I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better | ||||||||||||||||||
This site is about the Big Brother feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior. SEE IT ALL UNEDITED CBS is revising history again: get the real story including April & Ollie sex SIGN UP NOW for a two week free trial Save $2 with coupon code BB10E0805 BB10 DRINKING GAME Take a swig every time Jessie mentions his body You don't have to listen to him - just take a drink every 5 minutes NEXT SHOW Sunday, August 3 at 8pm: HOH comp, nominations, assorted out-of-sequence dramas RATINGS WATCH Thursday's eviction show placed first for the hour with a 4.3 rating and 8 share, ahead of 'Don't Forget the Lyrics' on Fox with 3.7/7. Keesha's birthday is Friday, and Libra's is August 6 Nominations on Friday Veto comp on Saturday Dan's tasks will likely be made clear shortly after midnight Apparently they'll be on Craig Ferguson every Wednesday night now FAQ The banner was a birthday greeting for one of the millions of other people who live in the area BB announcements - clues? ·121 marble slots in a Chinese checkerboard ·Sweden is slightly larger than California ·The tallest building west of the Mississippi is 73 stories ·Wurlitzer 1015 Bubbler arguably the most popular jukebox of all time 'Switzerland' or 'The Psychologist' refers to Diary Room Jerry is being called 'The Colonel' The winner will once again receive $500k. Second place will probably be $50k again, and the weekly stipend for the others remains $750, including sequester weeks. The habitat has 52 cameras and 95 mics this season The recorded Big Brother announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman Finale is scheduled for September 17. It's a slightly shorter season than usual, by about 10 days |
July 31, 2008 - Day 24 >> past >> present >> future >> all >> Angie evicted 8-0 - April is Head of Household << CSI auditions continue I don't recall a season where so many were comatose this early, especially on live show day.. how quickly they become jaded I don't have much hope that He Who Can't Be Watched will walk the plank tonight, but will wait and see.. if by some off-chance he sticks and wins HOH again, I'm busy learning which fishie is which, and trying to figure out their alliances CBS's muscle-bound darling said today that he'd "never date another black girl after being in there with Libra", and paranoia is setting in good as some of them are convinced the earthquake was fake - well, they think they're a big enough hit that TPTB could afford to shake the entire habitat around Somehow Dan won America's Player poll, even though the CBS audience doesn't know who he is.. he'll have four tasks: who to get nominated, who to get evicted, plus two "fun votes" - guard the mustard Hang on Jerry came off the endurance wall right away, followed by Libra, Dan, Ollie, Jessie and Memphis Bob.. Renny came off about 7.45, and Michelle finally gave up to April about 8.40 It was an impressive showing once again, but once again the ground crew/losers had very little encouragement for those still going, except for Dan who put on a couple good cheering sessions Some deal chat went on between April & Michelle, but neither dropped off for some time afterwards, and there wasn't any "You promise?!" reinforcement before Michelle came off Another new regime Room debut brought the usual junk food, sweats, and pics.. April read her letter to herself first, after chasing everyone out of the room, then invited them all back again to hear it aloud Diary had told her to read it to herself first in case it mentioned anyone not on her list, and I guess she took it literally After they all left again, Ollie hung around awhile as April talked up her win and her (current) plans to nominate Memphis Bob & Jessie, with Memphis Bob as her target and Jerry as alternate.. they went back downstairs late, where Renny had been working Keesha with suspicions about both April & Libra Dan had gone into Diary and most likely received his orders, but if he acted on them tonight, it wasn't on the feeds Renny, Libra & Keesha raided the kitchen and their new stash of chips at 3am which had some fun moments, but most of it was spent trashing Jerry instead of just being goofy like 3am kitchen raids should be Daily ratings - Stand like a bat edition VTE = Voted to evict Ratings are based on entertainment value, mostly
!! THIS MEANS YOU !! 14 day free trial Monthly or quarterly billing Your subscription will include BB8 Evel Dick Donato's live show on eviction days Get free Hamsterwatch updates to your cell phone! Text 'follow hamsterwatch' to 40404 to sign up (21212 in Canada; 5566511 in India; +44 7624 801423 anywhere else). my tweets - more info LINKS OF THE DAY
B-Side Blog with Tuesday's show AP question was 'Who should Dan get nominated?' Poll closed at midnight Click to see my full list of BB10 links. These are some of my favorites: 24/7 feeds - 14 day free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv No time-out feed links including set-up how-to, plus Real contact info Hamsterwatch Chatroom Hamsterwatch Forum BB9 adult/explicit links - might get updated for BB10 if we have hamsters with naughty pasts CBS Big Brother 10 the official site DogDave BB10 aka Aldav scouts all the BB sites so you don't have to: all the news, edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town Attw x's houseguest tributes all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan BuddyTV - Big Brother 10 TV supersite with news, articles, discussions Sir LinksALot Big Brother 10 all the links, once again LINES OF THE DAY
(after forgetting cameras and getting out of the shower nekkid): Keesha: I didn't know it would be on Youtube! Memphis Bob: Youtube's very discreet though Memphis Bob: All we have to do is kick some ass and drink some beer.. they don't give us any beer Michelle: Might as well kick some ass Michelle: I don't have a potty mouth - do you think so? Angie: What?!! (during endurance comp/final two): Michelle: Are your feet numb? April: My whole body's numb Michelle: Cool (after endurance comp): Michelle: I feel like Gumby (after endurance comp): Jessie: It's bullshit - everybody should have the same weight! (hmm.. everything was ok with him when it was swimming thru honey) Libra: You know how Arabic letters all start to look the same? EXTRACURRICULAR TALLY Sex: April/Ollie (4x) Makeout pairings: April/Ollie, Angie/Steven Major fights: 4 Keesha vs April Jerry vs Libra, plus Renny Jerry vs Michelle Jerry vs Memphis Bob (not on feeds) Impressive party tricks: Renny 'The Soup' mentions: 2 (meet April's boobies plus Jerry's affirmation, and Jessie's HOH pics of himself) 'Best Week Ever' mentions: 1 (Ollie/April sex with the lights on) Use coupon code AFFDA for 10% off anything at the CBS Store |
Webcast images & official photos Copyright © CBS.com and RealNetworks Everything else Copyright © 2004-10 HamsterWatch.com - don't be taking stuff that isn't yours - Concept & broadcasts owned by CBS - Our House Productions - Endemol this is definitely not an official site |