Big Brother 6 "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy,
away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets.
Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge."

hamstersthat dingo's
Hamster Watch


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CBS Big Brother 6 the official site
House Calls weekdays live 10am BB/1pm ET on BB main page - show archives
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BB6 Park by TD listed on Hamsterwatch daily index
Hamsterwatch on Youtube BB6 & BB7 videos off the feeds
Hamsterwatch Big Brother 8 here we go again
Hamsterwatch Big Brother 7 All-stars in the house - from me, that dingo person
Hamsterwatch Big Brother 5 Dailies, Cowboyisms & Hollyisms - also from me
Aldav has all of the edgier stuff & the best mini-recaps in town
BB Chatter feed updates, screencaps, and fun boards - easy to use and functional!
Screencaps refresh site is back, from bbfan
Reality TV Links - Big Brother 6 emphasis on individual hamsters' sites
Sir LinksALot Big Brother 6 all the links
Big Brother Link news, info, caps, forums, and links
Big Brother Fanatics chat, updates, caps, news, and links
Big Brother 6 Keyhole peruse various BB sites in the same window, feeds too
Joker's Updates Big Brother Grins can't do BB Park this year
2005 or 2006 Kaysar calendars by BBVoyeur - pdf format
C=Venus BB6 chops new site full of really great work
BB6 Houseguest Fun play Mr. Potato Head, mess up their faces, send cards
Destroy a houseguest fun for fishies times by johnbb
Patrick's Place one-man BB show - 15 streaming cams including his car, turn his lights on/off
YAYsports! snarky stuff for sports fans from the creator of Michael's Blog
another 2 cents quasi-intellectual sleaze & radical gumbo aka blog

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Producers and/or CBS failed to do the right thing and donate the unwon $700k to hurricane relief - shame on them

Missing: 2 Janelle HOH blogs, 2 Janelle HOH pics, 1 Janelle/Julie HOH Q&A, 1 Howie HOH blog, 1 Howie HOH pics, 1 Howie/Julie HOH Q&A, 1 gnome

Surplus: 1 pointless PBJ pass


An hour still isn't enough to recap 80 days worth of stuff and once again a live audience did nothing to help production values or Julie's script delivery. After watching Maggie & Ivette become less than best buddies in the last 24 hours of feeds, it was good to see them sweat in the eviction chairs after all the talk about not being there for the money. Aftermath of the jury Q&A was largely omitted to the surprise of no one and only reaffirmed the editing slant all season. It was tough but not unexpected seeing Maggie win - CBS almost got their wish for the fireman hero win when his game widow was chosen, but fitting that he got nothing while his partner and his protegée won it all. Janelle, Howie & Kaysar got the biggest cheers from the audience which wasn't surprising to anyone but the opposing team, and it was great fun seeing their faces for that! Howie got in a couple good digs; both he & April threatened Julie's time-per-hamster allocation and Ashlea was all but forgotten. Not a memorable show but few of them were this year: 'Big Brother' is always about the feeds more than the show. This year that was more true than ever, since CBS presented so many incidents and people 180° opposite on tv than what was seen & heard each week on Realplayer.


Head witch of the coven & chief mean girl and I think she just got lucky to get to Final Two. Acting smug & superior were her main talents, plus talking about sex & pretending she didn't, talking up a sense of humor we never saw, talking cheaters while pocketing quarters, and talking trash. Editing was way too kind to her and nobody knows why. She liked to make rules and she said a Lie of Omission was just fine. She won.
Note she has a supporting role in the audio linked below with April: while April calls us 'pieces of shit' Maggie keeps it simple with 'fuck them'.


She said going in she had a big mouth that often got her in trouble and that was no lie. She was a very strong player who often drove the game but some bad judgment and bad allies cost her. She's passionate about everything and that gave us some of the best Diaries, some of the best drama, and some good laughs but she went too far too often. I want to like her even when I don't and I wish her well in spite of this.
Note I have more of her more horrid moments if she or James want them.. I won't post them here though - even I have a line.


Buxom blonde bombshell and star of the season. Part femme fatale & part small town girl, she did anything but meet expectations. She wasn't a saint but she entertained and gained legions of fans. Her brilliance kept her in til the end in spite of being hated & lied about and she played a clean game despite what they say. She stood up to all of it, never cried & rarely moped, and rallied back every time til math took her out.


She ran from side to side every week with angst even though she DID NOT CARE! She tried to get Ivette kicked out & blamed it on Janelle, like everything else: she's most of the reason her fellow crones hate Janelle so much. She brought Gladys Kravitz into the house, picked her nose, freaked out regularly, lied & cussed up a storm, and called all us fans pieces of shit on tv, but thanks to her we got Howie's Busto rant.


Pure fun & entertainment, he gave us boobies, his jack shack, the Busto rant, and so much more. His friendliness & charm outweigh his explicit mouth & harassing ways and most everyone loved him in the end. He brought the Force into the house and inspired Jedi Janey to carry on. Never mind his looks, build, and future economic potential: his best trait is just being Howie.


As BB's double token he danced, he flashed, he puked and rode Ivette's jetstream. Not as fabulous as promised, and it doesn't seem right that he knows so many people that Janelle & Howie do, not to mention he's pals with BB2 Hardy. I thought he'd be this year's Cowboy at #2 but he won an HOH so he's gone.


He played a good game, saved himself too many times, and played both sides against each other instead of for himself. He wasn't a very nice boyfriend, and he was mostly dull with an excuse for everything. Arrogance was his undoing.


Half of the oddest pairing since Oscar & Felix, she did her best but went to bed too early to make it all happen. She's not the most fun hamster by a long shot, but she's one of the most decent and I wish her well.


She wanted to 'stir up the house like Kaysar did' but instead she stirred up everyone with a whopper of a lie to America's Choice, and she took out his partner with a huge lie of omission. So long Jenn and remember, roses really smell like poo poo.
(Big ups to Outkast for the ultimate Jennifer song)


America's Choice by 82% (at least) but he was out 4th and 6th. He turned the game on its ear, took out an emperor, and fell for Janelle overnights but was taken out by the cheerleader who took out his partner because she cried. He's a class act and did it all with brains, humor and integrity.


She was too young & too naive to be in there but held up well considering she played with the boyfriend from hell. I'm glad she got out early and alive.


Maybe the poorest loser in BB history but he gave us the best fight sequence. He said it nonstop but he never understood that 'it's just a game'.


Not blameless but not the villain they made him out to be either. He had funny voices, 'The Continental' and Janelle - plus the best hoax of the season.


There's never much to say about the first out except they're gone. She blabbed too much so she wouldn't have lasted long but she was fun while she was there.

This site isn't necessarily about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with, or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why, which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.. that dingo

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