Watch Big Brother 13 on SuperPass! Daily Hamsterwatch
I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better
This site is about the Big Brother 13 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me, and it isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior. Your pal, dingo


Nobody is Head of Household
Nobody is nominated


Take a swig whenever someone says they can't wait for BB13 to start, including yourself



CBS shows will air Sundays and Wednesdays at 8pm, and live eviction Thursdays at 9pm

BB13 prizes are probably the same: $500k for the winner and $50k for 2nd place. The others probably still earn $750 a week including pre-show hotel and jury sequester.

The habitat has 52 cameras and 95 microphones.

The recorded Big Brother in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman.

All feeds stay on one 'scene' when someone's in Diary.

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Watch Big Brother 13 on SuperPass!

Fresh meat, and stale gristle

Eight of the new hamsters have been introduced by CBS - We Love Big Brother had an extra one, Jason, but he's out now, probably on a plane home.. the remaining slots will be filled by - you guessed it - hamster has-beens

Yep, it's official: this season's subtitle is "Double Trouble" and they are kicking it off with a poll (translate: lots of extra site hits that translate to higher website ad rates) for which "dynamic duos" will return (not should return).. the choices are Brendon/Rachel, Dr. Will/Boogie (Willboogie), Jessie/Natalie, "Evil" (sic) Dick/Daniele, Jeff/Jordan (Jorff), Hayden/Enzo.. I'm not posting the link to the poll because a) NOT VOTING is the only way to send them a message that they don't need and we don't want reruns and b) it's easy enough to find

I'm really disappointed that all these recycle rumors have proved true - I was actually looking forward to Big Brother this season but I was hoping against hope that they'd learned from their mistakes and were going to give us 13 or 14 unknowns, and what do we get facing us on preview day? Jessie again, this time with company

However, start getting to know the new blood and see what weirdness, scandals, mug shots, or nekkies you can dig up on them, and let me know via Twitter or Facebook so I can spread the dirt around

CBS official pics & bios - also on my Twitpic
CBS interviews & media day videos
SuperPass interviews with a shoutout to me in Adam's! - it's time to get your feeds
We Love Big Brother interviews with bonus Jason
Yahoo! TV pics & bios - interviews & media day videos

I'll read & watch all this stuff soon and work up some snap judgments for your perusal, but I've got to go do some paying work now.. incidentally, see the update below regarding they cut off all their California-based affiliates today, which includes me, due to a sales tax argument with the state government, so there's another hit to my income.. some days, I tell ya

Meanwhile, I'm wondering why the two pics of HOH are so drastically different.. could we have two HOH rooms? The locked mystery room downstairs we all ass-umed would be Have-not probably is, as that's confirmed to be back, but maybe a second HOH in the Pandora's Box room adjoining HOH upstairs? Sure, it could be redecorating, but there's less than 10 days between Matt Whitfield's pic on June 20 and the CBS release of the "final" and everything's different in them, except the round beds - and they already have those, from Big Brother 8


A new habitat

In lieu of Julie's usual house tour for "The Early Show", Yahoo! TV got an exclusive jump on the other mainstream sites and released the new house pics Monday night - I've posted them on my Twitpic along with a floor plan to get your bearings.. I think most of it's more sleek & stylish than usual, but this chrome bedroom is odd - it looks like the Walt Disney Concert Hall or another of Frank Gehry's designs.. if it is indeed chrome or even stainless steel, it'll be streaked & spattered in no time, but we'll have fun watching them bump their shins on it in the greenlight

There are 14 photo wall frames and 14 places set at the dining table, but that's not always been an accurate indicator of how many we'll have to kick around.. there's also a colorful ice cream/candy themed bedroom, and a mystery room - it's a fair bet that's going to be some sort of nastiness for Have-nots.. HOH has a 1970s Playboy style round bed on a matching 1970s round shag carpet

Yahoo! TV's Matt Whitfield spilled some more details after spending Media Day in there last week - his & the other journalists' reports will be out Tuesday.. he said the whole house has a Venice Beach-y theme, with bike parts & surfboards scattered around, and a corresponding new mural in the backyard.. the chessboard remains upstairs outside HOH, naturally, this time built into a stone table.. we didn't get living room pics but he said it's basically the same with new furniture, and the spiral staircase to HOH is surrounded by a metal cage, with no door? Diary and pantry are the same

The most dramatic room is probably the former cabana/spa/gym, now a purple & black lounge with checkerboard floor, tarot card graphics and a fortune teller machine.. now all we need are the new hamsters to move in and mess it all up

Update A piece on ET Canada has Julie doing the house tour we used to get on "The Early Show" and alluding to "dynamic duos from the past" - this is not necessarily bad news, but it certainly doesn't sound like good news either.. we should have more clarity to whatever it is they're cooking up for us on Thursday morning when the cast and twist will be revealed


The countdown is on, again

Big Brother 13 premieres on CBS on July 7 at 9pm - shows will air Sundays and Wednesdays at 8pm, and live eviction Thursdays at 9pm, but the live feeds are the real show: sign up and save by getting your feeds before the premiere! Use coupon code BB13QTEARLY.. The Early Bird discount is available through July 6 and costs $29.99 for a 3-month subscription - that's a $10 discount off the regular price

The feeds should kick on July 7 after the premiere ends in the West (10pm PT/1am ET), although they might start at the usual 9pm/midnight to coincide with Showtime

There will be an Android app to watch the feeds on your phone or tablet that will be available July 7 - check your data plan as streaming video eats it up fast! (Some "unlimited" plans really aren't - one hour of live feeds is around 200 MB of data).. iPhone and iPad users will also be able to view the feeds via the device browser rather than an optimized app - sorry, iPeople! You will need Android 2.2 or higher, or iOS4 or higher to view the feeds on a mobile device

Feeds for any mobile device will cost an additional $9.99 for three months (or $4.99 per month if your SuperPass bills monthly).. you'll be asked when you sign up if you want to add mobile access.. those who already have a SuperPass subscription will be asked to sign up/sign in when you attempt to access the feeds on your mobile device.. if you sign up for mobile access before the feeds start, not to worry: billing for the mobile add-on won't kick in until July 7.. as with the feeds, signups for mobile viewing made through this site help me keep it going

SuperPass has lots more new goodies in the works for feedsters this year including exclusive shows: BB12 Ragan Fox & BB8 Daniele Donato will host one more pre-season Rumor Control show July 5 (click for the June 21 or June 28 shows), and Ragan will be back to dish the feeds during the season with Spicy from Celebrity Smack, Chelsia & Missy will be back on Thursdays, and there are even more live shows coming from names you know, so sign up now to see it all

Signups benefit the site you get them through so if you get them through me, thanks much! It's the only way I can afford to cover the season

After Dark will be back on Showtime and Global Reality Channel (Canada) every night from midnight to 3am, showing one feed live - that's 9pm to midnight in the habitat

I will have some special guest posts from names you know as the season heats up - more on that later


Follow me on Twitter

Linking to any page here is fine but please do not repost any content from this site (or any other) without permission, and do not repost or hotlink to any images


7/3 Likely move-in day
7/5 Rumor Control with Ragan Fox & Daniele Donato 3pm PT/6pm ET
7/7 The Talk on 4 hours inside the habitat
7/7 CBS premiere 9pm
7/7 Feeds begin 9 or 10pm PT/12 or 1am ET
7/7 Android app available
7/14 First eviction



Watch Big Brother 13 on SuperPass!
Save $10 with code BB13QTEARLY
Discount good thru July 6
Includes Flashback, video clips, live talk shows, interviews, $10 of free music every month and more!
Sign up for a free trial



Clicky: caps sorted by day - all caps

News & updates

You'll notice a bit of a new look for the site this season and my coverage will be a bit different than in the past, but not to worry: Hamsterwatch exclusives like Lines of the Day, Links of the Day, Ratings, and Extracurricular Tally will be back, along with BBQ Smackdown Scorecard of course, if/when they get the grill

Monday, June 20 was Press Day in the habitat: that's when journalists spend the day in there doing mock comps & ceremonies so the crew can get the camera angles and various tech details sorted out.. among the participants this year were Yahoo! Entertainment's Matt Whitfield and a lucky contest winner.. NCIS's Pauley Perrette hosted their HOH comp and posted a pic.. reports from Matt and the other journalists (who else was there?) will be released June 28

Awhile back, Julie issued a challenge to her fellow hosts of "The Talk" to spend a night in the habitat, and they all agreed to.. it sounds like a lot of "yeah, sure" promotion hype, except that The Talk's website saw fit to post it, calling it a challenge "they can't refuse" - watch the video which includes mock-but-cute audition tapes from Sharon, Sara, Leah and Holly.. will their sleepover happen? Has it already happened? Stay tuned

Update It did and it didn't.. the ladies spent four hours in there, which they'll talk about on their July 7 show

You can help

I hate to beg but I'm just one person and it's not easy to take the summer off work to monitor the feeds 'round the clock and work up a new page every day, but you can help in a few ways that don't cost you anything.

Getting your feeds though my links is the best way to help me keep the site going.

Also any purchase made through this link helps me out. This includes all of Amazon's products and services, Kindles & Kindle books, the new Appstore for Android, MP3s, on-demand video, groceries, wireless plans and products, and just about everything else under the sun.
UPDATE California governor Jerry Brown signed a long-discussed Internet sales tax law this week, and Amazon CEO Jerry Bezos cut off all California affiliates in retribution - my Amazon affiliate account is now showing "closed" - thanks a bunch, politicos.. see my email to Amazon

Purchases through any of my other carefully selected ads help too, and you can also make a Paypal donation

Thanks for your support!



CBS ad: The craziest twist ever

Matt Whitfield, Yahoo! TV: The creepy fortune teller lady in the purple/black lounge looks like a zombie version of Renny

Wrap Party


Hamster bios & interview videos are posted above in the main section, just this once

BB Breakdown Episode 1 with Ross Mathews & Ryan MacDonald

House pics courtesy Yahoo TV

The BB habitat at CBS Studios Google maps

Much more to follow as news appears

24/7 feeds - SuperPass free trial see everything happen before it gets edited into something else for tv

BB adult pics & links - explicit!

CBS Big Brother 13 the official site

All my BB 13 links merchandise, other BB sites, everyone's Twitter.
Some of the best of the best:
DogDave BB13
Attwx Remembers Big Brother
I Hate Big Brother
Sir LinksALot Big Brother 13
CBS BB East Coast live feed


Sex events, fights, hamster revivals, The Soup & other mainstream mentions, and other noteworthy events will be listed here as they happen, and they will happen

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"Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight
and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."