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Old 07-16-2019, 07:18 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 7/16/19

What to know

Hours before the veto meeting Christie somehow got it in her head that she might be the renom. She began to panic and was apparently waivering about using her DPOV on herself. The thing was she didn't actually know all the RULES that went along with her DPOV. Her Panic Whacktivity DPOV is not the same as the DPOV that we have had in the past. What she read in the DR and what she " manifested it to be were 2 totally separate things!

Christie's DPOV states she can use the power on anyone on the block at the veto meeting BUT the VETO HOLDER is the one that gets to select who is the renom. She kept saying SHE was able to put someone up. and thus she began to spiral out of control and in full BB classic Vanessa Rousso classic style!

After the veto meeting Christie thought it was a great idea to tell Nick/Bella that she had the power. And she made it as if she was still working with them. but she had the wrong information on how it was to be used. So back into the DR she went to get clarification. Upon getting clarification she had to tell Tommy and Jack she flubbed and told Nick/Bell and why and what her power really is. Bella told Sam that Christie has the power but not till Sam and Kemi had a talk and Sam said that Kemi told him that Jessica had the power and this somehow got Sam caught up in some drama.

Christie cleared up how the power works with Bella/Nick and they in turn divulged that Sam knows about gr8ful cuz Nick told them however Jack told Sam about gr8fulby accident in the SR day ago. Either way Sam knows about gr8ful anad Christie now knows that Nick feels like he told him. something that she can use down the line to nominate him on the block if she was smart and stops spiraling.

Bella disclosed of her sexual assault to Christie and then how she felt that Nick might be making her look stupid because he's all over Analyse.

Jack decided that it was his place to tell Kemi putting her drink bottle in the fridge is inconsiderate because there is no room for everything else and for proper ice cubes to be made : shrug:

I'm not sure who he thinks he is but between jackson being the food police and then eating everything and Jack telling everyone they can't talk game to the Camp Comeback people this season has a lot of self imposed rules that just cause drama and uncomfortableness for no reason.

tommy had to tell Christie in front of Jack that she is spiraling and she needs to bring it down. Christie has been using an excuse of PMS'n as to why she is acting and doing what she is doing.

Cliff still thinks that Nicole is the target and Nicole is making like being nominated doesnt affect her. and that right there is rubbing several of the HG's the wrong way.

It's clear that no matter what Nicole or Kemi do in that house the majority of the house doesn't like it and jump to ridiculous conclusions.

Christie telling Nick/Bella about her power in a way keeps her safe in case Bella wins HOH.

Nick/Bella feel safe is Christie wins HOH or Sam wins HOH but not if anyone else wins HOH.

It's only Tuesday but talk of winning HOH and who each person wants up should fill the day
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