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Old 07-21-2018, 09:31 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/18

Tyler up in HOH with Sam

tyler he's going to use it

Sam who is he taking down

tyler i think haleigh.. who's going up

Sam; im not going to tell anyone.. who would you put up?

tyler: RS

Sam what would be the equivalent to kaitlyn but more likely to stay?

Sam I want kaitlyn to leave. so it;'s not RS

tyler: then haleigh would hbe best for that.. who are you thinking.. you dont ahve to tell me.i can tell you what i think. i think RS

Sam; why cuz it's the easy thing to do?

tyler: yeah.. less blood ojn yuoru hands. I dont know if he is using it on hal or kaitlyn

Sam: if he does then i 'll spit it out on teh fly

tyler: he might tell you though

sam: i didn't tell him too

tyler: i dont want you to be stressed

Sam: im not stressed

tyler: if kaitlyn haleigh or Rs went i wouldn't care.

Sam: ok who's the next that you would want.. like if you won hoh next week who would you put up RS and ?

Sam: who wins HOH next week haass it easy cuz RS will go

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