I don't care who wins, I'm just here for the cheap entertainment.. the cheaper, the better | ||||||||||||||||||||
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This site is about the Big Brother 12 feeds and contains spoilers! It isn't necessarily thorough: it's what I catch and/or what interests me. It also isn't necessarily about who will win, who should win, who's cute or who's horrid. It's about watching hamsters: who's doing what and why, who's fun and who's dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! Thanks for encouraging my behavior. BB12 DRINKING GAME Take a swig whenever one of them is horizontal - but keep this link handy: Signs of alcohol poisoning POWER STATUS Hayden won Part 1 Lane won Part 2 UPCOMING EVENTS
Lots of naps Wednesday 9pm Finale: Final HOH part 3 Hayden vs Lane, eviction, jury Q&A, cast reunion, Stabo 2.0 reveal, jury vote for winner RATINGS WATCH Sunday's 'Best Of' show placed second for the hour with 6.7 million viewers, 4.0 rating and 6 share, behind 'Sunday Night Football' on NBC with 21.4/12.5/20, and ahead of 'America's Funniest Home Videos' rerun on ABC with 5.9/3.4/5, and 'The Simpsons' & 'The Cleveland Show' reruns on FOX with 6.5/3.9/6 & 4.2/2.6/5 respectively. Football also won the 18-49 demographic. JUST THE TIP Watch their talk show on FlashBack - requires Superpass Episode 1 8/8 11pm Quads Episode 2 8/9 11.44pm F1/2 Episode 3 8/10 11.10pm F3/4 Episode 4 8/11 11.20pm F1/2 Episode 5 8/20 1:47am F3/4 Episode 6 8/22 11:48pm F1/2 AMERICA'S CHOICE Who should get $25k extra? Vote free at CBS.com - Hamsterwatch endorses Britney FAQ Two hour finale is September 15 Lane opened Pandora's Box which gave him $91.17 and gave them all no cups or utensils, one night of sock puppets, and dancing Brendon opened Pandora's Box which gave him a night out and let Rachel back for 24 hours. Matt opened Pandora's Box which held the return of the saboteur (in the form of Ragan) to WREAK HAVOC, and gave him diamond veto for 2 weeks. Britney opened Pandora's Box and got an hour of BB10/11 Jessie insulting her while the others had a luau Ragan won $20k for performing 3 tasks a week for 2 weeks undetected. His identity will be revealed to them at the finale. I use Stabo/Staboteur/Stabotage because of the typo in an early official CBS BB tweet Annie & Monet were sequestered until Andrew was evicted. Nobody knows why. The first saboteur was Annie. She'd have won $50k if she lasted 5 weeks undetected. Ragan's tattoo says 'Quelquefois un rêve est ce qui vous fait un esclave' ('Sometimes a dream is what makes you a slave') Have-Nots have their own room again, cold showers again, slop again, plus additional food items decided by viewer votes. Nobody knows why Paolo isn't there. The winner of BB12 will win $500k and 2nd place gets $50k. Hamsters earn $750 a week including pre-show hotel and jury sequester. The habitat has 52 cameras and 95 microphones. The recorded Big Brother in-house announcements are the voice of producer Don Wollman. All feeds stay on one 'scene' when someone's in Diary. |
September 11, 12, 13 & 14, 2010 - Days 71, 72, 73 & 74
>> past >> present >> future >> all >> Hayden won Part 1 - Lane won Part 2 << >> Tweeting Big Brother since BB8 - click to see all or follow - latest: How to pick a winner The feeds are utterly dead in the dullest Dead Week of the dullest season we've ever had.. even when the Final Three aren't horizontal, they're not doing anything, so I figure I'll recycle my traditional end-of-season feature a bit earlier than usual I've always maintained it doesn't matter a bit who gets the money unless you're a second cousin or better, but some Hamsterwatchers seem to care who wins, so I once again present the following for your rooting enjoyment.. after all, feedsters are more qualified to make a selection than the bitter jurors - we don't see any relevant Diary footage anymore since they record pro & con versions of everything now and they don't air any of the meaty stuff, but we've seen far more than the jury so they too need to use one of these methods: Played the best game This is the popular, politically-correct method that everyone claims to use, but nobody really does.. it's pretty much moot this time anyway since all three played the same vote together & lay low game.. Hayden has a slight edge here due to winning these recent comps after a losing season (much like BB11 Jordan) but nearly every 'game' falls into one of the other categories so don't feel pressured to root for Hayden through some misguided urge to be PC Lied the best/most Again, all three are on equal footing here with their secret alliance 'lie', but this one's a little squirrely as it crosses over into ethical/unethical territory, and that leads to arguments about politics and/or religion, and that leads to flame wars every time.. BB2/7 Dr. Will is the exception here: he won by skirting the moral issues and flat-out lied about everything - except the fact that he was lying, and he was light years more fun & charming about it than these three Needs the money most Please! We all 'need' a half million dollars! Anyone who goes on a tv show to pay their Visa bill or because they can't scrape together the next car payment should consider credit counseling, bankruptcy, gambling, or steady employment.. we're all sick of the sob stories and besides, all three guys seem to be financially stable and/or have family members who support them Cutest/sexiest/dreamiest Generally a favorite method for feedsters, but more jury members are closet cutest-sexiest-dreamiest voters than they'll admit.. straight guys and lesbians will need to select a different method this year Smartest player A favorite for feedsters and jury alike, it's what most really mean when they say 'best game' - basically it means 'smarter than me' - but given the fact that we're dealing with people who've spent two months pooping on tv, being humiliated for our enjoyment, and making their friends & families ashamed to claim them, most hamsters are eliminated from this category when they complete their BB application Played like I would The big daddy for feedsters who haven't caught on that everyone's different and everyone does different things for different reasons.. it's the most popular judging criteria and the dumbest: they aren't you, they haven't seen everything you've seen, and until you're in there for two months of paranoia, daily slander, and Diary messing up your better judgment, you can't possibly know what you'd do in there.. get over it Backstabbing revenge One of the elimination categories, this one's about rooting for anyone except the player who took out your favorite (or yourself, if on the jury).. this one usually decides the winner.. in gamespeak it's also known as 'nothing personal' Creeped me out Another elimination category and a big one some seasons, this is rooting for anyone except the player who gives you the willies or reminds you of your ex.. more popular among feedsters than the jury, which is odd: they're the ones who lived with the creepies - we can shut 'em off.. feel free to cite this one if you need an excuse to abstain from voting I just like him Hands-down easiest method because it requires no reasons or explanations, making it the best category to avoid involvement in flame wars Deserves to win This really means you don't know or don't care and are probably just afraid of getting involved in a flame war.. back it up with something or shift over to 'I just like him' Most entertaining A personal favorite, but this season we didn't have any fun hamsters at all.. Enzo would probably be the favorite here since he provided some comedy (at least before many feedsters inexplicably turned on him).. Lane had a shot here thanks to his banter with Britney, but he's a lousy solo act unless you're a fan of long, long showers and/or masturbation in them Played with integrity This is a nice pipe dream for optimists and romantics, but not much more: in reality tv, the good tend to die young I hate them all equally Most feedsters end up here sooner or later highlights, and anything else that wasn't blocked Signups help support this site - it wasn't easy to do this year Screencaps du jour Click thumbnails to enlarge - click for all BB12 caps sorted by day - click for all my caps Log in using your Twitter nick and password to leave comments on any cap, and your comment will also be automatically posted to your Twitter Daily Ratings - Final Three edition Ratings are based on entertainment value, which is non-existent
!! THIS MEANS YOU !! The end is near Free trial! Includes FlashBack See anything and everything from BB12, BB11 and BB10 Get free Hamsterwatch updates to your cell phone! Follow me at my Twitter page or text 'follow hamsterwatch' to 40404 (21212 in Canada). Click for more info. LINES OF THE DAY
Hayden: Zzzzz Enzo: Zzzzz Lane: Zzzzz Lane: I'm thinking about taking three showers today - that takes at least an hour.. 'cause I reminisce in the shower.. I love the shower LINKS OF THE DAY
Get the 24/7 live feeds It's a whole different show than CBS puts on Live feeds for Vegas Bash separate from/not included with Superpass Official Hamsterwatcher merchandise You won't find 'Cheap entertainment' and 'You and me to the end' undies anywhere else Amazon.com Any Amazon purchase made thru my links helps support the site - thanks! Every Hamsterwatch episode is still here on the site - go back and relive the madness! BB11 - BB10 BB9 - BB8 - BB7 - BB6 - BB5 some links on them might be bad now Click to see my full list of BB12 links These are some of my favorites: 24/7 feeds - SuperPass free trial see everything that happens before it gets edited into something else for tv SuperPass FlashBack instant replay by time/date/feed (requires SuperPass) Hamsterwatch Twitter - Twitpic Hamsterwatch Chatroom - Forum BB adult/explicit links - updated with BB10 Steven Daigle CBS Big Brother 12 the official site DogDave BB12 scouts all the BB sites so you don't have to: all the news, edgy stuff & the best mini-recaps in town Attwx Remembers Big Brother all seasons fun & reference by BB's number one fan Sir LinksALot Big Brother 12 all the links, once again EXTRACURRICULAR TALLY
Unreasonable By Any Standard feeds blackouts: 1 Twist fails: 3 Staboteur Annie Staboteur Ragan Excessive use of Pandora's Box Hamster revivals: 1 Rachel Diamond veto blindsides: 1 Matt Pandora's Box events: 4 Matt, Brendon, Britney, Lane Nominee speech scorchers: 1 Andrew Makeout/sex event pairings: 2 Brendon & Rachel Hayden & Kristen Self-service showers: 8 Lane House meetings: 2 Major fights: 2 Rachel vs Ragan (Round 2) 8/14 Brendon vs Ragan & Britney 8/10 Noteworthy fights: 8 Rachel vs Britney 8/14 Rachel vs Ragan (Round 1) 8/14 Rachel vs Kathy 8/7 Rachel vs Ragan 8/6 Andrew vs everyone 7/29 Rachel vs Kristen 7/29 Andrew vs Kristen 7/28 Rachel vs Annie 7/12 Deaths: 6 fishies 'The Soup' mentions: 6 of 10 shows -Intro & Britney's flaming homosexuals -Rachel the waitress chemist -Matt's wife's fake illness -Kristen's boyfriend & Richard Simmons Collection hippytard -Ragan's sad sock puppet -Ragan's ooey-gooey cookies nominee speech TMZ TV mentions: 1 Rachel being Rachel + Harvey's bored 'The View' mentions: 1 -Matt's wife's fake illness 62nd Annual Emmy Awards mentions: 1 -Britney's slippery weiner Pap smear incidents: 1 Andrew & Annie Pre-season connections: 4 Hayden & BB4/7 Erika Rachel & BB2/7 Boogie Matt & BB8 Joe Enzo & BB2 Justin Absentee hamsters: 1 Paolo BBQ SMACKDOWN SCORECARD
Big Brother 12 Round 1: BBQ ½, Brendon 0 Round 2: BBQ 2, Britney 0, Lane 0 Round 3: BBQ 1, Lane 0, CBS 0 Big Brother 11 Round 1: BBQ 0, Jeff 0 Round 2: BBQ 0, Jeff ½ Round 3: BBQ ½, Kevin 0, Michele 0 Big Brother 10 No title events Big Brother 9 Winter Edition Round 1: BBQ ½, Ryan 0 Round 2, BBQ ½, Adam 0 Round 3, BBQ ½, Ryan 0 Big Brother 8 Round 1: BBQ 1, Dick 0 Round 2: BBQ ½, Zach 0 Round 3: BBQ 0, Dick 1 Big Brother 7 All-Stars BBQ training sabbatical Big Brother 6 Round 1: BBQ 1, Ivette 0 Round 2: BBQ 0, Howie 0 Big Brother 5 Round 1: BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Drew 0 Round 2: BBQ 1, Drew 0, Diane ½ Round 3: BBQ 1, Cowboy 1, Nakomis 0, CBS 0 |
Webcast images & official photos Copyright © CBS.com and RealNetworks Everything else Copyright © 2004-10 HamsterWatch.com - don't be taking stuff that isn't yours - Concept & broadcasts owned by CBS - Our House Productions - Endemol this is definitely not an official site |