Big Brother 11that dingo'sHamster Watch

I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better

Watch Big Brother 11 on SuperPass. Can't see on TV

This site is about the Big Brother 11 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior.

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to see it all as it unfolds

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Video Brother

Premiere event: take a swig every time Julie says 'but first'

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Hamsters are now in the habitat

Express Lunch with MissyZ and BB8 Chelsia Hart starts July 9. It will be on SuperPass Thursdays & Fridays at noon Pacific/3pm Eastern. Call-in number is 1-877-576-3348.

The premiere is July 9 at 8pm - the feeds will probably kick on at 9pm PT/midnight ET that night, along with Showtime

CBS shows will air Sundays at 8, Tuesdays at 9, and live evictions Thursdays at 8

Ross (The Intern) Mathews will do post-eviction shows every Friday

I don't know for sure but am guessing/hoping we'll have weekly visits from Craig Ferguson again (even though they've revived the 'no outside contact' catchphrase)

From the FlashBack page, enter the date, time and feed - you need SuperPass to view these clips

July 15 / 1am / F1
BB10 sock puppet theater

July 20 / 1am / F4 (2nd half)
April/Ollie sex with the lights on

Hamsterwatch BB10 daily index

There are four teams: Populars, Jocks, Brainiacs, and Offbeats. Big Brother made the initial team assignements.

Reliable rumors indicate a male BB10 alum won the first HOH comp, so he is probably the 13th question mark hamster. Three other alums were also in the house the first night but it's unclear if they left as losers or remain in residence.

Teamies of the HOH cannot be nominated.

Comps will determine living conditions for the teams. The losers will live in the Jail room with lights always on, cold water showers, and slop.

Viewer votes will determine one additional food item the sloppers can have.

Promises of a 'green' habitat have apparently been grossly exaggerated: they still have the washer & dryer (rats!) not to mention tons of TV lights, but they did get recycling bins and a compost machine.

Feeds have a new replay option with the ability to select a date & time to see what you missed - or to rewatch what you just can't believe and have to see again!

The habitat has 52 cameras.


Click for Studio City, California Forecast

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  Day 4 - July 8, 2009       Bookmark and Share

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>> Somebody is Head of Household - Somebody is nominated <<

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    Welcome back, Hamsterwatchers

    Watch Big Brother 11 on SuperPass. Everything you can't see on TVWednesday was the last day to sign up for three months of Superpass - the full season - at 25% off.. there may be discounts later on and if so, I'll let you know.. some of the other sites are using guerrilla marketing tactics to get your click - I'll just say please sign up through this site to help support it and me, and thanks very much

    If you're just arriving here this season, I've already posted a couple Hamsterwatch episodes with news, rumors, and links to what our new hamsters are about.. please to enjoy

    If you're a feedster, you know it's urgent you be watching as soon as the feeds kick on Thursday night, as deals & alliances have already been made that will affect the rest of the season - not to mention learning who's who.. by the end of that first night of feeds we should have a fair idea of who's in bed with whom - both literally and figuratively

    Be sure to sign up before the feeds kick on so you can get everything configured and short-cutted and be ready to go when the fur starts flying.. and while you're waiting for Julie, you can pick any day & time to watch BB10 highlights again - I've linked a couple on the left sidebar to get you started

    Twitter 101

    If you've been getting my Twitter text alerts for a few seasons, you'll have noticed I'm sending a lot more this time.. now that all the other sites have caught on to Twitter, I have to up my game a bit, and will be tweeting more haps than just comp results and the like

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    Now that everyone's finally on board, Twitter's going to change Big Brother this season in a big way.. many of you are already twitaholics but for those who are new, here's some basic info to get you started
    • Using me as an example, beginning a tweet with @hamsterwatch (or any username) will be seen by that user and by any of your followers who also follow @hamsterwatch
    • Including @hamsterwatch anywhere else in a tweet will be seen by that user and all of your followers
    • Including #bb11 will make a clickable link to see all tweets that include #bb11.
    • RT means Retweet - think of it as a forward, and a way to give credit where due. To repeat to your followers something that I tweeted for instance, send: RT @hamsterwatch followed-by-pasted-tweet - spacing is important.
    • Direct messages are private and can be sent to anyone who's following you. From your Twitter home page, click the Direct Messages link on the right sidebar to read or send DMs.
    • To see tweets sent to you or that mention you, click @yourusername on your Twitter home page on the right sidebar.
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    • Twitpic is a related photo posting service. You can log in on any Twitpic page using your Twitter nick and password, and any comments you leave will be automatically sent on your Twitter. This season I'm posting selected screencaps on my Twitpic.
    • Like everywhere, spam happens on Twitter. Be careful supplying your name & password to third party sites, and be careful when deciding to click on links if they seem suspect.
    • See my links page for official Big Brother twits and some former hamsters to follow.
    • See and follow @oddtwits for other interesting twits to follow, including a huge list of celebrities.

    I see all tweets sent to me or that include @hamsterwatch but I can't answer them all individually, and I definitely can't get into one-on-one "Who do you like?" "Who's going to win?" convos via Twitter.. please join my Chat and/or Forum for that type of general chat - that's what they're there for :)

    By the way, the pic is known as the Twitter fail whale - hopefully you won't see him often.. happy tweeting, and welcome back!

    Daily Ratings - Early Impressions edition

    Ratings are usually based on entertainment value but these initial first impressions are my guess as to their potential to be entertaining, based largely on the unedited interviews by BB5/7 Diane Henry as linked below, along with other preseason promo, scoops and leaks.

    Like I said in my preseason Phony Bios edition, I am striving to keep an open mind. That's about all I've got for them so far, since it's hard to do so. I do like that they gave some of them BB5 to watch in sequester, as that was a great but underrated season in my opinion. I'm not crazy about having a has-been or four in the habitat, and the way they're letting ambiguous tidbits leak out to generate buzz just pisses people off: facts would buzz just as well.

    Braden Bacha - 28 - single
    surfer actormodel
    Santa Monica, CA
    CBS bio - video interview

    Team Popular

    He didn't know who Diane is, so he's not there as a BB fan. He admits he's there for the money but then says 'money just makes you evil'. He says 'everyone thinks I'm a psychologist' which sounds suspect considering his use of 'broughten' and misuse of 'pet peeve'. He said he hasn't done porn but has 'thought about it', yet he's already been caught with his junk hanging out onscreen, and for everyone who wants to watch more than mirrorface and weightlifting, further discoveries of his past and fallout from it might be the most amusement we get from him.

    Casey Turner - 41 - married
    2 sons: Cruz 19, Morgan 1
    teacher, DJ
    Lakeland, FL
    CBS bio - video interview

    Team Offbeat

    It's a qualified negative because he'll be fun for a minute (in a point 'n laugh kinda way) but I think it'll wear off fast. He seems like a MiniMe for BB2/7 Boogie - possibly worse, since 41 is old enough to stop pretending he's Mr. Cool all the time - when he's probably not. He says he'll likely cry in there thinking about his family and baby son at home.. well, he could have stayed home with them. He sees himself as similar to BB5 Marvin Latimer? Marvin was possibly the funniest hamster of all time - Casey's interview only made me crack a smile once, when he was amazed at finding out many hamsters are recruited.

    Chima Simone Benson - 32 - single
    freelance journalist
    West Hollywood, CA
    CBS bio - video interview

    Team Brain

    She's going to be our designated namedropper (ugh) since she's interviewed A-list celebs at many red carpet events for She also promises fireworks and seems feisty enough, so some good fights and hissy fits could counter the endless 'When I met _____' small talk we're likely to get. By the way, it's pronounced CHEE-ma. She says her mom is 'really sick' and she'll worry about her but she too could have stayed home. She says she won't showmance, she's not worried about negativity from fans, and that she's 'physically inept'. Prepare for marathon hair & makeup sessions.

    Jeff Schroeder - 31 - single
    advertising sales
    Norridge, IL
    CBS bio - video interview

    Team Athlete

    He seems like he's probably a nice enough guy, but I don't see much hamster potential here. I'm not giving him a negative though, as I suspect he'll be like BB8 Mike in that we'll forget he's there a lot. He's up for showmance, he's not scared to cry, and says he wears his heart on his sleeve. He tried out with an ex who's a superfan and had been a finalist previously.. fortunately we don't have an ex's twist this time, but he doesn't know that. I wonder if he's considered the possibility of her being in there too? Probably not, since his strategy is having no strategy.

    Jordan Lloyd - 22 - single
    waitress, party girl
    Matthews, NC
    CBS bio - video interview

    Team Popular

    Fasten your seatbelts: this is the girl who's going to give up all kinds of personal info that nobody asked for. What with the brand new boobies and all, I was figuring her for a Hooters girl but no, she waitresses (and was recruited) at a bowling alley. She'd never seen Big Brother but watched CBS episodes at a friend's to prepare (she doesn't have internet), and she thinks it'll be more 'activities' than 'strategies'. She claims she'll use guys if needed, she giggles a lot, and says most sentences as if they're a question? She's so much like BB8 Jessica Hughbanks in so many ways, she'll probably shout "Booyah!"

    Kevin Campbell - 29 - single/gay
    graphic designer
    Chula Vista, CA
    CBS bio - video interview

    Team Offbeat

    I can't get his video to play, but all signs indicate drama queen, hissy fits, bitchiness, and quite possibly a very nice & likeable guy to boot. His tale of going in there so his estranged parents can see him (read: accept him) is different, and kinda sad if true. More to follow if I can turn up his interview with Diane.

    Laura Crosby - 21 - has boyfriend
    bikini model
    Atlanta, GA
    CBS bio - video interview

    Team Popular

    She seems a bit obsessed with her looks, saying she'll use them on the guys and that girls judge her by them. She liked BB8 Dick & Daniele Donato, and said BB10's 'Brian would be an easy target for me' - that could be interesting if he's in there. She seemed nervous (and almost bored?) talking to Diane except when they compared 'tramp stamp' stories.. she was a lot more animated in her Reality Wanted video but that interview was done by a male. She might kick some ass gamewise, but I'm not seeing a lot of potential for feedsters - except bikini fans, of course. Also, she calls herself a 'closet nudist'.. but there are no closets in the habitat.

    Lydia Tavera - 24 - single/bi
    makeup artist, former nanny
    Torrance, CA
    CBS bio - video interview

    Team Offbeat

    I can't get her video to play now either - I should have watched them all when I checked the links. I think she has potential to be something unique in there that we haven't seen before, and I'm just hoping they all hear her tattoo stories before the feeds start because if that's all she's got, it'll get old fast.

    Michele Noonan - 27 - married
    Pasadena, CA
    CBS bio - video interview

    Team Brain

    She seems sweet and down to earth, albeit nervous in Diane's interview. She's as book-smart as BB2/7 Dr. Will Kirby but she might not have his people skills. She's also a big fan who probably follows at least some sites since she referred to 'BB8' rather than 'Season 8' like they do. Super-brainy and super-fan is a strong combo, and I love her attitude: 'The houseguests will be like my little lab rats'.. that's how I watch it!

    Natalie Martinez - 24 - single
    martial artist
    Gilbert, AZ
    CBS bio - video interview

    Team Athlete

    She sounds like a daddy's girl so that could make for some interesting dynamics. I'm predicting she'll start getting on nerves fairly fast, as I've heard her say 'Mark my words' twice already - and I'm not even keeping up with all the promo material - and that phrase often goes along with 'I told you so'. She also claims to be a fan, but it sounds like she's CBS-only, which won't help her much. She's really worried about slop. I'm not sure why, but I'm expecting some drama here.

    Ronnie Talbott - 30 - married
    gamer, student?
    Belpre, OH
    CBS bio - video interview

    Team Brain

    Sure, laugh at his WoW and Everquest obsessions (like we aren't obsessed with something stoopid), but such a hardcore gamer will have some solid skills that will come in handy here. He says his wife is his best friend, and that could help him get cozy with the girls.. well, some of them anyway. He seems fun & funny, has watched since BB2 (longer than most), and he cried when he got his key. Being a national debate champion bodes well for being persuasive about noms & votes.

    Russell Kairouz - 24 - single
    lovemuscle, real estate broker, martial artist
    Walnut Creek, CA
    CBS bio - video interview

    Team Athlete

    He sat down with Diane and said 'You're gonna have fun with me, aren't you?' and went on to explain that his Lovemuscle tag is anatomy related and not just a cute rhyming name. I'm not buying real estate broker since his local geography is way off.. at the very least, the broker part sounds exaggerated. I tried to listen to him but I tuned out every few minutes, so I'm not sure what else he's about. I won't be hasty about it, but I can see the possibility that he could go on Hamsterwatch ignore.

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    Chima: You can't pay attention to the internet

    Jeff: Once I meet [people], I judge what type of person they are.. I'm pretty good at their character

    Jordan: When I get excited, I talk a lot - and I don't want to get on people's nerves

    Jordan: I am a bad liar.. my face always gets red.. I'm terrible at it

    Laura: A lot of girls don't give me a chance because they judge me by my appearance

    Michele, on having a PhD: I don't have the dork costume on that would give me away

    Russell: Walnut Creek is about 20 minutes south of San Francisco (no, it's about 40 minutes east)

    Click to see my full list of BB11 links
    These are some of my favorites:

    24/7 feeds - free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv

    No time-out feed links including set-up how-to, plus Real contact info

    SuperPass FlashBack instant replay by time/date/feed (requires SuperPass)

    Hamsterwatch Chatroom

    Hamsterwatch Forum

    BB adult/explicit links - already updated for BB11!

    CBS Big Brother 11 the official site

    DogDave BB11 aka Aldav scouts all the BB sites so you don't have to: all the news, edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town

    Attw x's houseguest tributes all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan

    BuddyTV - Big Brother 11 TV supersite with news, articles, discussions

    Sir LinksALot Big Brother 11 all the links, once again


    Naughty past that may have surprised the producers: 1 (Braden)

    They'll have to work hard to get up to as much sex & fights as last season, but I have high hopes for them

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    "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight
    and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."