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Old 07-31-2017, 07:09 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates 7/31/17

6:52pm feeds 3/4 Josh and then paul wwere called to the DR and spoken too about their actions towards jess and cody and got rules on what they have been doing

BB Xmas to the Dr

jess i need to leave before you

Cody when you leave i leave. i dont need any of this i dont need the money

paul we are allowed to keep doing the the funny shit but we cant do the personal shit.. we can do the pots and pans.. early in the morning and the coffee shit.. but getting them to quit will fuck up our game but we can get her to not use the hex to send him home..

josh they told me to stop

paul; whatever they told you they told you . no empathy..

paul we made our point clear to them and if we do it all in one then.. we keep fucking with them

kevin you ahve to tell josh to stop talking to them he just babbles on

paul josh raven go get the pans off their bed

elena who did that

paul i dont know but it;s funny as fuck

paul we dont want to provoke a fight and we dont want it to escalate to a fight.. we are not giving him what he wants we want to mentally fuck them

josh we can keepo calling them meatballs or disgusting

paul oh no you can and fishies
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