"Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge." |
9/3/05 - Day 63 >> to the future >> to the past >> daily index >> latest HamsterWatch episode >> linkage >> Beau evicted 3-0 - Ivette is Head of Household << >> Howie & Janelle are nominated - Janelle won veto << That's that, maybe Maggie won the veto, didn't use it, and Beau jetted off to near-paradise with James.. Janelle or Howie will obviously be nominated.. they have a good chance of winning veto but either way only one will be in the Final Four I don't like to focus on Fair vs. Not Fair stuff, as Fair isn't necessarily a part of the game and definitely isn't what Big Brother was about (read the book) but I have to question the HOH comp this time: yes, each of the four players definitely knew the answer to one question - sounds fair - but BB is definitely aware of the team lines and that gave Maggie-April-Ivette a 3 to 1 advantage over Janelle.. there's Fair vs. Not Fair, and there's Right vs. Wrong (the fact that Janelle missed a Kaysar & a Howie question notwithstanding.. it's about principles) Team Fireman Hero campaign continues, in my opinion But wait Feeds finally return around 11pm as they finish the veto comp - it's a rerun of last year's Morphomatic, Janelle's favorite from watching last year, and she's won it We come in on her apologizing to Howie who, of course, is fine with it and wishes her power to the end Obligatory insincere congratulations are made, and followed by the real deal from Howie Ivette, April & Maggie rush to get upstairs.. they holler their good nights along with a couple catty comments accusing Janelle of having gone past being lucky to all-out cheating, with the producers' blessing Ivette: Hey Janelle, let me know what the next competition is! April: Maybe I'll win the next one.. I'm blonde too! The feeds follow & stick with them upstairs as usual.. their paranoia, jealousy and viciousness knows no bounds.. Ivette & April get a bit manic in opposite directions.. between them all, they decide Janelle: is cheating, is cheating with producers' help, knows the producers, is a producer, is being favored for having sex with producers, plays better cuz she's watched prior seasons, and of course the ever-popular she's just pure evil Maggie on why Janelle won morphomatic: She doesn't give a fuck about their personalities, cuz all she cares is what they look like Maggie: She is the reason Howie's going home, but she'll never see it that way .... April: I'm feeling guilty, I don't want y'all to think she'd take me to finals with her.. I know you aren't saying I am Maggie: All she does is fuck with people Janelle goes to Diary and they invite Howie up so he "won't be alone".. they tell him what a good sport he is, how sorry they are, how much better it would be if he were going to stay in there with them, and that some people are only there for the money.. he's shocked and says "Are you not playing to win? Who's not here playing to win??" Ivette: Do you think the competitions are fixed? Howie: I know they are! (he goes on to say how they alternate but usually favor someone's abilities or knowledge) After Howie leaves they go on to say how they will all use the money for charitable good, but that Janelle will spend it all on herself so she doesn't deserve to win.. they go on to say how they're not judgmental at all but that Janelle is "judgmental as shit".. Ivette says that Diary told her 2nd place after taxes is about $30k and would she be willing to settle for that? She says it like Diary implied Janelle was already the planned winner.. BB doesn't come on to say "Do not talk about Diary Room" Later Janelle puts aside the "evil sources she taps into" (per Maggie) and enjoys a bowl of Trix with Howie.. they have fun reading the box.. it's just cute, especially after what they've been spewing upstairs Jedi Howie fights off some foes in the backyard then secures the premises.. he's so into it.. it's pure and fun and what we need much more of in there There isn't much more - it's a short night for feedsters - Howie reports back to Janelle what they told him upstairs, and suggests she try to get Ivette to side with her for a better chance at the end, bribing her with the Bahamas trip if needed.. the hate spewing and poison delusions continue upstairs Today's videos These links will launch your RealPlayer - it may take a few seconds She's still here! April & Ivette go a little berserk after Janelle wins veto Undiagnosed Janelle won cuz she has a staring disease, and she climbs walls Evict Ivette dance 1 April dances around the issue - it's all Janelle's fault now Evict Ivette dance 2 More of the same, plus "poor little Sarah" April nervousing She's tricky to follow when she gets like this Sexual partner They're sending Howie for Beau? and Maggie gets another lame idea Fans will boo April: Janelle knows the next secret; Maggie: she taps into evil sources Poor Howie The coven loves him now and blame Janelle for his impending eviction All safe Howie secures the premises Jedi-style Be sure to click today's bonus audio of Maggie having a nightmare about Janelle, below in linkage - thanks to hamsterwatcher Hoss for catching this and sending it on! Meanwhile in New Orleans The bloggers are still at it, and reporting some slightly better news, but that's not saying much.. these guys are my heroes this week and I have trouble putting much serious effort into the petty stuff going on in the hamster habitat.. it's so insignificant by comparison.. I will try to see it through to the end and very much appreciate all the support from Hamsterwatchers everywhere, but please remember to focus on the bigger picture too as we wind down our summer This guy had a 2-3 hour nap and went right back to his monitor Saturday morning.. a convoy of buses & emergency vehicles came along Saturday afternoon.. early Sunday a couple fuel trucks came by - that has to be good news Survival of New Orleans blog and webcam will stay in linkage section for the duration Linkage What really matters must-clicks: Survival of New Orleans blog - Live video feed Do the right thing: Direct Relief International - American Red Cross Today's must-click specials: Star Wars light sabers like Howie's from Amazon.com: Anakin - Darth Vader - Darth Maul - limited edition Anakin - limited edition Yoda Bonus must-click special: Janelle haunts Maggie's dreams audio from Hoss - thanks! CBS Big Brother 6 the official site House Calls weekdays live 10am BB/1pm ET on BB main page - show archives Live feeds signup - No timeout feed links BB6 Park by TD listed on Hamsterwatch daily index Hamsterwatch on Youtube BB6 & BB7 videos off the feeds Hamsterwatch Big Brother 8 here we go again Hamsterwatch Big Brother 7 All-stars in the house - from me, that dingo person Hamsterwatch Big Brother 5 Dailies, Cowboyisms & Hollyisms - also from me Aldav has all of the edgier stuff & the best mini-recaps in town BB Chatter feed updates, screencaps, and fun boards - easy to use and functional! Screencaps refresh site is back, from bbfan Reality TV Links - Big Brother 6 emphasis on individual hamsters' sites Sir LinksALot Big Brother 6 all the links Big Brother Link news, info, caps, forums, and links Big Brother Fanatics chat, updates, caps, news, and links Big Brother 6 Keyhole peruse various BB sites in the same window, feeds too Joker's Updates Big Brother Grins can't do BB Park this year 2005 or 2006 Kaysar calendars by BBVoyeur - pdf format C=Venus BB6 chops new site full of really great work BB6 Houseguest Fun play Mr. Potato Head, mess up their faces, send cards Destroy a houseguest fun for fishies times by johnbb Patrick's Place one-man BB show - 15 streaming cams including his car, turn his lights on/off YAYsports! snarky stuff for sports fans from the creator of Michael's Blog another 2 cents quasi-intellectual sleaze & radical gumbo aka blog |
I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment - the cheaper, the better Webcast images & official photos Copyright © CBS.com and Real Networks Everything else Copyright © 2004-10 HamsterWatch.com - don't be taking stuff that isn't yours - Series concept and broadcasts owned by CBS - Shapiro/Grodner - Endemol this is definitely not an official site |