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Old 07-11-2018, 02:30 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Wednesday 7/11/18

kait: im not going to say anhyting but.. what the fuck

hal; im not going to say anhything till last minute. but i wanted to do it on my own terms.

kait: why would tyler say that .

haL tyler said if swaggy gets the numbers to stay.. that you would break it to stay'

kaitlyn: i dont want to break a tie. i dont know where he is getting that from. all i said was that i was set on sending him home and now im not set.. but yeah he's playing on my heart strings

hal; it's super annoying cuz he keeps saying that he's a super fan and we are all super fans.. he has sworn that you werent his target.. he said taht he wants to get hoh and hear what people are saying.. then other thing you ahve to think about. what is winston going to bring as a an asset. winston is still a target and so is swaggy.. and you are in full control

kaitlyn: no im not cuz tyler doesnt nat to keep swaggy.. but we are so far deep into this.. if i dont do this.. that's brett kaycee JC

hal kaycee has said she wnated to keep him

kait: no she told me she wants him gone

kait: that's a bunch of people that are coming for me.. and if i get him out then i made deals with them to keepo you guys safe.. there's a lot to gain..
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