Big Brother 5 "Position the habitat of your hamster somewhere light and airy,
away from drafts, heaters, direct sunlight and other pets.
Never put it on or near a television, radio or hi-fi or a fridge."

hamstersthat dingo's
Hamster Watch

This site isn't about who should win, who will win, who I'd be friends with, or who is cute. It's about watching hamsters: which ones are doing what and why. Which are fun and which are dull. If they aren't entertaining, get rid of 'em!
More to come, bookmark & come back! .. that dingo

Daily feed recaps & opinion ratings navigation tool for this often-biased site
HamsterWatch Big Brother 8 here we go again
HamsterWatch Big Brother 7 Hamster all-stars in the house
HamsterWatch Big Brother 6 time to do it all over again
CBS Big Brother 5 the official site
Housecalls live web show with Marcellas, also archived shows
TV Updates feed updates, screencaps, and fun boards - easy to use and functional!
bb5fan's 30 second refresh screencaps if you don't have feeds (great at work!)
Hollyisms and Cowboyisms and Lisa-isms from me, that dingo person
Sir LinksALot Big Brother 5 all the links
Reality TV Links emphasis on individual hamsters' sites
Aldav has all of the edgier stuff & the best mini-recaps in town (alternate url)
Today's must-click special: Grin's BB5 Park: Day 29
Bonus must-click special: Jase modeling competition video from The Talent Agency

7/30/04 - Day 29       >> to the future     >> dwell in the past     >> latest

You know the hamsters own you when you stare at the fishies cuz you realize you can sorta see the nominations going on through them.

It soon becomes clear that Jase & Scott are up, surprise! Diane finally gets into HOH room and begins entertaining, starting with her "nothing personal" <koff> nominees, then she lounges with various houseguests.
Diane: I had to do what I had to do for veto competition reasons. I can't have you saving him (Jase). I want you to know you will not be leaving the house this Thursday. But don't tell Jase. Hey, why did you knock Holly out?
Scott: 'Cause I wanted Jase back as a friend.

She puts on the special HOH robe and cleans the special HOH fridge. Meanwhile bath buddies Scott & Cowboy are back in the suds.. more on that later.
Diane: In my day of depression, some of you put me there, and the rest of you didn't.. FUCK! I wanted to say that, and I didn't!
Diane: Not that I feel bad about (nominating Jase & Scott), I just need reassurance.

Pigs on Parade

Extra-special super bath buddy!



Up at 3am looking at the fishies and crying (we know how that feels!) Made a nice pig.

Still wants to run with the big dogs but getting tired. Made a nice pig.

Gloaty about being HOH and still obsessed with Holly. She'd write Diane Daniel (dotting the i's with hearts) all over her binder if she had a pen. Made a hot pink horizontal pig.

Gloaty about being in bed with both camps, he'll soon realize he's got another week of stress and heartbreak underway here. Made a nice pig.

Nominated and likely leaving which is too bad - he's the best bath buddy in town! Made a football pig.

Not going anywhere soon. Made a very stylish, very professional pig.

Might be leaving if veto is used. Still working everyone better than anyone. Made an Emmett Smith football pig.

Not going anywhere soon. Made an Eat Me pig.

Nominated. Funny as hell, and learning to accept his role as second banana. Made a psychotic pig.

Not going anywhere soon. Made a nice pig with blue eyeshadow.

C'mon CBS, show us your twist!

Unique, fun, annoying, ditzy, and oddly vulnerable. Bless her pointy lil head.

This year's Lisa, but without her luck.

xThe Don
Smart or not, he was first out: 'nuff said. Fold your arms and go home.

>> to the future     >> dwell in the past     >> latest

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