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Old 07-21-2018, 07:52 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 7/21/18

bay; i was trying to do the numberrs. there wwere 3 crap apps

fessy: yeah

bay: but if im not here i cant use it..and i cant wait around for swaggy to come back..

bay: who else got the apps. if you rachel haligh got crap apps.

bay: it has to be something that is beneficial to our game. i dont want it to be a random person

fessy; so someone has to be a sacrifice.. and that will get us one week further

bay:" that's what im telling you it's teh long game. but if you get confirmation that she is not putting me up then do what you want.. she's not stupid. she said she didnt want to pick fessy and she said she didnt want to be embarrassed and iether do you. I jsut want to know waht you need from me. do you want me to talk to sam?

Fessy: did kaitlyn get the last question right?

bay: yeah.. but it woulda been a tie..

Fessy: i had a perfect score though she got one wrong. she had 6 you had 7

bay: she said i dont know why he didnt let me have that . i was right behind him. she said she was really close and i think that's what she meant that what she said she would throw it to you when it was you

fessy; it makes more sense for her to throw it to me

bay: she says a lot of things. i dont think you should take them all seriously.. and for me and a lot of people. i dont know what you see in her. she's left you in the dark and lied to you so i dont know why this is such a big deal to you
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