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Old 07-23-2019, 03:52 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live feed Updates Tuesday 7/23/19

Christie: he's been so bad about the slop. he expects people to cook for him and then he eats it all.

Kat: Im scared on how he is trying to make me look and the only way i think i could make myself look better is if i was the one who backdoored him

Christie: Im going to tell you that he has not said anything about you in a bad manor and 2nd holly looks more pathetic becuase she is willing standing by a guy who talks shit and treats people badly

Christie: If it was a comp and the girls were there. i would throw it to any of the girls except holly. i would love it to get jackson out

Christie: I will not repeat anything you have said to me to anyone. i never said that it was you who told me about bella saying my name.. I swear on my sister.

kat; Im like why does he think that he's that much better than me to trash me.. he said he wanted us to go forward. like the best alliances are unseen..

Christie: so he wants to use you

kat yeah. and when David was here i was hanging out with david and he was giving me such shit
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