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Old 04-15-2016, 07:32 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Update Friday 4/15/16

Jared tim will you go with me to talk to the brothers?

Cass noms will happen right away

Kelsey it's not looking good.. maybe you can go in there and talk reasons to the

tim joel is good at this as well

jared they look up to you tim

kelsey i tried..

tim if one of you comes off the block

kelsey they will put up a pawn

kelsey they say we just keep talking about maddy/ramsey

tim they think that they can turn yo agasnt them

tim maddy /ramsey played a better game last week and filling them up

tim if i was you .. i would say it's not a big move

kelsey i said that

cass they arent going to listen to anyone.. it has to come from you guys

tim it will look dumb if they dont see maddy/ramsey as a big threat

jared can we go up as a group

kelsey no.. tim can yo go up thee now

tim i dont know if it's going to be changed.. i think that after pov we can try to backdoor maddy

tim i dont wnat thi to be used against me that fuck tim can change anything
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