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Old 04-27-2016, 02:19 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 4/27/16

Jred i was forced to be nice to this girl the whole time

kelsey it's not something i didnt know i made that meme of her cuz i knew ho cass was/is and im not judging her for it im just reacting when people do shit like that

tim if she is making a game move in her eye its not personal and you are reacting

tim it's not personal for her

jared it should be

tim that's what psychopath is y8ou remove the emotion form it

kelsey she does get personal.. she gets upset with jared.

Cass in

tim we're discussing it how it's not personal

cass it;'s a game move

tim if you want to change her mind about it you dont make it personal and you offer something that can help her in the ame

jared cass you know it was personal.

cass no.. there was only so many people i could put up on teh block

kelsey that's fine

jared left

tim can you ask BB for fake blood for the eviction ceremony

cass cuz of blood on my hands

tim no all over yo that you're bathing in it

kelsey is horrified.
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