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Old 01-25-2019, 02:37 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Friday Eviction Day 1/26/19

Jonathan breaks up the powwow in the lounge

nat leaves and ricky leaves

jonathan why is everyone so mad? did i do something

Lolo No. i guess people are just having a bad day and if im having a bad day they have to put up with me. so i guess we have to put up with them.

feeds flip 1/2 tamar and ricky in bedroom

tamar Dont yell at me!

ricky; there is energy.

tamar: what are you talking about

ricky come down to my level. i didnt know that there was history and i asked you a question

tamar when you ask me a question yu need to take it down to 2.

Ricky what are you talking about. you need to help me get trust with you but i need time

tamar you asked me a question and i feel on the attack

ricky hold u attack? what are yo saying attack

tamar starts clapping at ricky

tamar: I let you talk DONT DO THIS TO ME!

ricky im sorry this is my process. i am trying to work on myself. i deeply apologize for coming atr you like that i can get better and i will

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