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Old 04-19-2016, 05:10 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2014
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Default Live Feed Updates Tuesday 4/19/16

Raul evicted 6-1

Canada voted in Wild-Card HOH

Nikki and Phil/Nick were the top vote receiver

Phil and Nick won HOH Wild-Card BB Roulette

Thursday's HOH will be a "Family Affair"

HG's Task The Great Canadian Quiz : Team Tim and Nikki Canadian History get 8 questions correct and win a "Very Canadian" party

Tim got 5 right and Nikki got 3 correct Hg's won a Poutine and Beer party

Have Not Comp Stay in charge Team blue Jared Nikki Ramsey Maddy vs Cassandra Kelsey Joel Tim

Blue team won and saved Joel from being a have not for the week

Jared also won a NEVER NOT pass for staying up the longest in the Have Not Comp

Tim Cassandra and Kelsey are Have Nots

Nick and Phil nominated Maddy and Ramsey to be on the block

POV players Phil/Nick Ramsey maddy Tim Kelsey Nikki , Jared hosted

Ramsey won POV

*Ramsey left the house Sunday morning due to sudden emergency with his father's illness and has chosen to NOT return to the Big Brother House*

No Further details on how things will play out regarding VETO and Thursdays Eviction

Ramsey used the Veto on himself

Nick/Phil named Tim as the replacement nominee

Maddy and tim are on the block and up for eviction

Phil/Nick had a "stage a fake fight" task - Completed

HG's received a visit from Elias Theodorou aka "The Spartan"
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