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Old 07-30-2019, 07:22 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 7/30/19

What to know

Sam knows that his time is up in the BB House. Cliff and Nicole both have agreed to vote with the house and have told him. He only has Nick's vote.

Sam's bitter and has plans on blowing up Christie's game on the way out the door. He's been good so far at holding it together but he's slowing steaming and soon to boil over. He's nice and gets along with everyone but between not liking Jess and being a have not with Jess and now Christie, I'm sure he's going to burst soon. Lets hope the feeds stay on when he does!

Nick is trying to gain trust back with the 6 shooters but they aren't falling for his talks, charms or anything else. Even though he did lousey in the last HOH comp that doesnt mean there won't be a comp where he will win and then put up both Jack and Jackson. He wants to take out a big target and making Christie use her power and booting a huge physical player in the game helps his resume but also his game! As long as Christie, Jack or Jackson don't win POV this plan is solid!

Analyse and Kat are slowly starting to pick apart each other's game and personality to other HG's. Analyse lets every single little thing bother her in the game that is NOT GAME! She voices it over and over again. right now even though she wants to win a comp she really doesn't have to.

Kathryn is a bit more mature about her disdain for Analyse and I believe that is only because she has her sights on Jackson as her main target. and she very well might backdoor him.

Jackson has heard that Christie was saying he had to go due to the way he spoke to others and especially women in the house. Even though Jackson had made them breakfast in bed that still doesnt wipe the slate clean for him. And this could be detrimental to christie's game if she doesn't win HOH and Jackson does win.

Christie's DPOV is only good 1 more week*

Nicole is laying low a long with Cliff knowing that the 6 are cracking. But if either win HOH I see 2 of 6 shooters going on the block as well. or maybe Nick and a 6 shooter forcing Nick to pull off another POV win.

* Tommy and Christie's Poison Ivy Punishment should end some time today or tonight.*
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