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Old 04-23-2017, 08:13 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 4/23/17

Bruno and karen talking bout the pov comp

I woulda jumped did you see that ika jumped

Bruno they were cute

Bruno that sat right here

kaen taht kevin martin had his cleaning his on himself.. and that's not good there was too much going on..

karen you're was a real baby

karen the one in Dre's was looking for a way out he had the drain thing pulling it..

karen i woulda picked up the albino rabbit. the red eyes dont bother me a lot

bruno those rats musta came out almost at the end

karen yeah 10 mins.. when they went to dump the rats.. that's when ika freaked out so i figured she had 120 mins left.. and will tapped out early..

karen dillon distracts me so much i didnt count.. and we had starberries and champagne and i wasnt going to count..

bruyno the laughing and music was distracting

karen yeah hearing yoru kids laugh.. that i had tears in my eyes.. even inmates get phone calls home.. it's not comforting in here these people are not comforting they are mean.. i laughed with gary but i didnt have fun.. it's more embarrassing annoying aggravating.. but maybe if you ahve friends in here .

bruno we have friends in here

karen these are not the friends i have outside of here there are people what can i do for you today.. i dont need those type of people..
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