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Old 07-25-2019, 07:57 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Thursday Eviction Day-Endurance HOH Comp 7/25/19

What to know

Bell and Nick have been hard core campaigning for people to see that they might not get a chance to get Jack out again. Using as well that Bella will always be a target for the "other side" Nicole and Sam are 100% on board however Jessica is not nor is Kathryn.

Kathryn will not keep Bella unless she throws a hinky vote and tries to pin it on Nicole/Holly/Jackson. The reason for this is because 1) Jackson and Holly listened to Bella's pitch to stay and made her feel like they were open to the idea of keeping her and evicting Jack. 2) Jackson has already thrown a hinky vote that everyone knows about and he would be the likely person to try and cause a tie and force Cliff to break the tie making Cliff extra bloody and a target if he evicted Jack. Holly will do whatever Jackson will do for now even though she has a secret alliance with Kat that is better kept than Christie and Tommy knowing each other.

Jackson would love to make Cliff a target going into the new week since he can't play for HOH and odds of Cliff winning another veto are slim. Jackson also believes that Christie will use her Whacktivity power DPOV if he wants to BD Cliff if he wins/plays in veto.

Sam confronted Tommy about lying to him and tommy stumbled on his words trying to explain why Sam was never part of the 5 alliance and on the bottom of the 8 alliance and how he lied about gr8ful. This is terrible for Sam because he made himself a way bigger target than he needed to make for himself. Several were already saying his name along with Tommy. Socially wise Sam is up there with Tommy's social game. The only thing is that Sam already won 2 veto's and a trip to Fiji so Sam has a better resume which always equals TARGET.

Nick, regardless if Bella goes or not is going hard for the HOH and wants to put uip Christie and most likely will put up Jack this way at least one of them will go home.

Nicole, Kathryn, Tommy, Analyse are all high contenders if the HOH Endurance Comp is the wall comp. Christie does not need to win it but look for her to hang in there if Nick is still in the competition.
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