I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better | ||||||||||||||||||
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This site is about the Big Brother feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior. SEX & FIGHTS GALORE This cast has topped all others * SIGN UP NOW * for a two week free trial Save $2 a month for life! Use coupon code BB10E0826 NEW DRINKING GAME Take a swig whenever someone cusses.. that's right! We've come this far, we might as well go all the way.. see you under the table NEXT SHOW Sunday, August 24 at 8pm: HOH comp, nominations, assorted out-of-sequence dramas RATINGS WATCH Thursday's eviction show remained in second place with a 4.0 rating and 7 share, still trailing the Olympics on NBC with 11.6/20. Groveling, check. Fighting, if we're lucky Veto comp is Saturday Veto meeting is Monday Thursday will be a 'fast forward' with live eviction, HOH comp, noms, veto comp, and 2nd live eviction The only remaining birthday is Dan's, September 1 - if he's still around then Hopefully they'll get another shot at earning the grill.. it's waiting FAQ BB announcements - clues? ·121 marble slots in a Chinese checkerboard ·Sweden is slightly larger than California ·The tallest building west of the Mississippi is 73 stories ·Over 300 species of turtles alive today ·Wurlitzer 1015 Bubbler arguably the most popular jukebox of all time 'Switzerland', 'The Psychologist' and 'Dairy Queen' refer to Diary Room; 'Vacation' refers to pre-show hotel sequester Jerry is being called 'The Colonel' The winner will once again receive $500k, and second place gets $50k. The weekly stipend for the others remains $750, including sequester weeks. The habitat has 52 cameras and 95 mics this season The recorded Big Brother in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman Finale was scheduled for September 17 - maybe now it'll be the 16th. It's a slightly shorter season than usual, by about 10 days AMERICA'S PLAYER
Task 1: Who should Dan get nominated? Jessie/successful Task 2: Who should Dan hug for 10 seconds? Jessie/successful Task 3: Who should Dan vote to evict? Jessie/successful Dan gets $20k if successful and not discovered. Apparently the previously-announced 4th task has evaporated. It's not clear whether all the 'Dan is America's Player' suspicions will invalidate him. |
August 22, 2008 - Day 46 >> past >> present >> future >> all >> Dan is Head of Household - Jerry & Memphis are nominated << What a mess The feeds were finally fixed around noon (!) but everything else is still in chaos Dan's dancing around a lot, trying to keep everyone happy - which doesn't seem quite possible with his various promises, but we'll see how it unfolds.. they're all visiting HOH to try to sniff out what he's up to, and to grovel Dan asked Renny & Keesha about making a foursome with Memphis Bob.. Keesha seemed okay with it, and Dan wanted to "make it official" and give it a name (no names, please!).. Renny balked but said she might go along with it.. before he got to pitch it to Memphis Bob, M-Bob blurted out that he's anti-Renny all the way To top it all off, Renny's gone gansta Renny-gades implode, already Maybe it's not technically an implosion, but it's a pretty shaky alliance when one member puts up the other within a week of forming Memphis Bob had been warned it could happen, but he still seemed shocked to have been nominated with Jerry, and he asked Dan what he'd been smoking while doing those deals with Ollie? Dan reassured him that he'll be safe, like they do, and told him about Parts 2 & 3 of the Deal of the Century: the parts where Ollie can save whoever he wants if he wins the veto, and he gets to pick the veto replacement if somebody else wins and uses it Before noms, Dan fretted in HOH a long time, silently and talking to himself.. it seems he forgot how to count to six when putting his various deals together, or something.. afterwards, Dan made another (desperate) plea to Keesha about a foursome, but she declined: Dan: Will you shake hands with Renny and myself and Memphis? Keesha: Huh-uh Dan: Why? Keesha: With you & Renny I would Dan: Well, can you do any - cross your fingers? After noms, Renny made family dinner for them all, except Keesha - maybe she was in Diary, or not eating whatever was served.. it was another lovely supper with awkward silence around the table, once the niceties were over.. all they need tonight is a sizeable booze delivery and we could be in for some good fun again Deja vu? Not quite Dan asked Renny how to make a bubble bath, and then went around announcing he was going to have a bubble bath, in swim trunks, and they were all invited to come watch (but they couldn't get in) Renny bit and went up with him, and helped him make suds.. Dan asked her "How deep is it?" at one point - while looking at it.. Memphis Bob joined, and Dan got in I wondered but didn't dare think for a minute that Dan was really going to try to recreate Dr Will's famous Duckie Puppet Theater, in which he laid out his game plan for BB7 All-Stars with humor and charm in one of the top ten BB segments of all time.. (and it came to pass, with the exception of the Boogie swap to #1 - but Willboogie both benefited from the win) And then Dan set up two duckies on the side and said "This is Renny, and this is Keesha.." it didn't go much further.. eventually Keesha showed up and he replayed that opening line again, and that was it, fortunately - but the damage had been done, at least in my mind.. what I'd like to know is did Dan decide to do this on his own, or was it suggested to him by TPTB? They got booze - unfortunately it was only a bottle of wine and two beers, so the rest of the evening passed largely without incident.. they've been locked down all afternoon and all night again - it should be another big veto comp apparatus On a personal note I don't put much in here that isn't BB-related, but Hamsterwatcher extraordinaire La Norman La Femme has left the habitat.. I thought I might just take the day off from all this TV nonsense, but it's been good to keep busy, and distracted Extremely observant visitors may have noted a thanks to Norman in my season end thanks & shout-outs He was a jaunty and very sweet litte girly-boy who was around since the founding of this site and for every pixel of it since He really didn't do much hamsterwatching and in fact he was never crazy about hamster season rolling around, but he was a major supporter of the site.. he kept me going so I could keep it going, so I'm making him a part of it tonight He was a superkitty and he had a real good life.. and he was also an artist :) Some screencaps are in the forum thanks to ABT and new capper Hanto Daily ratings - TAKEN edition Ratings are based on entertainment value
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(about a Dan-Memphis Bob-Renny-Keesha alliance): Dan: How do you feel about us making it official? Renny: I don't trust Memphis Dan (to Renny): As much as I don't trust [Memphis Bob], we need him Dan: I have no agreement or alliance with him whatsoever Memphis Bob: I don't think about the game Dan: Have you talked to him today? Memphis Bob: Who, Jerry? Fuck that.. fuck that old man Memphis Bob (to Dan, about his deals): What the hell were you smoking when you were up there? Dan: How do I make a bubble bath? Renny: Dude, can they take these suckers and give them to the needy children? (looking ahead): Dan: If [Michelle] puts two of us up, we still have the votes Keesha: But one of us is leaving Memphis Bob: Yea Dan: Oh shit, I didn't think of that Gretchen: If you want to know who won HOH, watch the feeds! You get them at RealPlayer (umm, not at RealPlayer.com you can't.. try here instead) DAILY JERRYISMS When do we normally do POV? (Note: it's Day 46) (his list of human races): Caucasian, Asian, black, brown and red Most of South America isn't south of America - it's to the right EXTRACURRICULAR TALLY Sex: April/Ollie (12x) Makeout pairings: 2 April/Ollie, Angie/Steven Major fights: 9 · Jessie vs Renny (pre-feeds) · April vs Keesha · Jerry vs Libra, plus Renny · Jerry vs Michelle · Jerry vs Memphis Bob (not on feeds) · April, Keesha, Libra, Jessie free-for-all · April vs Ollie · Jessie post-eviction free-for-all · April vs Keesha + Libra vs Michelle Impressive party tricks: 2 Renny's fist, Renny's headstands 'The Soup' mentions: 5 · Meet April's boobies plus Jerry's affirmation · Jessie's HOH pics of himself · Jessie's farewell to Angie plus Michelle's 'whore slut skank' catsuit rant · Renny's dirty mouth · 'Dumbest houseguests in history' vs has-beens food comp plus Michelle & Jase 'two fax machines mating' noises 'Best Week Ever' mentions: 1 (BWE wasn't on during August) · Ollie/April sex with the lights on |
Webcast images & official photos Copyright © CBS.com and RealNetworks Everything else Copyright © 2004-10 HamsterWatch.com - don't be taking stuff that isn't yours - Concept & broadcasts owned by CBS - Our House Productions - Endemol this is definitely not an official site |