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Old 07-04-2017, 09:13 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 7/4/17

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Xmas complaining about her leg being swollen

paul talking to make elena about jess telling everything to cody

paul guess what guess who has the curse..

elena ramses? that's waht i was telling you

mark tells Dom that cody said he saw mark dom allaince

dom what?

elena when megan was here she said she new allainces and she said 2 and then dom/mark

dom that's funny someone else dame otme

elena theya re saying that a plane flew with a banner.. but we think that is false..

dom who said it jes did?

mark cody came to me and siad it

elena jess's story wasnt the same

dom so jessica im not the person you want to bother.. so just let her know.

elena thee is no trust there is nothing there.. im trying to not make waves for myself

paul in that is extremely bad for you.. last year we had 2 things a mega phone and a blow up doll.. you need to squash it and if that gets out

mark ther while house knows.

paul i don't know

paul you know who is it.. jillian and ramses are gathering information and they went and told cody jessica.,.
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