July 1-4, 2007 - Pre-season
Last chance to get discount feeds

July 4 was the last day for the early bird discount for SuperPass sign-ups, but fear not! One- or three-month subscriptions will be available all summer, and they come with a two week free trial.. sign up now!
Thanks to all who have, and have a great holiday everyone - it all starts tomorrow!
Amber tracking

We've gone from no info on Amber to too much
I believe this is her boyfriend Ben, skydiving on her birthday - she jumped too.. it's his MySpace profile pic
She seems to have a large but tight-knit group of friends and family, but I'm pretty sure the speculations going around that she & Eric are siblings aren't true.. she refers to a Tim as her big brother in her slideshow (linked the other day) as well as an Erik with-a-K - but other sources make her seem to have just a sister.. maybe she just calls special guy friends "big brother" like some people do
Her "big brother" Erik, the one with-a-K, seems to be in Japan, possibly military? and just got married the other day so that pretty much eliminates any chance that he's our Eric with-a-C, at least in my book
There is an Amber Tomcavage (which seems to be her married name, and Siyavus her maiden) on the dean's list for nursing at Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania, which would answer the question I posed below, but I don't think that's our girl.. our Amber seems to be have grown up in Vegas and this one went to school in PA.. our Amber lists her Vegas high school on her MySpace (cached version - she set to private but didn't go far enough to hide it all), along with her Vegas middle school on Classmates.com (membership) but she doesn't show college on either.. that's a bit unusual for a dean's lister, to say the least
Enough confusion? I think so: it'll all come out soon enough.. my apologies to any unrelated people linked here or within hops of links
By the way, somebody's looking after Amber's MySpace (current/private version) for her.. they logged in today but apparently aren't accepting friend requests (at least not from me).. her name there has been changed from "LEXIS MOM" to "IM ON BIG BROTHER 8 Watch me, starts 7/5 ch8@8!!"
Who they gonna call?

Am I missing something? It seems like we have a medico type in there every year - either a doctor, nurse, or student working towards either - I've always figured it was a safeguard for the producers (and a good idea) to have someone in there who knows first aid and can tell when a casualty needs to be outsourced to a clinic or ER
It probably saves them money too - they don't have to keep an MD on call (just a shrink)
Maybe I missed it, or maybe my brain's just addled from looking at too many MySpace pages with blinking cursors and backgrounds and auto-on music, but I don't recall seeing anyone in that field among this group.. who's going to put on the bandages this year?
You may have heard about Samantha, the phantom "15th houseguest".. it turns out she's an alternate, "should one of our hamsters be unable to fulfill his or her duties" as they say.. so we've probably seen all of her we're going to see
The other interesting tidbit du jour is that Carol's father is Phil Journey, a Kansas State Senator.. apparently he's quite conservative, which could make things interesting if she subscribes to the same politics as her dad.. but if so, it makes you wonder why Allison made such a big deal of Kail being a conservative Republican and how unusual that is for the BB house.. this summer could also make for some sticky situations for Senator Journey among his peers and/or constituents depending what happens in there, but we'll have to wait and see
It's going to be interesting to see if they try to skew the edits as much this year as they often have in the past, since they'll be running three hours of feeds nightly on Showtime's ShoToo.. I don't know how many will watch on there and on CBS, but it's likely going to be more than us relatively few feedsters who will know if they try to pull a fast one this time
Apparently Janelle said in a chat that Jen has been coached by Willboogie (well, that would mean Will).. some think that makes her the logical choice for America's Player, but Julie has referred to the AP as HIM several times.. I'm guessing it's Joe, who Allison was so agog about in the "Early Show" piece - she doesn't normally play favorites like that, especially this early
I tend to think the America's Player choices might be rather lame, but I'm cynical about the way this whole project is run (in case you haven't noticed).. let's face it, it's no longer a "twist" having some of them know each other: it's the fifth year running for that
At this point it would be a true twist - and a very welcome one - if we had normal people, not "Real World" cast clones, who'd never heard of each other before move-in day
But I'm trying to keep an open mind til they open their mouths.. only a couple days to go!
Dotted lines

 Dick, Daniele and son Vincent in happier times (or last month).. if you haven't checked out Dick's MySpace pics & blog yet, you should.. wear protection
| Nobody seems too thrilled with this year's cast or "twists" so far except CBS and producers, apparently
They've been so late with so little info that you'd think maybe the pairings would be obvious if we knew more, but some of these guys are proving tough to connect.. then again, the CBS site says "some" will have enemies - I thought they'd implied all would? Either way, we'll dig up what we can
Yesterday's episode has most of the info I've gathered but now's the time to figure out the pairs.. these may be legit or they may be junk, but here are a few leads:
Dustin is the same age as Joe and gay like Joe, but went to high school in Minnesota like Nick
Zach's clothing line model, Whitney Harchanko, was a finalist in the 2005 Hawaiian Tropic bikini comp and so was Jen.. and Whitney's from Minnesota, like Nick & Dustin
Mike has a few acting credits but he comes up empty at IMDB, which is odd - does he use a professional alias?
Dick & Daniele might not be as estranged as they and/or producers want us and/or producers to think.. either way, they bent the rules to let her in - applications said hamsters must be 21.. apparently she'll turn 21 this summer but before then, alcohol will be iffy if she wants to drink - California takes alcohol laws seriously
I'm still not convinced the MySpace linked all over for Jameka is hers.. that one has signed comments as Jamicka, and doesn't look all that much like our Jameka if you ask me
There's tons of info about Kail but nothing to tie her to any of the others.. a relative may have been busted for embezzlement a few months ago but unless/until Kail talks about it on the feeds to confirm the connection, there's no need to link that here
There's still nothing on Eric and very little for Joe - what's up with that? Amber seems nice enough but there isn't much to tie her to any of the others yet either
Carol & Jessica are all but a lock so we'll consider them done.. by the way, Carol's dad is Kansas State Senator Phil Journey, a conservative Republican who's been an outspoken gun advocate
In other news, the chatroom and forum are open.. the chat's great, but I suspect the forum still has bugs but I don't know what they are, so start posting & conversing and let me know if something doesn't work.. please be specific: where were you, what were you trying to do, and what happened when you tried.. thanks
BTW check your spam box if you don't receive confirmation email after registering in the forum
If anyone's on Eastern time with a webcam and wants to hook up a line from it to the tv for the air shows so I can watch & cap them three hours sooner than my station airs them, please let me know

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Nobody is Head of Household Nobody is nominated

Pay the bills, stop the mail, say farewell to friends & family - it's almost aawwnn! Happy & safe 4th to all

Has already been selected. 'He' will get $10k for every 5 assignments completed. They'll give vote choices at the end of every air show.

Thursday, July 5 at 8pm Feeds will likely kick in after the premiere airs in the East

To follow

Stay tuned for daily ratings. I will try to be kind & objective, but it's really up to them.. I'm making no promises here. Complimentary neutrals all around til we have something to go on.

Everyone starts with a complimentary neutral, even them. Here's hoping for more reality and less 'twist' - it would be nice to give them lots of ups this year (for a change). Well, that's out the window already: looks like it's all 'twist' again, boo. Note in the latest ads Julie says America's Player will do what we tell HIM to do.. so it's already decided who it is? The first vote should have been to decide who we get to push around!

27 Las Vegas, NV Separated Cocktail waitress

21 Lawrence, KS Single Student
Probably paired with Jessica?

20 Huntington Beach, CA Single Waitress
Dick's daughter

44 Los Angeles, CA Single Bar manager
Daniele's father

22 Chicago, IL Single Shoe salesman
Probably paired with Joe?

27 New York, NY Single Talent management assistant

28 Waldorf, MD Single School counselor

23 Beverly Hills, CA Single Nanny

21 Haysville, KS Single College student
Probably paired with Carol?

23 Chicago, IL Single Receptionist
Probably paired with Dustin?

37 McKenzie Bridge, OR Married Business owner

26 Three Lakes, WI Single Painting contractor

25 Kimball, MN Single Former pro football player

30 Burbank, CA Single Graphic designer

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This site isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why, which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.
