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Old 08-14-2016, 12:22 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Sunday 8/14/16

Vic it comes down to you saying that you didnt know and then yous adi that you did knbow but that yo got stonged armed into it..

paulie paul knew..

vic.. well he said he didnt

paulie well since you came back you know how things were.. and it's still could be the boys

vic i twas the boys till someone has extended alliances.. and i get it it;'s a game..

paulie we were saying taht the boys in the F5.. but im not going to turn somehting down.. i get it we are talking as homies.. and you said the opportunity.. and im going home.. so at the end of the day why not do it

vic i took the hardest road

paulie it was a crap shoot veto.. and if ther was a chance for us to fight we would.. but plese dont keep me up there with him.. why not take the easiest road..

vic it's an esy road

paulie no one is voting for natalie to go.. whats teh diffence between 3-2 and 4-1

vic a chance

paulie who's going to flip?

vic i dont know im not taking the chance

paulie im chaecked out

vic i was still in it and i was evicted 9-1

vic.. i earned my way back here.. you jsut have to open an envelop.. you dont have to play to come back in and htat yo want to have fun..

vic and im not trying to be rude but dont keep asking me..

paulie im just asking

vic.. i know.. it's hard for em to beleive that if i was on the block that ther would be someone that could vote in my favor taht yo wold take him down..

paulie i get it.. im checked out.. im not going to jruy.. but im trying to play the game to pay off my parents bills and my aunt who is dying of cancer

vic.. if you didnt take the veto i would ahve had the vacation and 5 grand.. and now you want me to use it on you.. corey couldna came downa nd then i woulda put up a replacement but im done.. it's my game.. it doenst make sense to take corey down and put up michelle or natalie

paulie i dont want michelle up..

vic.. im not putting up natalie it's not happening.. i want to make sure that nicole isnt voting for you to stay..

paulie i get it

vic and stop taking away my win .. saying it was a crap shoot.. it was a win.

paulie i get it.. im talking about BB lingo.. it's not taking away from the skill you needed

paulie im going home aint no body flipping

Vic you lied aobut not knowing.. and then you said you did know..

paulie i didnt know from the get go..

vic last week wasn't teh get go.. that was 5 weeks ago..
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