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Old 10-02-2016, 11:29 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 10/2/16

jason to morgan.. talking while he;s showering

Morgan it;s hard we are waiting for.. like when ever you see a goup of people..

jason yeah

Morgan did you have a good talk with monte

jason.. i told him that im a twist and to weaponize it..

morgan iw as expecting i thought you'd have a target on yoru back right away..

jason im a veteran they are coming for me anyway..

morgan im glad you came to talk to me i was like i know jason is not dumb

morgan i can see how you can help.. but everyone is like he's a vet.. but im going to bring that up to monte if i get a chance to talk to him and he is trying so hard.. that could be loyal to a fault..
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Old 10-02-2016, 11:32 am
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morgan yeah come and talk to me or alex and i think alex will be happy to talk to you..

Morgan he could be the secret genius (justin)
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Old 10-02-2016, 11:37 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 10/2/16

Monte working out

Justin talking to Monte..

motne we were locked inside for 3hrs yesterday and nothing..

Monte yeah it;s hot what was i thinking.. black pants and a long sleeve shirt.. .. like i shoulda worked out in my robe i might have to do that .
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Old 10-02-2016, 11:39 am
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be back later!

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Old 10-02-2016, 01:13 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 10/2/16

Neeley to shane.. if we do make an allaince like do do some dumb shit and fucking up the allaince

shane yeah i did dumb shit in my past.. but.. yeah i think we'll get closer.. it;s very hard.. i think me you and monte.. will start to see that im building loyalty and you guys will ahve confidence in me and not worry about me having a showmance with danielle..

neeley absolutely

neeley then im good..

shane yeah,,

neeley and we;'re safe for this week and always looking forward..

shane yeah.. there is always something happens
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:14 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 10/2/16

I'm glad i drank taht stuff.

neeley yeah taht put you way ahead of the drama

shane yeah

feeds flip to shelby whitney doing their hair make up
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:16 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 10/2/16

Alex scotrt danielle feeds 3/4

danielle how do you vote someone out..

scott on the regular season it;s like 15 days before you ahve to vote someone out. but this season it's 6

alex i want a competition like have not

danielle yeah please if im not nominated i want to play for the veto..

Alex im like i dont believe im here

danielle yeah i walk around and im like yeah i dont beleive im here..
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:18 pm
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Shelby if its me vs jason on the block im going to feel so bad but im going to have to do what i ahve to do

whitney yeah..

Shelby im hungry.. he said he made enough for everyone .. but i dont want that..

shelby yeah i want some healthy stuff like a salad and grilled chicken..
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:23 pm
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Shelby i dont want to hear her stories

whitney people go home for acting paranoid

Danielle in the bathroom game talk ends

Feeds 3/4 scott he's telling his story of his finace

alex i think opeoople are awalking away from those.. .. the vibe im getting is that me and you and i know cornbread is tight with monte.. and im thinking of going up in HOH

scott oh really? the only time i talked to him was for noms..

alex people think that im close to the girls.. and im not..

scott i thought that too,.. no offense..
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:28 pm
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Alex monte said that jason and shelby hate each other

scott what? i thought they loved each other? monte andf shane said that?

Alex oh wait.. mlnte when i went up to HOH

Alex and they said that jason tried to amke a F3 with them

scott a f3?

alex not a final 3 but he wants to work with them

scott im worried that im being snowed.. and i think that people might be just saying things to set up jason.. and i cant beleive that jason would talk shit aobut shelby.. and i can see that jason might not like me cuz he hated steve.. and i might remind ohim of steve.. but i thought we had the smokers things in commons..

alex.. wait.. not not shelby.. whitney,..

scott i can see that..

scott i love jason. and im worried if he is trying to get the superfans out.. if so he;s the next one in line.. and if he is the 1st to go no skin off my ass.

scott being the returning player.. he has not only his fan base he has other's fan base like da'vonne

alex i want to work with but it would be smart to get him out now.. sorry america

scott yeah.. dont be a back seat gamer.. they dont know what it's like in here
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:31 pm
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Scott me and you will get people out based on game play while shebly will get people out on emotional..

alex i think that if me and you work together we can go really far.l.

scott that's so funny cuz your name is the 1st names.. i dropped to monte.. and i wanted him to keep teh loudmouths last.. to see what they say.. but it surprised me that you weren't in that 1st group

Alex i feel me and you're good.. if he puts up shelby.. but i want danielle gone

scott yeah.. i would like that .. i want to nip taht in the bud.. i only know 2 things about her.. she;s a mom and plays flag football 3 days a week she doenst even look me in the eyes.. and if she wins HOH i would be a tiop target

scott and i feel taht everyone feels they are good with shane..

alex yeah.
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:34 pm
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Scott shane is here to fuck shit up.. he's here to play.. we were sitting not even 90 seconds.. and drank that..

alex it ws ballsy

scott yeah

alex yeah but a red flag too

scott yeah

alex im scared of danielle winning HOH next week

s cott fuck no..

alex i can see her going after teh girls.. and i can only handle so many movie quotes

scott yeah i dont feel worried now about kryssie..

scott i heard someone say they were doing the dishes to contribute tot eh group and neeley said some people dont do anything.. and i dont cook or anything..

alex i heard that..
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:38 pm
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Whitney morgan up in HOH to see where monte s head is out

motne im thinking if i put up danielle that is opne less vote for jason..

whitney yeah.. i can tell taht danielle is trying to get closer to him..

monte.. i think that you guys can comfort her if she goes up if she starts freaking out..

whitnye i think jason is going to be in her ear and be very manipulative where shane can keep her calm

monte i dont think she has that much power over me .. so im ot worried

whitney im going to put a ;pizza in..

Monte i think that danielle is the perfect pawn.. and i know you guys are close to shelby and worried aobut her.. so i wont put her up..

monte jason is a 2nd year player.. and if he wants it wouldnt be like this.. scott if giving me info that jason doenst know..

Motne there is us 3 core..

whitney yeah.. and we are branching out too..

monte yeah.. and i know cornbread snores so you are welcome to my couch

morgan yeah im on that couch yeah..

whitney leaves
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:40 pm
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Shelby is outside the HO door knocking

Monte before shelby enters.. i just wanted to check to make sure taht danielle doesn't get into shane's head..

shelby i can't take any more conversation downstairs..
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:42 pm
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Justin doing shout out Michelle nusha i wish you can sit on my face and i hope youa re pregnant when i come home!
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:45 pm
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Morgan leaves HOH

Shelby yo dont want to talk any game to me do you

monte no im vague with eveyrone.. it's hard being the 1st HOH..

Shelby i think you were hard to read before you became HOH..

Shelby scott's reading everyone.. he's good

monte yeah he;s good..
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Old 10-02-2016, 01:50 pm
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shelby she is here to promote her album.. and im here to play a game

monte she could be lying..

shelby that's a weird thing to lie about..

monte yeah i dont think she's lying.. like i think she is cool she;s a musician and she works out and i am a musician and i work out .. but yeah i heard she was a mess last night

shelby yeah she was like he wont work out with me..

monte i dont smoke.. she hangs out with teh smokers.. and i am active and i dont liek to be in the same place for a long time

shelby i ahve a short attention span.. i cant sit ther for 30 mins and listen.. im like where's monte he doesnt talk

monte yeah.. me too
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Old 10-02-2016, 02:13 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 10/2/16

Hg's finally got a tweezer. they are not sure if it will work well
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Old 10-02-2016, 02:18 pm
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jason up to HOH

monte pooping
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Old 10-02-2016, 02:24 pm
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Morgan blowing out Justin's hair..

Justin im going to look like jimmy hendrix

Justi yelling to kryssie to bring him pizza!
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Old 10-02-2016, 02:26 pm
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jason if you do take me out cuz you think im a big target whoever is on the list they are going to move up..

monte it's not personal.. and it's a stab in the dark.. and it's the 1st time im doing it..

jason this is my 2nd time doing it and i still dont know anything.. and like i said i would like you to use me.. and i would be a continual pawn.. and im always going to be a target..
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Old 10-02-2016, 02:36 pm
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Monte youa re making this better.. you are not sucking up and i like that

jason.. i was the 1st HOh and saw how many people were sucking up to me. and then next week i wasn't in power i saw where they were and it wasnt around me

monte even if you go up there will still be made respect on how you approached it.. and if you win veto and stick around i will remember how you handled it..

jason people are going to tell you what you want.. you are in power and you get to set yorrself up now cuz you dont know when you will be in power next

jason if you keep me safe i will give you the hand shake of all handshakes and i will keep you safe..

jason.. i went that route where i couldnt compete with the boys.. and now im not going to do that.. it's all about how everyone is going to use each other.. and you ahve showmances that are starting.. and they will be targets.. and they will target shane and danielle even before me if im here..
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Old 10-02-2016, 02:55 pm
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jason leaves HOH and CB heads right up to HOH to get filled in by monte..

CB if i get HOH it's going to be an open door

monte i was in the bathroom and i came out and he ws sitting ther it scared the crap out of me

CB you are making an historical move.

Monte.. if jason was a 1st year player.. i dont think he'd be up and i dont think his target would be me..
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Old 10-02-2016, 02:59 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 10/2/16

Shane Scott Justin getting made up in the bathroom by the girls
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Old 10-02-2016, 03:08 pm
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Monte will only let them pluck his eyebrows no make up

BB Cornbread to the DR

Selby yes! I hope he didnt wipe off his contouring
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Old 10-02-2016, 03:15 pm
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jason see's Scott says oh no we ain't going thru all that now..

Scott oh wow!
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Old 10-02-2016, 03:16 pm
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Justin gets scared by scott

neeley oh you are such a good sport.. im about to get one of my wigs for ya

Scott i cant wait for my DR
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Old 10-02-2016, 03:19 pm
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Scott joined the bathroom group

Monte is done with his eye brows being plucked..
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Old 10-02-2016, 03:21 pm
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jason is going to get his make up done with his own make up cuz of his acne

morgan you put it up

justin im sorry it was on my shoulders and it was driving me crazy..
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Old 10-02-2016, 03:28 pm
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jason's turn

whitney jason is so sneaky. i didnt see him go up thee

monte yeah thats why im glad im getting him out

shane joins them by the hammock
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