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Old 09-02-2018, 06:46 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 9/2/18

What to know

Kaycee will not use the veto. Nominations will stay the same and they have intentions to evict Scottie come Thursday.

Haleigh is trying to show some loyalty to Angela, Kaycee and Tyler. She said that if she stays and wins HOH that she will not nominate them. Her tasrget is clearly Sam but she has not mentioned who will sit next to Sam as the pawn.

Tyler and Angela don't believe Haleigh 100% on this. She can easily beat Sam at the finale with 3 people already in jury that were part of her alliance. She'll have 4 votes once Scottie is there. Tyler/Angela feel that she needs to go next week. BUT they wont be upset if indeed she nominates Sam. They will vote her out.

JC feels like he's part of an alliance with Level 6 but truly he is only loyal to Tyler and trying to rope in Brett to help make moves against Angela/Kaycee. JC would like to seperate Tyler from Angela. Everyone is onto the all the alone time they are spending together.

Only way Angela gets evicted is if she is nominated with Kaycee or Tyler on the block.

Kaycee winning her 2nd clutch POV and being in good with others in the jury and house has a very good chance of winning this now over Tyler who is her Ride or die.

There is a jury voting plan to vote together to make sure that Tyler doesn't win if he's in the F2.They are voting as a bitter jury. That came to the house via Scottie who told Haleigh who told Brett then Kaycee.

IF Brett wants to win he needs to start sending people from Level 6 to Jury. According to how the jury went out and the goodbye messages. Brett sitting next to Angela gives him a win in the F2.

Today will be a down day for the HG's. Several are still hurting from the HOH.

Possible New Have nots will be announced/selected
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