Big Brother 5 "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy,
away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets.
Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge."

hamstersthat dingo's
Hamster Watch

This site isn't about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with, or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why. Which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! More to come, bookmark & come back! .. that dingo

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Bonus must-click special: What they bought at - from Aldav

8/22/04 - Day 52, part 1    >> to the future    >> dwell in the past    >> latest
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No hamsters were harmed during the making of this episode

Marvin, Cowboy, and Drew discuss the game and the other hamsters.. Marvin says Karen is fooling everyone with her crazy act, that she knows exactly what she's doing..

Marvin: So what do you think of the breakdown?

Cowboy: She's due for one

Marvin: (cracks up) No, the game breakdown!

It's another slow Sunday.. their goodies arrive (that was quick! I guess instant delivery is easy when your order is predetermined by the marketing and promotion people..)

Cowboy investigates the pool volleyball set (you can too!)
Karen thinks about talking to us again

I have no idea what's on Ad/Nat's hands & feet! Looks like mud..
maybe it's some Biblical-type retribution.. or just a strange twinly grooming ritual..

They clean each other up amidst much venom-spewing and angst
and move on to more traditional grooming rituals

Twin: Quitters never win and winners never quit
Twin: Yep, it says so in the Bible

The usual pleasantries are exchanged, along with the usual
"you'll pay for that later" comment from Drew
Diane: I can see how strong you are.. A's strong too but
you're stronger.. I love that about you - you're like me
Natalie: You prolly hate that about me too
Diane: I can't even tell what Natalie's saying
cuz when she attacks me I go delusional
Drew: Hey hot MILF, wanna go make out?

The twins bond anew/again over the new pictures, and pout about being isolated

Adria(?) reads the Omaha Steaks brochure (you can too!) in a performance worthy
of a spokeschick paycheck .. but it turns out to be just a smokescreen for them
to diss the others with universal sign language - no "twinglish" necessary

Outside, things wind down until eventually everyone succumbs to the nothing
Nik struggles to maintain her status as the house weirdo
Nik: My favorite number is 13, but I'm kinda weird
Drew: I know I'm normal.. wait, maybe I'm crazy!
Karen: I'm such a nerd.. how did I become such a nerd, Nik?
Nik: I'm the one that started sewing today
(Karen tells about the Shannon toothbrush incident and says she brought a backup)
Karen: And somebody took a knife to someone's throat in their sleep here
Drew: Yea, I read that too
Drew: Omaha steaks.. where's Omaha?
(Karen rattles off the states in alphabetical order)
Drew: Wow, that's crazy.. I had to memorize all the countries in Africa for school once
Karen: There's a condom still stuck to the wall.. I look at it every day

Activity! Marvin & Drew are looking like little boys, digging for something
Diane comes over like a little sister pestering them "Whatcha doing?"
Diane: I have the same scream for all bugs <eeeek>
That's my bug scream - it's the only time I'll ever sound like a girl

They've found a june bug - Marv traps it in a baggie
Adria comes over and helps them tie a string to it
Adria: June bugs eat cowshit yanno, like dung beetles
Marv: I didn't know that.. they got cowshit out here? I know they got bullshit

Drew tries to fly the bug like a radio-control plane - Marvin uses a kite-flying style
Both have varying degrees of success
Adria: Do you know how to start him up?
Marv: C'mon bitch better fly if you wanna get outta here
Drew: He's got his wings out
Marv: He could be in Cirque du Soleil looking like that
Marv: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

They marvel at its pretty green color and walk him around the hot tub awhile
before setting him loose.. and promptly losing him
Diane: Does he still have thread on him?
Marv: Just a little bit of pink thread.. we kinda tagged him, like Mutual of Omaha

Would that be a good thing, or a bad thing?

Diane at dinner:
"Some internet geek at home
is following my every move"

I didn't expect a lazy Sunday would turn out
to be a two-parter, but then the booze
came out.. bring it on
Won the veto - big deal. A feeble attempt at a bath buddies revival isn't enough to earn an upgrade - even with mud - but bug-flying expertise is! At least they pick up their toenail clippings.

Another creepy day: "Hi mom! I'm just here having fun with two twins.. It's all clean Mom, nothing sexual going on." He may be young (even though he acts like an old fart) but "the Night Prowler" is definitely restless!

Hey! I thought she wasn't going to "cuddle" anymore? I wouldn't to parannoy Diane, or make her delusional, but I think she's gearing up for another meltdown.. sweet!

Everyone's working on Drew - Marvin, Diane, twins, Cowboy.. we'd be having a field day with him if only he ever reacted with anything but "wow" or "weird."

Thanks to Marvin (who else?) she had a most excellent case of the willies.. outdone only by his own fit of hysterics. AND she can name all the states in rapid-fire alphabetical order! I don't think anyone saw that coming.

Everyone knows that hamsters plus booze equals fun.. throw Marvin into the mix and you have another unforgettable evening. Give this man a cigar!

Sewing projects and no gag reflex, ok she almost lived up to her self-proclaimed weirdness today, and it was damn good to see her laugh. "Waiter, there's a foreskin in my burrito."

I'm so tired of trying to tell them apart and listening to them bitch and moan about everyone, I'll be glad when one goes. A feeble attempt at a bath buddies revival isn't enough to earn an upgrade - even with mud - but at least they pick up their toenail clippings.

Manufactured melodrama made a return Saturday, complete with action-hero music and use of the word "livid." Kissing Lessons was cute (a full week late!) but didn't hint at what followed.. And stinkfoot?! Are they even watching Marvin?? Well maybe the "black David Copperfield doing it with smoke and mirrors" has tricked them too. Nice to see CBS also picked up on Karma Electra though - I was starting to think I'd imagined it. Hey! Maybe I tipped them off and they ran back to check the tapes? (we could at least talk about hiring me yanno.. I won't hold you to any commitments) (that goes for anyone with a killer job available who likes what they see here)

Not quite gay enough for the token gig. I'd like him in real life - but this isn't.

Hamster watching doesn't get better than this guy. Bath buddies forever!

The goon is gone - long live the goon :)

Unique, fun, annoying, ditzy, and oddly vulnerable. Bless her pointy lil head.

This year's Lisa, but without her luck.

xThe Don
Smart or not, he was first out: 'nuff said. Fold your arms and go home.

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