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Old 04-16-2016, 08:39 pm
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UgotBronx UgotBronx is offline
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Default Re: Live Feed Updates Saturday 4/16/16

Ramsey and people are saying that the brothers need to grow some balls

phil who is saying this

ramsey this is a conversation taht we had

phil what the fuck who is saying these things

maddy they say it in a room with everyone.

phil what bothers me is who knows who they really wanted up

Rasmey your week is not over .. it's just begun.. i will take myself off the block

maddy what you need to think about.. you guys think im the strongest player.. correct

phil one of teh strongest..

maddy if you are going to say to me.. ok i get it.. and please look at the other strong competitor.. use your logic again

phil no matter what anyone says this was a game move

Ramsey if you are playing for game moves then make a game move

maddy then the 2 strongest competitors duke it out and the house will decide

Phil we cant shy away from other big option
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