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Old 07-31-2017, 12:44 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates 7/31/17

Cody it's internally ripping him apart

jess at first i thought he would like some showmance ship but he doesn't like it. he cant handle it.. and i betcha jason saying what he said.. was that paul gave it to me..

cody he's no more of a cowboy than jason is

jess im going to tell paul that im not a moron and that i didnt appreciate what he said. like saying a compliment but dont stalk shit about my B/F in the same sentence i didnt appreciate it

Cody now every time i dont give a speech it bothers him and he tries to get a last word

jess and i like how they say you dont want to participate .. that's not the case doors close in your face

cody i didnt understand that.. i thought i participated more than anyone in the competition

jess like participate social like in peoples jokes and stuff

cody oh..

jess yeah
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