Watch Big Brother 13 on SuperPass! Daily Hamsterwatch
I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better
This site is about the Big Brother 13 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me, and it isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior. Your pal, dingo


Rachel is Head of Household
Keith & Porsche are nominated
Dick's gone
Daniele has Golden Key


Drink the whole bottle - BB13 feeds are on!



Which hamsters are returning and any other twist(s) will be revealed on the premiere

CBS shows will air Sundays and Wednesdays at 8pm, and live eviction Thursdays at 9pm

It sounds like BBAD will air 1-4 Thursdays and 12-3 other nights, on Showtime in USA and Global Reality in Canada

BB13 prizes are probably the same: $500k for the winner and $50k for 2nd place. The others probably still earn $750 a week including pre-show hotel and jury sequester.

The habitat has 52 cameras and 95 microphones.

The recorded Big Brother in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman.

All feeds stay on one 'scene' when someone's in Diary.

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They're baaaack, bitches

The dreaded rumors all came true: no sooner than we'd been introduced to the eight new hamsters, Rachel & Brendon came through the door, followed by Jeff & Jordan, and Dick & Daniele.. this threw the new ones for a loop, since many of them had seen the returnees' seasons

Before that, Julie made the new ones pair up - see below for who's with whom - but not the old ones, which was a big mistake on production's part if you ask me - clearly they didn't.. a pair must be nominated together, meaning they'll have to campaign against their partner, which is kinda cool

Their HOH comp was a typical BB premiere endurance with a phallic theme, this time they hung on bananas in their pairings, which naturally came with all the middle school humor & innuendo you'd expect from a network primetime show.. most of the new ones had said in their pre-season interviews that they didn't want to win the first HOH, but Rachel always has her own strategy, and she won.. the good news there is we'll get treated in a week or so to a Rachel HOH blog

Julie informed them and us of more twistage: the surviving nominee after eviction will get "The Big Brother Golden Key" which means they can't be nominated until there are only ten left, which will give strategizing a whole new mind-boggling spin

The feeds came on precisely as scheduled, which was new and very refreshing


Some things haven't changed

The feeds are as confusing as any first night: 14 of them is entirely too many to keep track of - well, 13 of them, since Dick was missing.. we only had to learn eight new ones which made it easier, but considering this is their sixth day in there, they've probably covered just about all of the small talk get-to-know-you stuff

Jeff & Jordan went back to their usual hand-in-pantsing soon enough, and the others went about their business whispering, strategizing, parannoying and eating, like hamsters do.. Rachel organized a game of Rearrange Things to play via spyscreen, and Kalia tried to learn how to play chess, which wasn't easy from Brendon's instructions

The colorful library room was changed into a padded cell motif for the Have-nots, which seem to be Adam, Dominic, Cassi, and Lawon, but that's not confirmed.. the nominations are though: Keith & Porsche

It sounds like the veto comp might be tomorrow as they were on lockdown all night, with construction noises outside.. game-wise, it looks like it might be the has-beens versus the new meat, predictably, but they all lie so nothing's proven there yet.. Adam's already scheming his brains out

Feeds went to trivia around 1:30am, shortly after Daniele was called to Diary in the middle of the Dick mystery, fueling all sorts of wild & dramatic rumors, but it could mean a night-time veto comp or it could just be that a new intern flipped the wrong switch.. stay tuned

Nope, the feeds came back around 4:30am and Dick was gone, Daniele has a Golden Key, and Rachel & Brendon were moping and had apparently threatened to leave too, likely worried about the ratio of has-beens to newbies

Update CBS press reports confirmed Friday that Dick is gone from Big Brother 13 due to "personal reasons".. we may never know the real story as both CBS and Dick are quite proficient at providing spin, if they want to.. some suspect he was booted for announcing he'd be on the show in a video but I tend to doubt it since a) it was posted after the premiere started, b) production let it leak that he'd be on (albeit not directly), and c) he's famous for skirting the rules.. unconfirmed rumors as well as the remaining hamsters think it may have something to do with his girlfriend - here's hoping she's okay, and him too.. he would have made this whole has-beens idea into something interesting rather than a bunch of reruns


Ratings - First Feeds edition

Ratings are based on entertainment value but there wasn't much to go on, and I'm out of practice. I'll give them new pics if/when we get feeds again.

That was a fun premiere, even though we already knew the twists and returnees. They really shouldn't leak out so much info out ahead of time - we like a good surprise as much as the CBS-onlies. Sure, the Diaries were virtually scripted, the relationships within the returning duos exaggerated and predictable, and the new kids' reactions to them expected, but no matter how much we don't want to see reruns in there, it will set everything up for great dynamics for those interested in the strategy stuff. I only wish they'd split up the returnee duos, maybe making them pair with new ones, but we can't have everything. Personally I'm going to try to focus on the fresh ones, since we already know the has-beens' shtick. I'm holding out great hope that most of the veterans go early so we can have the new ones to kick around this summer, but more than that, I'm hoping Dick will go after Brendon for Penisgate, and after Rachel for being Rachel. Bottom line, our favorite summer addiction (besides summer fruits & sweet corn) is back, and the pre-edited feeds make it the best show in town. Despite all that, they really deserve a negative for throwing us to trivia on the first night and keeping us there longer than we had feeds, but they get bonus ups for 'The Talk' segment which was really well done and very cute.

Paired with Dominic
I'm not big on strategy talk and that's about all I heard from him, but I have it on good authority from his hometown buddies that he's a good guy and a Hamsterwatcher, so I'm keeping his options open. He's already the first to mandana this season, but he probably won't be the last.

Paired with Rachel
His chess lesson was astoundingly baffling but what more can I say? Been there, done that, slurpydurp.

Paired with Shelly
I didn't see much of her but it's a safe assumption she'll be a favorite for the straight guys - there are a few who watch this. She won't tell them she's a bikini model but some of them have probably guessed already. She seems to pose a lot.

Paired with Dick
I didn't hear much complaining from her which was good, but I didn't see the cheerful girl from the Rumor Control show either. She didn't seem too concerned that Dick was missing until the others said she should be.. well, it's been four years since she had to Act about that relationship. By the way, I have no idea what really is going on there - we'll have to wait for private one-on-ones between them. Assuming he shows up.

Paired with Daniele
We haven't had a premiere night no-show since BB9 Jacob, and we haven't had a mysterious early exit since BB9 Neil. These pairs twist seasons just seem to complicate things for them. No word yet on why Dick's gone but he sure was looking rough in the premiere.

Paired with Adam
It's way too early to call for this guy. They're definitely going to play up the virgin/lives-with-mommy angle but that might not turn out to be worth much. He said he was going to lie to them about being a biochem major since it makes him sound brainy, but I'm hoping that comes out because as we all know, Rachel loves science. And scientists.

Paired with Jordan
I like his humor and he had a couple one-liners, but he seems to be treading carefully and not being his usual jovial self. He's been on another CBS show and a CBS web show since we saw him last, he knows about his many admirers now, and he's an idol in there rather than an outcast this time around. I'm hoping it's not the case, but I'm afraid he might be a lot more self-aware than last time around, and that would be a problem for us.

Paired with Jeff
See Jeff.

Paired with Lawon
She made some great comments and faces, and she's clearly not going to take crap off anyone when the time comes. Unfortunately she's also likely going to sing a lot and that's a problem, but at least she sings well.

Paired with Porsche
He was pretty low key, but that's what happens when you're first on the block. He was very loud before the show about plans to go after the girls and he made a beeline for Porsche when Julie told them to pair up, and later shared a hug with Cassi after Adam strategized at them. Maybe 'Keith's Angels' is going to happen after all.. if he sticks.

Paired with Kalia
He seems pretty low key especially after the gigantic pre-show and premiere buildup, but that's what happens sometimes. I'm not giving up on him yet, and I think it's a safe prediction that he'll be the breakout Diary star of the season. I just hope they don't overdo it.

Paired with Keith
Another early liar, she said she won't tell them she's a cocktail waitress as that would make her seem too well off to win $500k. Considering she's already nominated just for showing up, that was a bit of premature planning.

Paired with Brendon
She's back and back to her usual tricks which include being too loud and too Rachel-centric. To her credit, she did try to arrange some activities for our viewing pleasure but they weren't much, especially when she sat down with Cassi and copied BB9 Natalie's patented painting with nail polish. Many aren't happpy that she's HOH but I am as that means we'll have a Rachel HOH blog to look forward to in a week or so.. OMG!

Paired with Cassi
She's in there.


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7/8 Android app available
7/14 First eviction



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Thursday's premiere won its timeslot with 7.7 million viewers, 4.6 rating and 8 share, ahead of Expedition Impossible on ABC with 5.5/3.2/5, Glee rerun on FOX with 3.1/2.0/3, and The Office & 30 Rock reruns on NBC with 2.4/1.7/3 and 2/1.4/2 respectively.
Rating = % of all TV households
Share = % of households watching TV



Clicky: caps sorted by day - all caps

News & updates

The Android app release has been delayed until Friday (hopefully). CBS hired the developer, not SuperPass, so that could explain it. If you want to search Android Market for it before you see a release announcement, it'll be the one by Treemo - the others there are mostly foreign BBs or Twitter hashtag retweets.

We don't yet know how the veto will work with the pairs. Chances are good we'll figure it out from the feeds.

Mobile access feeds

Everything you need to know about getting the feeds on your Android or iPad/iPhone is in the forum. Like SuperPass subscriptions, adding mobile access through me will help me keep the site going this summer. If you already have your SuperPass, just click the banner up top of this page from your mobile device browser, sign in, then click the Live Feeds tab. It'll know you're coming in via mobile and ask you to sign up for the add-on access.

If you don't yet have SuperPass, you can add it to your subscription when signing up by clicking the banner up top. Thanks in advance!

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Porsche: One of my best features is my personality, and the doctors did help a little bit

Jeff: Jordan is first to fall off my banana

Jeff after Dick's exit: Everything's fucked now

Dominic about his edit: Depending how they cut my intro, I could look very homosexual

Julie on The Talk segment: Don't pull out my hair extensions!

Wrap Party


BB Lite standalone feeds player

Big Brother 13 Hamster Soup iPhone/iPad app

24/7 feeds - SuperPass free trial see everything happen before it gets edited into something else for tv

BB adult pics & links - explicit! Updated with Brendon & Nick

CBS Big Brother 13 the official site

All my BB 13 links merchandise, other BB sites, everyone's Twitter.
Some of the best of the best:
DogDave BB13
Attwx Remembers Big Brother
I Hate Big Brother
Sir LinksALot Big Brother 13
CBS BB East Coast live feed


Premature exits: 1 Dick

CBS goofs: 2
3am wrong trivia screen
typo 'Evil' Dick

Sex events, fights, hamster revivals, The Soup & other mainstream mentions, and other noteworthy events will be listed here as they happen, and they will happen

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"Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy, away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight
and other pets. Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi, or a fridge."