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Old 04-13-2018, 06:31 am
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Thursday Eviction Day 4/12/18

2:07 Johnny tells paras and johnny in the white room

johnny im a lying piece of shit.. and i feel awful and im dying inside..

Johnny sorry ryan i couldnt sleep.. and i thought i waws loosing erica adnthen will and it was a nightmare and i want it to be over.. i alreayd talked to will.. and i see yor face.. i hope you understand

ryan i said outside it was easier for me to say it ws me than over all that shit run around

johnny im embarrassed and it was one of those things that i kept digging

paras it's done. you idnt keep going with it or try to say it was someone else.. and im proud of you for doing that

johnny i feel like a kid crying in a corner

Will you came forward

johnny Erica staying was more appealing for me at that moment.

Will you coming forward means more to me.. and it's a game. no hard feelings.. sometimes your emotions take part of things..

paras yeah i ahve a lot of respect for you to come anad say it.. instead of going on and on

Johnny did yo guys beleive me? (he meant the lie not the moment he came clean)

Johnny goes to the red room 2:11am BBT

Johnny i did vote to evict will i feel like a piece fo shit.. i am lying.. and i cant keep it up

Liv good for you

Johnny it was one of those panic things

Ali the house already knew.. i knew you'd come to teerms with it..
Johnny wWill was the 1st person that i said no to and then i ahd to sell it and i sucked at it

ali we know that it was tough for all of us.. it came down to yo knew that erica was good for you game Will was better for my game

johnny im cringy.. and im embarrassed

Will no hard feelings.. if i went home it would be different

Liv no one got to talk..

Will now you dont hav eto drag that out..

Johnny fuck man.. it feels like such a mistake.. and each person asks me im like please dont ask me again.. and then it was obvious that i was lying to you

Ali that was my speech outside

liv yeah mine too

Johnny thanks guys.. Hugs from Ali and Liv and then maddy

Ali no more crying.

Johnny yeah i can sleep now

End of backpost 2;15 am
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