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Old 07-09-2019, 07:52 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Tuesday 7/9/19

6:45pm BBT Bella tells Sam about gr8ful

Sam actually I dont have a bad deal.

bella: I think i ahve a good deal too. we talk to them

sam: we;re nicer people. that's why i go out of my way to talk to jess

bella: that;s why they want to save me they wnt to get out nick

Sam; thee might be a huge HOH and lines are crossed.

Bella: i thihnk i can win HOh and keep jes and kat as noms

Sam:: Im not herre to do jack and michie';s dirty work Im here to plkay my own game

Bella I need me sis or holly to win,. I dont want nick to win

Sam: I talked to christie before she wasnt saying that she wanted jack gone.. i think she could have laid out the plan. i think she got too excited and told tommy and then told everyone

bella: im going to tell you something and you are going to be upset. There are an 8 and you are a 9th.. and you know it's everyone upstairs.. me and nick are trying to figure out how to get out

sam: well how did

Bella: well we need to figure out a 6..

Ovi in to break up the talk
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