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Old 04-14-2018, 07:05 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 4/14/18

Johnny i think that efverything that yu ahve said about daela it's a rouze and that's ine good game play but we're at a point right now at what's next..

Ali there is so much to consider.. look he jsut won hoh and pov.. and she won hoh before. what if she wins HOH next.. that's always been something that im aware of.. adn there is no way that i am close to maddy.. and if she is close with them

liv does she talk to anyone

johnny she's done with me. she talks to them now..

ali why

johnny she's done playing with me.. that i've known what she's been doing.. and that trying to get will/paras.. why wouldnt you go to F4 with them.

ali there is a nagging voice; dont be stupid

johnny is that the case or

ali it is

johnny if that is the case then why arent you guys stronger on keeping me

ali the other side is making us feel like yeah team .. remainder of the six.. and anti daeal..

johnny that's not the case

ali and ryan is floating along.. i'll give you my next child.. maybe we're the ones that arent seeing anything

kaela in talk stops
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