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Old 03-28-2017, 01:17 pm
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 3/28/17

Karen is retelling her talk to kevin earlier where she told him that he's not honest and genuine with her..

karen my husband would be like you are blowing up your game but i am .. im aggravattd and i dont want them to know that im some dumb woman wioth the wool pulled over my eyes.. and then cass jumped in and said the same thing that he wasnt genuine and he said he wanted to try adn work with her but he didnt..

Ned ai dont know what it is with him he just sits ther and takes in information but doesnt say anything

karen i think he;'s a bad floater.. my rule is pick a side and stick with it.. but he's a bad strategic floater.. i didnt call him that to his face but i called him a lot of things.. then he said he wanted to try and work with me and i said no that he is disloyal and flip flop

neda as a newbie you can kinda play the game that way.. but

karen no.. you cant.. i dont know if he is playing a better game jsut

neda the same with out a showmance..

karen he's trying to go low where last time he was going high

karen did Cass tell you about teh wize guys?

Neda yeah but i kinda knew of it early on
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