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Old 07-19-2019, 03:17 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 7/19/19

Christie:I feel he likes tommy.

Sam: yeah

Christie: he's smart to not target nick/bella

Sam: I told him that he can make it where he is not the minorioty anymore

christie: what am i going to do make it 2 weeks and then go home. no way. that sucks! im going to use my power!

Sam;' I get it

Sam If i told you stuff would you get mad?

Chrsitie: it depends

Sam Are you in allanince with them.. ? and is there a name for it/ Jack slipped up about it in the SR and then nick/bella were in it..

Christie: yeah me tommy jack sis holly jackson. jack said he slipped up week 2. so i assumed you just knew. of course i already knw that

Sam OH!

Christie: Im sure to know everything.

Sam" I didnt want to be at the bottom of that

Christie that's why i love you. i am at the botom of those 6.

Sam I feel very clean i never backdoored anyone but ive pulled stuff for me and i never burned anyone and creating havoc. I'd like to make jury.. . if we can at least get out jack

Christie: he's all about his head.. I was like stop making this about you. you didnt let your team down me and tommy were up thee too. like this isnt the jack show and to get me back he went and told Nicole about my power

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