Diary, along with the others who were paged in there for distraction.. following him around the feeds to see who Karen in Ohio and others wanted him to hug, he made a few diversion rounds himself First stop was the tie-dye room, where Renny had him swear on his own Bible that he was truly down with the new plan, which he did readily.. he gave her a quick random hug to throw us off, then headed outside to Memphis Bob for a heart-to-heart, but there was no contact Then he went into the spa where Jessie harangued at him from a pink pillow fort for a half hour or so.. Dan gave no indication that he had just sworn to betray him, and then he started to cry It was a great performance, rivaling the one BB9 Joshuah put on for Adam, and Jessie bought it.. he popped up from his pink pillows and consoled & comforted - well, as best he could, seeing as how it wasn't about him.. finally Dan grabbed hold and didn't let go even when Jessie tried to.. he held on for about 12 seconds The best part was when Jessie finally escaped, and Dan had a little private celebration complete with mocking his own phony tears and huge ear-to-ear grins.. it was a dopey task, but he pulled it off beautifully Find a few more screencaps in the forum thanks to Gwynndal.. (you guys sure liked the doggie-style caps! naughty naughty ;) Daily ratings - Things we'd like to see edition Ratings aren't based on anything today, so free neutrals for most Veto comp cash & prizes will be posted when made official on Tuesday's show
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BB10 chops by ArtMaggot (login required) Craig Ferguson viewer mail Ask him about April & Ollie's free porn shows Jessie tribute by Attw x it's legal = not video Click to see my full list of BB10 links. These are some of my favorites: 24/7 feeds - 14 day free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv No time-out feed links including set-up how-to, plus Real contact info Hamsterwatch Chatroom Hamsterwatch Forum BB9 adult/explicit links - might get updated for BB10 if we have hamsters with naughty pasts CBS Big Brother 10 the official site DogDave BB10 aka Aldav scouts all the BB sites so you don't have to: all the news, edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town Attw x's houseguest tributes all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan BuddyTV - Big Brother 10 TV supersite with news, articles, discussions Sir LinksALot Big Brother 10 all the links, once again LINES OF THE DAY
Memphis Bob: what would we do if Renny wasn't here? We'd be eating grilled cheese every night (after afternoon quickie): April: I should walk out like this and see what they say Ollie: Keep your hair like that Libra: Why don't you just take a fucking screwdriver and stick it in my back, and twist a few times? A Phillips head, preferably (after Dan hit Jerry's nuts, hard): Jerry: Oh, it hurts bad.. April: Does it really hurt that bad? [all the guys]: YES it does Jerry: I hope to hell they don't put that on national tv.. Christ, that hurt Ollie [laughing]: It just happened to me literally an hour ago, by the same guy.. that's why I'm laughing Dan: They were accidents both times Ollie: You say they were accidents both times.. you tell me (Libra, Keesha, Memphis Bob, Dan meeting to boot Jessie): Keesha: Do we have your word? Dan: Yea, of course Keesha: I got the 4 votes [Memphis Bob & Dan shake hands] Jessie: I am the little guy! EXTRACURRICULAR TALLY Sex: April/Ollie (7x) Makeout pairings: April/Ollie, Angie/Steven Major fights: 7 Jessie vs Renny (pre-feeds) April vs Keesha Jerry vs Libra, plus Renny Jerry vs Michelle Jerry vs Memphis Bob (not on feeds) April, Keesha, Libra, Jessie free-for-all April vs Ollie Impressive party tricks: Renny 'The Soup' mentions: 2 (meet April's boobies plus Jerry's affirmation, and Jessie's HOH pics of himself) 'Best Week Ever' mentions: 1 (Ollie/April sex with the lights on) Use coupon code AFFDA for 10% off anything at the CBS Store |
Webcast images & official photos Copyright © CBS.com and RealNetworks Everything else Copyright © 2004-10 HamsterWatch.com - don't be taking stuff that isn't yours - Concept & broadcasts owned by CBS - Our House Productions - Endemol this is definitely not an official site |