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Old 08-13-2016, 10:07 am
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 8/13/16

paulie i was trying to do something with my alliance right here that the detonators did

michelle detonators my ass. hyo will never be like your brother..

paulie i never said i wanted to..

Paulie if i could ahve gotten all of you down to the F5 then i accomplished my goal

james it seems like you were all covered

paulie paul im waiting for you to admit it.. you were in that room

paul we jsut went thru a double eviction

paulie i was emotional and i thought i was loyal and i was betrayed

michelle if you say loyalty one more time im going to shoot myself in the head

paul dont put me in the spotlight but if yo keep prodding me i will. i respect you enough but do not toss my name out again

paulie in here in a loyalty perspective.. i want to ahve it here.. there is 5 of us.. i even said it to victor..

james if it;'s squashed then it's squashed and then go to michelle and say james this.. that.. it's starting things up

paulie yeah.. well i

michelle and you said yeah yo wanted to work together..

paulie yeah i said that.. like i tossed that out there.. but youa re a liar and manipulator.. you can make things up saame thing with teh fake boyfriend.. and even things said in jest you take it and spin it.. and you showed that you are good at it

michelle or that each person in this house haas something that supports my hypothesis..

paulie each person i worked with had information i could work off of

michelle that's a load of shit
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