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Old 07-19-2019, 02:56 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Friday 7/19/19

Sam tells Cliff the name of the 8 called Gr8ful.

Cliff I knew about the group never of the name. I know we are not part of it. I saw the crack yesterday

Sam: Huge crack.

Cliff: I'll let everyone else go after nick/Bella . I cant be afraid to get blood on my hands. cuz otherwise i'll lose. Michele wants to taLK to me. so i'll see what he says.. if everyone out of the house i trust you more

Sam: I never screwed you and you me. and i would never blow out your game and i think you'd never blow out mine.. cuz of the dad thing.

Cliff: when i talked to CC people they all said they wanted you to win if it wasn't me.

Sam: worse case is they come off Christie and tommy would become the targets.. if we become the majority

Cliff: bella and Nick will become the targets again

Sam: I have to put my annoyance of jessica in my back pocket
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