Big Brother 5 "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy,
away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets.
Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge."

hamstersthat dingo's
Hamster Watch

This site isn't about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with, or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why. Which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em! More to come, bookmark & come back! .. that dingo

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Today's must-click special: Grin's BB5 Park: Day 50 from Jokers
Bonus must-click special: Jase on Regis & Kelly 2nd appearance -

8/20/04 - Day 50, part 2    >> to the future    >> dwell in the past    >> latest
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Days of booze and leprosy

Marvin's working.

Sure, he looks innocent enough - relaxed, playing poker, spinning stories.. making the girls giggle while they get sippy..

He's all smiles and compliments, and they are loving it (pour another one!) But just wait..

What a good time everyone is having


Marvin continues to work the crowd and the crowd gets sippier


Marv encourages Drew to send a special shout-out to all his internet fans

Karen roams off to indulge her angst about the twins, so Diane has
the guys' undivided attention - and she likes that!
She pulls off the Jase/community hat and Marv tells her to keep it off, that
she looks much better without it, with her hair down.. (work it Marv!)
Drew finally grabs his cue and agrees, taking the hat.. Diane is feeling no pain
I'm hot outside of this place, but not inside

Drew puts his college education to use and prepares a beer to shotgun..
Nik says "It's exactly like a beer bong, only different" and wanders off..
Marv volunteers to prevent any waste

Drew chugs it down and fixes up another for Diane, who doesn't do so well with hers
I'm the queen of the beer bong!
I've quit driving drunk, cuz I'm a bad drunk driver
You wanna do football? Ok, let's do track.. wait, I forget how to do track

Back to poker and chit-chat.. Marv says that Karen's hot, way hot..
Drew agrees - she's way hot.. and right around then Diane explodes
You didn't gather that from our conversation til 5 in the morning?
That I couldn't finish school cuz of fucking money?
And you graduated from Miami?? Did they let you in out of pity???

She goes in to pee - again - and they all crack up at how drunk and pissed off she is
Marv shoots (and scores!) with an affirmation of Santa Monica Van Boys unity..
A very drinky Drew opens up to Cowboy - who is very low energy tonight -
but earns his keep for the week:
Drew (about tomorrow and the veto): I'm scared.. I dunno what
to do.. it's like the first time in this game that I've felt like this..
Cowboy: No, it's not the first time! ha ha ha ha!

Ad/Nat come out to say a stiff but cordial good night, and the boys
continue to shower Diane with attention - much to her delight -
by administering a field sobriety test, which she fails with flying colors


Eventually they all scamper off to bed, but first Diane confronts Marvin:

Diane: You gave me silent treatment for five hours! Nobody does that to me
(he explains about the stress of the day before)
Marv: I seem all happy-go-lucky but yesterday was rough.. I'm entitled to have a bad day now and then like anyone
Diane: Who was there when I had my days of leprosy when I was in the cold concrete room?
Marv: Oh, you remember that?
Diane: You'd be surprised what I remember

Fight! Sex! Fight! Sex!


We still have a long ways to go before this night is over, kids..

It's the first-ever HamsterWatch three-parter, whoa!   get to the sex already
Faith takes a holiday when it's time to talk really nasty about everyone else, or perform a raunchy incest-flavored lapdance with her sister, or pretend she & Nat are the same person for six weeks (I think that qualifies as a big fat lie, no? a whopper even.) But it's ok - they keep repeating the same convo over & over so it's getting easier to tune them out.

All he's got going for his Young & Restless bid is an earlier start than Marv - and now that the race is really on, he's barely even trying. Seemed pretty down tonight all around - c'mon Cowboy, step it up or give it up.

To Drew: "Yanno what I told God today? That you're the first person, the first guy, that I've ever not lied to." Hmm those twinly gods sure don't pay attention much. But anyone who starts to swear on their heart then pauses to ask "wait, which side is my heart on?" deserves a permanent upgrade. Just two of the many reasons she's the HamsterWatch star of the day! Damn skippy!

In a rare moment of clarity between kisses and fingerpaints he told Diane "My brain, my hormones, I can't think straight because of you!" About time the boy caught on. Just drink your milk Drew, and do what the nice lady says and you won't get hurt. Much.

Between Will's exit and nonstop game talk with anyone and everyone, she's lost a few more marbles (some of the fun ones.) She needs to get back to talking to cameras for our viewing pleasure.

He's working Diane like he's pulling taffy, and he knows that so long as she's the center of attention she'll never notice.. and laugh-out-loud funny while he's doing it! The best all-around hamster since peg-leg Eddie.

The hair, the tats, the piercings, the Garfield pillow.. our token weirdo is driving the powertrip train so hard she should get a downgrade, but she can stay neutral for putting up the Toxic Twins. One day only pass.

"Adria, thank you for revealing to me what I needed to know in this game this week." Yea, that goes for me too. At least one will be gone soon.

A great show Thursday, the tension and drama standing on their own with no assistance necessary (glad they are taking my advice.) Once again they chose to share most of my highlights (and not just the game-pivotal ones - hire me!) A major faux-pas from Julie, announcing Nik as HOH "for the second time in a row".. huh? Hmm, well she gets her info from, where Nik as been HOH for the last two weeks. Show highlight: watching all the hamsters do a mini-primp in the DR hallway mirror after voting. P.S. Why food comp tonight - what's planned for them tomorrow? And why o why go to fishies whenever the director tells them to lean this way or burp that way? We know you guys are in there with them, jeesh.

Not quite gay enough for the token gig. I'd like him in real life - but this isn't.

Hamster watching doesn't get better than this guy. Bath buddies forever!

The goon is gone - long live the goon :)

Unique, fun, annoying, ditzy, and oddly vulnerable. Bless her pointy lil head.

This year's Lisa, but without her luck.

xThe Don
Smart or not, he was first out: 'nuff said. Fold your arms and go home.

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