I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better | ||||||||||||||||||
This site is about the Big Brother feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RENNY! TWISTAGE ARRIVES See Link of the Day to your far right re America's Player OLLIE & APRIL SEX They know when Showtime ends and they only do it on the feeds SIGN UP NOW for a two week free trial to see them go at it BB10 DRINKING GAME Take a swig every time Jessie mentions his body You don't have to listen to him - just take a drink every 5 minutes EVICTION THURSDAYS Live eviction shows move from Wednesdays back to Thursdays at 8pm beginning this week NEXT SHOW Thursday, July 31 at 8pm: Live eviction, HOH comp, AP winner announced RATINGS WATCH Tuesday's show fell to second place for 9pm with a 4.0 rating and 7 share, well behind 'America's Got Talent' on NBC with 8.0/13. AP winner should become clear shortly after Wednesday midnight - if the winner accepts A chance of fights Plotting, scheming, hating, napping, plus bonus cockroach infestation Keesha's birthday is Friday, and Libra's is August 6 FAQ Nobody knows what the banner said.. it appears to be a birthday greeting for one of the millions of other people who live in the area Nobody's on slop BB announcements - clues? ·121 marble slots in a Chinese checkerboard ·Sweden is slightly larger than California ·The tallest building west of the Mississippi is 73 stories ·Wurlitzer 1015 Bubbler arguably the most popular jukebox of all time 'Switzerland' or 'The Psychologist' refers to Diary Room Jerry is being called 'The Colonel' The winner will once again receive $500k. Second place will probably be $50k again, and the weekly stipend for the others remains $750, including sequester weeks. The habitat has 52 cameras and 95 mics this season The recorded Big Brother announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman Finale is scheduled for September 17. It's a slightly shorter season than usual, by about 10 days |
July 29, 2008 - Day 22 >> past >> present >> future >> all >> Keesha is Head of Household - Angie & Jessie are nominated << Breakfast club I don't like dreaming about them, but these guys have now invaded my sleep.. I woke up to a vision of Libra starting to gradually kill them off, beginning with Memphis Bob.. it was non-sensensical like dreams often are, as she quietly stabbed him in the kitchen with their green plastic knife.. sorry, but hey, I can't be held responsible for games my subconscious plays without me I'm rarely around for their wake-up but caught it today.. it was mostly surface small talk (birthday greets to Renny, and Jerry saying "I feel good today - rested") with undercurrents of tension.. it kind of felt like the day after too much togetherness has set in at a several days' sleep-over family gathering Jerry said Memphis Bob is staying away from him now because "he was told" if he goes after Jerry again, he'll lose his car and/or his "stippend" (Jerry's pronunciation).. Renny put in some potentially valuable chit-chat time with the outsiders, then rejoined the two blondes, Libra and Dan as they took over the downstairs bathroom for facials and non-game girl talk "I said.. wake up!" 11.42am they felt an earthquake, and cut to fishies.. USGS is reporting it as a 5.8 centered near Chino Hills.. 5.8 is not a huge or catastrophic quake but it's definitely a good size.. when the fishies swam away they didn't seem too rattled but were talking about it, especially the non-Californians.. it's since been downgraded to a 5.4 They got over the tremor quickly, and Dan's Swim Club opened for business with customers Ollie & Renny.. it was cute to see, and each of them had a sense of accomplishment after holding onto their ball and kicking from one end of the pool to the other several times.. also cute was Ollie teaching Renny a few hip hop moves, which she picked up quickly A race discussion in HOH flirted with ugly but most came out of it okay.. April & Keesha each described incidents with individuals that they defined as a "bad experience with blacks" and "Hispanics", respectively.. Libra one-upped every story.. Ollie was the voice of reason Psst-pssting continues unabated and the Us versus Them vibe is rampant, on both sides.. Memphis Bob told Keesha he still has her back, and Jerry told Libra he's worried about Dan's loyalties.. Keesha's still talking about Angie going Flying pig feet, lap dances, and gladiators BB didn't deliver a cake so they made a cookie-cake for Renny, with icing.. the outsiders set up a barricade and played pop-up dodgeball, then Renny & Dan chased each other down with a pig foot - it took a dip in the pool at one point April & Libra dressed up and April gave Renny a sort of lapdance (she has nothing on BB9 Natalie though).. Michelle did a more professional shimmy shake, and Libra made an effort.. Keesha cheered them all on but didn't participate The guys dressed up in the green catsuits and assorted other accessories for a gladiator show (aka more dodgeball). Ollie won the spirit award, easily They still think the live show is tomorrow, and they can't figure out why they haven't done farewells, take pics or blog Some screencaps of the day are posted in the forum.. do I have to make threats to get you to click over to see them? Good, I didn't think so.. and please feel free to add comments and/or post some of your own caps, quotes, and thoughts Daily ratings - Wakey wakey edition Ratings are based on entertainment value
!! THIS MEANS YOU !! 14 day free trial Monthly or quarterly billing Your subscription will include BB8 Evel Dick Donato's live show on eviction days Get free Hamsterwatch updates to your cell phone! Text 'follow hamsterwatch' to 40404 to sign up (21212 in Canada; 5566511 in India; +44 7624 801423 anywhere else). my tweets - more info LINKS OF THE DAY
Reality tv turns murderous in movies Series 7: The Contenders, My Little Eye, and Safety in Numbers, and funny-as-hell novel Dead Famous Who should be America's Player for one week? $20k if they accept and are successful with five tasks. Vote at CBS.com Polls close Wednesday at 11.59pm PT Earthquake video including reactions that were behind fishies (it's CBS's video = legal) Click to see my full list of BB10 links. These are some of my favorites: 24/7 feeds - 14 day free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv No time-out feed links including set-up how-to, plus Real contact info Hamsterwatch Chatroom Hamsterwatch Forum BB9 adult/explicit links - might get updated for BB10 if we have hamsters with naughty pasts CBS Big Brother 10 the official site DogDave BB10 aka Aldav scouts all the BB sites so you don't have to: all the news, edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town Attw x's houseguest tributes all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan BuddyTV - Big Brother 10 TV supersite with news, articles, discussions Sir LinksALot Big Brother 10 all the links, once again LINES OF THE DAY
Memphis Bob: What.. who.. in no way in hell is it right to wake up to Marilyn Manson, no matter who you are (on PDAs) Jerry: It's kind of like open sex Keesha: It's kind of like they want everybody to know that you're with them.. I kind of consider it insecurity Jerry: Or overly possessive Renny: Some people, they like to do that in front of other people Libra: To show them 'I'm the big rooster on the block' April: [silence] Keesha: I need to get botox again Michelle: The girls and their catty ways.. they do more personal than anything Ollie (after April footsie'd him): It's gonna take me 10 minutes to get up Michelle: I'm having an ass spasm Libra: Is your hairdresser a man? Keesha: Yea, but he's not gay EXTRACURRICULAR TALLY Sex: April/Ollie (4x) Makeout pairings: April/Ollie, Angie/Steven Major fights: 4 Keesha vs April Jerry vs Libra, plus Renny Jerry vs Michelle Jerry vs Memphis Bob (not on feeds) Impressive party tricks: Renny 'The Soup' mentions: 2 (meet April's boobies plus Jerry's affirmation, and Jessie's HOH pics of himself) 'Best Week Ever' mentions: 1 (Ollie/April sex with the lights on) Use coupon code AFFDA for 10% off anything at the CBS Store |
Webcast images & official photos Copyright © CBS.com and RealNetworks Everything else Copyright © 2004-10 HamsterWatch.com - don't be taking stuff that isn't yours - Concept & broadcasts owned by CBS - Our House Productions - Endemol this is definitely not an official site |