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Old 07-25-2016, 06:10 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Monday 7/25/16

5:48 PAUL PICKS A TICKET and says can i say one of these tickets.. he's asking production for help on what he;'s allowed to say to the HG's feeds cut

paul crawls thru the tunnel and presses a button to get out

the sign" Dont forget to close the door"

davonne congrats baby..

5:52pm paul come down to the living room i will explain.. the reason we couldnt find paris is cuz it was hidden and ther were a bunch of envelopes laid out and i could only pick one and inside could be a round trip ticket somewhere and the only way i can find out is if i get out of the house .. if i open it it will be canceled void

frank what was the code to et in there

paul i found teh numbers and added them all together..

frank the departing times

paul yeah

natalie i knew the final place was paris

paul i i looked at the signs.. and the plane had 211 on it and it pointed to paris and it said find secret destination now and it said final destination paris.. and everyone was around me and i was like fuck it

natalie what number did you put in 1st>?

paul i cant tell you

paul dont open this or else i'll get boned..

davonne you said there were other cards

paul it said i can only pick one.,. sorry guys.. thanks for waking me up Zakiyah..
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