I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better | ||||||||||||||||||||
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This site is about the Big Brother 12 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior. THE ONLY SHOW WITH 24/7 FEEDS We have two make-out couples and the tension is building GET THEM - WATCH THEM BB12 DRINKING GAME Take a swig whenever Britney or Ragan do a funny voice POWER STATUS Andrew evicted Rachel is Head of Household Nobody is nominated Nobody is Have-not UPCOMING EVENTS
Next CBS show is Sunday 8pm: Nominations, assorted dramas Food and/or luxury comp? and nominations on Friday Veto comp and Matt's birthday on Saturday Pandora's Box might return Some stabo HAVOC might return - see below BB11 Jeff Schroeder will probably be showing up at some point for a cross-promo opp for his CBS webshow RATINGS WATCH Thurday's eviction show won the hour with 6.4 million viewers, 4.0 rating and 8 share, ahead of 'Wipeout' rerun on ABC with 6.4/3.5/7, 'Glee' rerun on FOX with 3.8/2.6/5, and 'Community' and '30 Rock' reruns on NBC with 2.8/1.9/4 and 2.6/1.7/3 respectively. 'Big Brother 12' also won the 18-49 demographic. AMERICA'S CHOICE Who do you want to be the new staboteur to WREAK HAVOC? Winner will be announced on August 8 show. Hamsterwatch endorses a boycott of this one: do not vote. Vote free at CBS.com FAQ Two hour finale is September 15 Annie & Monet have been sequestered so we might end up with Revive-a-Hamster The saboteur was Annie. She'd have won $50k if she lasted five weeks undetected. The second saboteur will win $20k if he or she lasts two weeks undetected. Have-Nots have their own room again, cold showers again, slop again, plus popcorn, plus additional food items decided by viewer votes. Nobody knows why Paolo isn't there. The winner of BB12 will win $500k and 2nd place gets $50k. Hamsters earn $750 a week including pre-show hotel and jury sequester. The habitat has 52 cameras and 95 microphones. The recorded Big Brother in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman. All feeds stay on one 'scene' when someone's in Diary. |
July 29, 2010 - Day 27
>> past >> present >> future >> all >> Andrew evicted 8-0 - Rachel is Head of Household << >> Tweeting Big Brother since BB8 - click to see all or follow - latest: Bodies and body counts Kathy took a shower during the usual Thursday HOH lockdown, and the cameras stayed on her.. back in the day, female hamsters used to shower with bikinis, and now they don't - maybe they were reassured they wouldn't be on feeds Andrew went through with his threat and outted Hayden & Kristen's showmance as his nomination speech, along with lots of things they'd whispered about everyone else.. moments later he was evicted unanimously despite the many, many hamsters he was working with, and Rachel won HOH again Andrew's aftermath Whatever the yelling was during voting and at the end of the show, it was pretty much cleared up by the time the feeds came back.. Rachel later apologized to Kristen, who snapped at her, but that was that.. Kathy accepted Rachel's apology with a hug Nighttime brought a party at the palms room, with Ragan & Enzo beat-boxing and Ragan doing his best Chima impression, while Kirsten & Hayden moped alone in the spa/gym/cabana.. another mini-spat between Rachel & Kristen looked promising for a minute: Kristen snapped at Rachel for smirking at her and Rachel snapped back that she hadn't.. it very much echoed the Annie/Rachel episode, and Rachel once again ran off to cry to Brendon about it, like she does It's not too late to hop on board this season - it could pick up Screencaps du jour Click thumbnails to enlarge - click for this day's caps - click for all my caps Log in using your Twitter nick and password to leave comments on any cap, and your comment will also be automatically posted to your Twitter Daily Ratings - Build Up Our Hopes & Dash Them edition VTE = Voted to evict Ratings are based on entertainment value
!! THIS MEANS YOU !! Makeouts, sex events, and gaming are underway Free trial! Includes FlashBack See anything and everything from BB12, BB11 and BB10 Get free Hamsterwatch updates to your cell phone! Follow me at my Twitter page or text 'follow hamsterwatch' to 40404 (21212 in Canada). Click for more info. LINES OF THE DAY
Enzo about Andrew: I still think he's the saboteur Brendon to Rachel: If we're going out and you need more attention from other people, that's what bothers me Rachel: I don't know what I'm gonna do, obviously Kathy: It's just people talking out of their - I don't know where some of this stuff comes from Rachel: We still have the rest of the summer to hate each other Rachel: I wonder what the fans think of this Kristen to Rachel: I do not accept your apology, it's complete bullshit Hayden about Rachel: I told her to try to string a sentence together without using the word 'like' Enzo: Now I can eat ketchup ON something Rachel: Britney is my friend! Am I not allowed to talk to her? Am I not allowed to be HOH either? Kristen about Rachel: I just want you to know some of the things she's gonna tell you are lies Rachel about Kristen missing from room reveal: Is this everyone? Is this our whole season? Oh yeah, after this week it will be Rachel: It's like you're never on my side! Brendon: If you need me, I'll be hanging myself in the bathroom LINKS OF THE DAY
Get the 24/7 live feeds It's a whole different show than CBS puts on Hamsterwatcher Baxter goes official by @Amberwinborn Official Hamsterwatcher merchandise get yours Every Hamsterwatch episode is still here on the site - go back and relive the madness! BB11 - BB10 BB9 - BB8 - BB7 - BB6 - BB5 some links on them might be bad now Click to see my full list of BB12 links These are some of my favorites: 24/7 feeds - SuperPass free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv SuperPass FlashBack instant replay by time/date/feed (requires SuperPass) Hamsterwatch Twitter - Twitpic Hamsterwatch Chatroom - Forum BB adult/explicit links - updated with BB10 Steven Daigle CBS Big Brother 12 the official site DogDave BB12 scouts all the BB sites so you don't have to: all the news, edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town Attwx Remembers Big Brother all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan Sir LinksALot Big Brother 12 all the links, once again EXTRACURRICULAR TALLY
Nominee speech scorcher: 1 Andrew Makeout pairings: 2 Brendon & Rachel Hayden & Kristen Sex event pairings: 2 Brendon & Rachel Hayden & Kristen House meetings: 2 Major fights: 1 Andrew vs Kristen Deaths: 4 fishies 'The Soup' mentions: 3 of 3 shows -Intro & Britney's flaming homosexuals -Rachel the waitress chemist -Matt's wife's fake illness 'The View' mentions: 1 -Matt's wife's fake illness Pap smear incidents: 1 Andrew & Annie Pre-season connections: 3 Hayden & BB4/7 Erika Rachel & BB2/7 Boogie's pal/biz partner Matt & BB8 Joe Absentee hamsters: 1 Paolo BBQ SMACKDOWN SCORECARD
Big Brother 12 I'm hoping for some killer matches Big Brother 11 Round 1: BBQ 0, Jeff 0 Round 2: BBQ 0, Jeff ½ Round 3: BBQ ½, Kevin 0, Michele 0 Big Brother 10 No title events Big Brother 9 Winter Edition Round 1: BBQ ½, Ryan 0 Round 2, BBQ ½, Adam 0 Round 3, BBQ ½, Ryan 0 Big Brother 8 Round 1: BBQ 1, Dick 0 Round 2: BBQ ½, Zach 0 Round 3: BBQ 0, Dick 1 Big Brother 7 All-Stars BBQ training sabbatical Big Brother 6 Round 1: BBQ 1, Ivette 0 Round 2: BBQ 0, Howie 0 Big Brother 5 Round 1: BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Drew 0 Round 2: BBQ 1, Drew 0, Diane ½ Round 3: BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Nakomis 0, CBS 0 |
Webcast images & official photos Copyright © CBS.com and RealNetworks Everything else Copyright © 2004-10 HamsterWatch.com - don't be taking stuff that isn't yours - Concept & broadcasts owned by CBS - Our House Productions - Endemol this is definitely not an official site |