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Old 04-12-2016, 07:14 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 4/12/16

9:56am raul pitches to joel

Raul im on the block i dont ahv ea choice.. the thing is i want you to know wher you stand with me and jared and kelsey.. so doi you think you are going to keep me or am i going to go

joel i think yo are a strong competitor in the game and i think that we can work togetehr

raul right now im an outcast.. i ahve nobody.. i get to you ramsey maddy and the bro's and we create a group..

raul and i know that kelsey has cass and tim and jared..

raul if i leave thee are 3 people jumping from fence to fence.. this is my offer for us to stay together to stay as a group. instead of me leaving they will take out people that are winning.. and if you keep me i can be in front of that group.. i can not do " take care of my friends in the group" i want to make a group that we are comfortable with.. dont say anything to anyone.. i dont know what i can give to you guys

raul jared and kelsey will always put each other 1st.. anbd i can not have a showmance and i need to get them out.. and now this is my chance to get my freedom.. do you see that?

joel yeah that is something to keep in the back of their head

Raul why dont we try that then.. right?

Joel that makes sense i see what you're saying..

raul i dont want you to go outside and tell what we have.. and then we come together and talk ok..

ok? okAY?

raul leaves
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